понедельник, 30 сентября 2013 г.

Новости Шоу-Бизнеса от NewsProject.Ru

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Боуи переиздаст свой последний альбом с новыми песнями
2013-09-30 17:46
,Новости Шоу-бизнеса,Шоу-бизнесАльбом Дэвида Боуи «The Next Day» будет перевыпущен в тредисковом формате. Сообщение об этом появилось на официальном сайте исполнителя.Новая версия альбома будет носить название «The Next Day Extra».

Ани Лорак оккупировала российские чарты iTunes
2013-09-30 17:46
Дания,Новости Шоу-бизнеса,Шоу-бизнесАни Лорак заняла лидерские позиции в российском чарте iTunes. Согласно данным о продажах в период с 23 по 30 сентября, поступившим в распоряжение «Ленты.

Аквамир - живой сувенир
Маленький запаянный шарик с живыми креветками. Живет до 10 лет.
Грузоперевозки в Москве
Грузоперевозки, переезд в Москве. Доставка, перевозка. Москва.

Распродажа кредитов для бизнеса!
Кредиты на пополнение оборотных средств под низкие проценты. Срок кредита до 36 месяцев, льготные условия. Акция действительна до 30 апреля. Успей добавить бизнесу обороты!

Акция по ипотеке «Освежающие ставки!»
Банк Петрокоммерц снизил ставки по ипотеке на 2% годовых. Выгодные условия и оперативное рассмотрение заявки. Оформите заявку Онлайн до 31 августа 2013 года!

Внимание! Некоторые из следующих ссылок позволяют войти в кабинет подписчика без знания пароля. Не передавайте никому это письмо во избежание несанкционированного доступа к Вашему личному кабинету на проекте Рассылки@Mail.Ru.
* Внимание!!! Ссылки отмеченные звездочками являются платными услугами.

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Последние поступления на сервер Dvorec.Ru за сутки 1.10.2013 3:0

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Новостная лента сервера досуга и развлечений
Последние поступления на сервер за сутки

30.09.2013 03:00

Зарегистрирован новый посетитель: Tigelius

Коллектив сервера приветствует его в своих рядах.
Надеемся, что он найдет на страничках сервера много интересной информации, общение, приобретет новых друзей и знакомых.

На страничку посетителя Tigelius

30.09.2013 04:02

Игра: Герои неба: Вторая Мировая

Представляем вам игру «Герои неба: Вторая Мировая», которая перенесет вас во времена Второй Мировой войны. Управляя истребителем, вам предстоит выполнить по истине огромный набор миссий, таких, как охрана воздушного пространства, сопровождение транспортных самолетов и бомбардировщиков, нападение на базы и конвои противника и, конечно, непрекращающиеся воздушные бои...
Подробнее об игре

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30.09.2013 04:02

Игра: Дивный сад

Главному герою игры, то есть вам, достался в наследство большой особняк с роскошным садом. А так как вы давно мечтали поселиться где-нибудь на природе, вы очень быстро упаковали чемоданы и отправились обживать новый дом. По приезду вас встретил дворецкий бывшего хозяина Остин. И вот вы подходите к воротам особняка, открываете их… и понимаете, сто дивный сад на самом деле находится в ужасном состоянии. И только вы сможете восстановить былую красоту этого райского уголка...
Подробнее об игре

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30.09.2013 04:02

Игра: Дрожь. Призрачный попутчик

Одним мрачным, дождливым днем главный герой подвозит девушку до маленького полузабытого городка. Отъехав буквально на пару километров, на заднем сидении он обнаруживает забытого ею плюшевого мишку, в котором узнает игрушку из своего детства! Молодой человек возвращается к месту, где он оставил девушку, но та уже исчезла. Вам предстоит выяснить, кто же эта таинственная попутчица, погрузившись в мистическую атмосферу этого жуткого места...
Подробнее об игре

Скачать игру | Другие игры

30.09.2013 04:02

Фото приколы, курьезы -> Компьютерные

Прикольные и курьезные фотографии не оставят равнодушными ни кого. Пикантные ситуации, курьезные моменты, смешные кадры от простых посетителей и профессионалов. Огромное количество фотоприколов.


Смотреть фотогалерею

30.09.2013 04:02

Фото приколы, курьезы -> Автомобильные

Прикольные и курьезные фотографии не оставят равнодушными ни кого. Пикантные ситуации, курьезные моменты, смешные кадры от простых посетителей и профессионалов. Огромное количество фотоприколов.


Смотреть фотогалерею

30.09.2013 04:02

Что мы ищем в мире социальных сетей?

Знаю, что буду далеко не первой, кто затронет эту тему, но почему-то об этом хочется еще раз сказать: вы заметили, что все живут теперь не на земле, а онлайн? Я сейчас вовсе не говорю обо всех одновременно, но к сожалению, это и есть та ложка в бочку прекрасного социальносетевого меда. К слову, количество людей, зарегистрированных в этих самых social networks, сейчас перевалило за добрую сотню миллионов. Что мы делаем там? Смотрим фотографии, обмениваемся новостями, читаем статьи и т.д. Но что ... Читать далее...

Читать статью, обзор...         Раздел Виртуал, Hi-Tech

30.09.2013 05:08

Женщины предпочитают заниматься сексом в одежде

Почти половина женщин предпочитают оставаться в одежде во время секса, показывают исследования. Согласно проведенным опросам, оставить на себе хотя бы один предмет гардероба предпочитают около 48% женщин.У 54% опрошенных это предпочтение связано с низкой самооценкой и желанием скрыть недостатки своей фигуры, пишет The Daily Telegraph.Мужчины же обычно относятся к подобной идее отрицательно. Утвердительный ответ на вопрос, предпочитают ли они, чтобы партнер оставил на себе во время занятий любовь... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 06:00

Научи себя влюбляться

Существуют конкретные приемы и модели поведения, с помощью которых можно манипулировать противоположным полом, вызывать сексуальный интерес к собственной персоне, доведя партнера до полного беспамятства от влюбленности… С помощью глаз человек бессознательно посылает массу сигналов, которые могут другим также бессознательно улавливаться. Очень важно замечать состояние зрачков, которые, почти как сердце, постоянно, но незаметно пульсируют. Подавленность, угрюмость, злость, раздражение проявляют... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 07:05

Хитрые способы затащить женщину в постель

На самом деле меня зовут вовсе не Арминия Билефельд. Так глупо может называться только какая-нибудь заштатная немецкая футбольная команда, а не долгожданное дитя любящих родителей. Но я была вынуждена взять псевдоним, потому что если я подпишу эту статью своим настоящим именем – три миллиарда девчонок со всего света явятся в редакцию, чтобы бросить в предательницу тухлым яйцом. Бывает так, что мужчина никак не может найти благовидного предлога пробраться к женщине в постель. Причина это ... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 08:00

Мифы про сыроедение

Сыроедение даст вам безупречное здоровье. Сыроедение даст вам безупречное тело. Термин безупречное здоровье ничего не определяет. У здоровья много аспектов, мы не можем их объективно упорядочивать. То есть мы не можем объективно сказать, кто здоровее: кто-нибудь с ужасной диетой, плохим физическим здоровьем, но со здоровой психикой, или фанат фрукторианства с хорошим физическим здоровьем, но больной психически или враждебно настроенный. Мы лишь можем субъективно рассуждать об это... Читать далее...

Читать статью, обзор...         Раздел Каламбур, ералаш

30.09.2013 08:00

Много ли человеку нужно для счастья?

Что такое счастье? Сможете ли вы сразу, не задумываясь, ответить на этот вопрос? В разные времена мерилом счастья были разные вещи и понятия. Сейчас более половины моих сограждан, согласно статистике (хитрая наука!), меряют счастье количеством денег. «Скажите, Шура, честно, сколько вам нужно денег для счастья?» Помните ответ Балаганова? «Сто рублей!» В наше время сумма возросла, а счастья так и нет? Совсем недавно сделала такое «открытие» для себя: многие люди считают, что они – внимание! – не д... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 08:00

Как вычислить женатого мужчину? Инструкция для девушек

Среди моих подруг почти нет ни одной, не попавшей в сети коварных соблазнителей в виде женатых мужчин. Как опознать «женатика» и понять – его намерения серьезны или он просто развлекается? Один мой бывший однокурсник – симпатичный мужчина 45 лет, живущий в единственном браке вот уже четверть века, поделился таким рецептом своего семейного счастья: «Я никогда не снимаю обручальное кольцо. И вовсе не возражаю против необременительных отношений на стороне. Девушкам я сразу говорю прямым текстом: ж... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 08:33

9 необычных автомобильных рекордов

25 сентября 2013 года 52-летний Майк Ньюман поставил мировой рекорд скорости, разогнавшись на Porsche 911 GT2 до 299 километров в час. Нюанс в том, что Майк Ньюман — слепой с рождения, и управлять машиной ему пришлось с помощью голосовых подсказок навигатора. Посмотрим, какими еще необычными рекордами богат автомобильный мир.
Британский изобретатель Мартин Бэкон представил самый быстрый (и, наверное, единственный) автомобиль, который работает на кофе. Кофейный «Форд» разогнался до 105,4 километ...

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30.09.2013 09:00

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. Почему так?

«В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. Гость, гости, а погостил – прости!» – вдруг сказала печка. Кузька от удивления ватрушкой подавился». Т. Александрова. «Домовёнок Кузька». Рано или поздно, но отпуск заканчивается. Вы отдохнули, загорели, набрались впечатлений, отвлеклись от ежедневной суеты и текучки будней и – удивительное рядом! – с радостью возвращаетесь, ощущая, что дома вам лучше. «О чём тут можно вообще говорить? Дома лучше – это факт! Однозначно! Даже не обсуждается!» – примерно так мог ... Читать далее...

Читать статью, обзор...         Раздел Дом и семья, дети

30.09.2013 09:00

Как подобрать правильный ключ к сердцу любимого человека?

Часто от нее или от него можно услышать: «Мы не понимаем друг друга. Мы говорим на разных языках!» Сколько раз вы сами произносили эту фразу, когда речь шла о вашей второй половинке? Возможно, не один раз, повторяя ее неосознанно, как клише. Даже не задумываясь о том, что языки любви действительно разные у каждого человека. Так как же понять язык того, кто рядом? Как найти пути, ключики к сердцу своего избранника/избранницы? Нужно внимательно понаблюдать за ним, и определить – какой ключик... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 09:00

Зачем мужчине женщина?

Роль женщины в жизни любого мужчины, мягко говоря, несколько преувеличена. Якобы чрезвычайная важность этой роли умело, и в то же время банально, раздувается и пропагандируется государственной социальной политикой ради одной цели: деторождения и детовоспитания. Любой стране, в любое время всегда нужны воины, рабочие и учёные, – если эта страна хочет быть сильной и процветающей. Человеческий ресурс по ценности стоит в том же ряду, что и, например, ресурсы ископаемые. Демографический вопрос в ст... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 10:00

Что такое закаливание и как его начать?

Закаливание – испытанное средство укрепления здоровья. В основе закаливающих процедур лежит многократное воздействие тепла, охлаждения и солнечных лучей. При этом у человека постепенно вырабатывается адаптация к внешней среде. В процессе закаливания совершенствуется работа организма: улучшаются физико-химическое состояние клеток, деятельность всех органов и их систем. В результате закаливания увеличивается работоспособность, снижается заболеваемость, особенно простудного характера, улучшается са... Читать далее...

Читать статью, обзор...         Раздел Дом и семья, дети

30.09.2013 10:00

Как решить проблему успеваемости?

С каждым днем уходящего лета неотвратимо приближалось начало нового учебного года, а с ним – и плохие отметки со всеми вытекающими последствиями. Не успел оглянуться, как сентябрь строго постучался в окно своей тонкой учительской указкой. Окончена летняя страда, наступила пора «проращивать» семя знаний, которое, в отличие от семян садово-огородных культур, дается нам ох как нелегко. Прошла первая неделя месяца. Она в который раз нам доказала, что тройки и шестерки для нашего сына – обычное, но... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 10:00

Как правильно валяться вдвоем

Не секрет, что влюбленные пары максимум времени стараются проводить вдвоем, отгородившись от остального мира, наслаждаясь каждой минуткой общения с любимым человеком. Существует много способов совместного времяпровождения, но одним из самых приятных, как мне кажется, является валяние в кровати вдвоем. Бездумное валяние в кровати с любимым человеком благотворно влияет на организм. В этом я убеждался уже неоднократно. Но для того чтобы получить максимум удовольствия от этого занятия, необходимо с... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 11:00

Счастье распространяется подобно вирусу

Ученые из Гарвардского университета и Университета Калифорнии пришли к выводу, что счастливый человек "заражает" своим состоянием всех вокруг. Николас Кристакис и Джеймс Фоулер, авторы исследования, заявляют, что радость одного человека может распространяться и способствовать счастью людей, отстоящих на несколько ступеней от него. Путем некоторых подсчетов эксперты выяснили, что счастье человека увеличивает шансы на счастье его близкого друга на 25%, друга этого друга - на 10% и следующего в ... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 11:00

Красивый муж: плюс или минус?

Выйти замуж за красивого молодого человека, а особенно хорошенькой девушке – не проблема. Прожить с красивым (я имею в виду действительно красивым по всем статьям, а не только на мой влюбленный взгляд или на расхожую вкусовщину) есть действительно и искусство, и некоторое испытание. Многие полагают, что в мужчине красота не есть показатель: он должен быть немножко симпатичней обезьяны. Зря-зря. Вы выбираете отца своих будущих детей, и вряд ли вам захочется чтобы они были чуть симпатичней обезья... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 12:00

Развод: причины, толкающие к разрыву

Бывает так, что семейная жизнь перестает быть семейной, больше нет "вас", есть "ты" и "я".Ты страдаешь от непонимания, постоянно споришь и плачешь, а ему вроде бы все равно.Страшное слово развод уже живет в твоих мыслях, но на самый крайний шаг ты пока не решаешься. Может, стоит всё ещё раз обдумать? Давай поговорим о двух самых популярных причинах для развода и попробуем разобраться в том, что же происходит.Причина первая: он мне изменяетВначале были только догадки, потом твоя уверенность в его... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 12:02

Зарегистрирован новый посетитель: Flex

Коллектив сервера приветствует его в своих рядах.
Надеемся, что он найдет на страничках сервера много интересной информации, общение, приобретет новых друзей и знакомых.

На страничку посетителя Flex

30.09.2013 13:00

Как солить грибы рыжики?

Рыжики с груздями – одни из лучших пластинчатых грибов для засолки в домашних условиях. По месту сбора рыжики различают боровые и еловые. У первых, которые помоложе, шляпка округлая с загнутыми к ножке краями, у более старых – воронкообразная со светлыми концентрически расположенными кругами. Мякоть гриба ярко-оранжевого цвета. При изломе выделяет сладковатый сок. Ножка полая, короткая. Еловые рыжики отличаются от боровых более темной окраской и меньшими размерами. Растут эти грибы с июля до ... Читать далее...

Читать статью, обзор...         Раздел Приятного аппетита

30.09.2013 14:01

Мед. Полезные свойства меда

Он естественный, ничем не заменимый лечебный продукт. К сожалению очень смутное представление о лечебных свойствах меда. Мед содержит почти все элементы периодической системы.Я люблю мед и хочу, чтобы и вы его полюбили, ознакомив с ним. Конечно речь идет о самом натуральном меде. Мед как вы знаете не только сладкий, поступая в организм, он не подвергается перевариванию в желудке, а сразу же 100% всасывается в кровь. Иногда у меня белая зависть к пасечникам. Вот пишу я вам про мед одну страничку,... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 15:00

Как не растеряться и извлечь пользу из отсутствия начальника

Сам себе график Приходить на работу к обеду и уходить на два часа раньше положенного — мечта любого офисного сотрудника. Когда контролирующее вас звено по какой-то причине отсутствует, велик риск превратить мечту в реальность и устроить себе сладкую жизнь. Не стоит отказывать себе в таком удовольствии, главное — сделать это грамотно. Убедитесь, что ваши вольности не бросаются в глаза тем, кто может потом рассказать о них верн... Читать далее...

Читать статью, обзор...         Раздел Бизнес, карьера, деньги

30.09.2013 16:01

Сон: требуется сосчитать количество лепестков в цветке

Кому не знаком совет - заниматься счетом перед тем, как уснуть? Говорят, это помогает отвлечься от тяжких дум, когда не спится, и быстро заснуть…А что делать, если снится сновидение, в ходе которого приходится считать? Хотя, надо сразу заметить, обычно людям снятся сновидения, требующие лишь наблюдения за происходящим, но не активного вмешательства.Тем, кому снятся сны с их собственным участием в сновидении, следует заранее приготовиться к тому, что однажды их памяти будет предложено сновидение,... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 17:02

Шри-Ланка. Как побывать в сказке наяву?

Шри-Ланка – волшебная страна. Английский писатель-фантаст Артур Кларк, живущий и работающий там много лет, называет её порталом в иные миры. Многие путешественники, бывавшие в разных странах, попав на Цейлон, говорят, что Шри-Ланка – это рай. Там появляется внутренняя тишина и спокойствие. Наступает гармония в душе. И как следствие, на жизнь, на мир вокруг себя начинаешь смотреть иначе. Трансформация непостижимым образом происходит со всеми путешественниками. Объяснить это крайне трудно. Лучше ... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 18:00

Был ли отравлен Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт?

Знакомясь с «Маленькими трагедиями» А. С. Пушкина, мы со школьной скамьи усвоили, что отравителем Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта является Антонио Сальери, который совершил это преступление из чувства глубокой зависти к великому и более удачливому композитору. Для такого утверждения имеются кое-какие основания. Слухи о причастности Сальери к смерти Моцарта много лет отравляли его существование. Несколько раз Сальери прилюдно отвергал эту клевету. Но однажды, когда композитор попытался покончить жизнь... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 19:00

Дарить подарки

Все гениальное - просто. Впервые услышав об изложенном ниже принципе, я понял, что я - далеко не гений. Сам я до него не додумался. И, видимо, не имел на это никаких шансов - слишком просто. И слишком гениально. Искусство Очарования начинается с Искусства Делать Подарки Такой вот простой принцип. Не поняли в чем, собственно, обещанная гениальность? Я тоже не сразу врубился. Но мне объяснили - подробно. Чего и вам желаю. А не обвесили ли нас? Обмани ближнего, и дальний приблизится, ч... Читать далее...

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30.09.2013 20:00

Как в августе 1941 года советские летчики заставили Берлин ощутить ужас ночных бомбежек?

В начале августа 1941 года Гитлер впервые отчитывал Геринга как провинившегося мальчишку. Рейхсминистру авиации возражать было нечего, его уверения, что ни одна бомба не упадет на столицу Рейха, оказались не более чем бравадой. Советские летчики заставили берлинцев почувствовать ужас ночных бомбежек, показав, что возмездие неотвратимо. Удары по Берлину наносили летчики авиации Балтийского флота. Любопытно, что идея бомбежек столицы Германии родилась, как говорится, и снизу, и све... Читать далее...

Читать статью, обзор...         Раздел Школа жизни, советы, обучение

30.09.2013 21:03

Что нам мешает строить гармоничные отношения? Созависимое поведение

Если сказать просто, созависимость – это зависимость в отношениях друг от друга. Родственники живут не своими жизнями, а жизнями близких людей. Каждый пребывает в уверенности, что стоит только «ему (ей)» изменить свое поведение, и «мне станет хорошо». При этом никто не задумывается о собственном влиянии на свою жизнь. Ответственность за все события, за чувства, ощущения, настроения перекладывается на родных (на партнера). Википедия определяет созависимость как патологическое состояние, харак... Читать далее...

Читать статью, обзор...         Раздел Любовь и отношения

30.09.2013 22:02

Новые идеи для сексуальной жизни

Весна без любви все равно, что песня без слов. Но что делать, если в вашей сексуальной жизни давно ничего не менялось? Мы предлагаем не отчаиваться и воспользоваться полезными советами.Словно по неписанному сценарию вы отыгрываете хорошо знакомую и порядком надоевшую пьесу со счастливым, но заранее известным концом, и мечтаете о том, чтобы любимый заметил: весна - это не только время перемены кварталов в рабочем графике, но и прекрасный повод попробовать что-то новое!Правило пяти юбокКак бы бана... Читать далее...

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01.10.2013 00:06

Общий гороскоп на 01.10

День благоприятный для любой деятельности, кроме финансовой: когда дело доходит до денег, удача спешно оборачивается к нам спиной. Особенно опасны сделки с иностранцами: вероятность крупных потерь тем выше, чем большее расстояние разделяет вас и вашего партнера. В остальном же можно говорить о преобладании позитивных тенденций.
Романтические и дружеские отношения развиваются стремительно, причем можно смело доверять первому впечатлению о новом знакомом – оно наверняка будет верным. Для пар, в последнее время часто ссорившихся и выяснявших отношения, первое октября станет днем примирения и гармонии.

Гороскоп на 01.10 для всех знаков Зодиака
Гороскоп на неделю | Гороскоп на месяц

01.10.2013 00:08

Зарегистрирован новый посетитель: Caгия

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Надеемся, что он найдет на страничках сервера много интересной информации, общение, приобретет новых друзей и знакомых.

На страничку посетителя Caгия

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free porn

free porn

Kwang 2013

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:30 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Kwang
Genres: Shemale, Ladyboy, Solo, Cumshot
Video language: English

Excellent porn videos with transsexuals, fans will be satisfied! See screenshots and download a movie, enjoy!

Format: mp4
Duration: 12:33
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 6617kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 622.9 MB

Word discipline - Mei Nakatsuka A local girl file 1 to Rogue (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:27 PM PDT

Video language: Japanese

a cute Japanese girl tied up. blindfolded and masturbate pussy. then she sucked

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 1:04:37
Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1277kbps
Audio: 187kbps

File size: 702.6 MB

Tim Tales- Damian Boss and Christian Duarte

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:27 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: tim tales
Cast: Damian Boss and Christian Duarte
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

Damian, a hairy east european fucker was in town and we needed a good ass for him to fuck. So we asked Christian Duarte to offer his beautiful musclebutt and of course he didn't say no! Both men are new on Timtales. Damian has done porn before and with his ever rockhard boner he is actually made for it. Cuban hottie Christian is a total newcomer, we found him in Spain. He is a natural talent, horny as hell, perfect ass and great, hairy body.

Format: mp4
Duration: 23:25
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2507kbps
Audio: 184kbps

File size: 462.6 MB

Peaches, Bounce

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:26 PM PDT

The British magazines for men. Are devoted to big buffers and hairy garrison caps.
Time: 1970-80s
Format: JPG
Country: Great Britain/GBR
Language - English
Additional information: Peaches n.73 - 45 erased
Peaches Special n.17 - 84 erased
Bounce n.67 - 48 erased

File size: 151.9 MB

Skateboard Sliders

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:25 PM PDT

Release Year: 1998
Studio: Tribal Pulse Productions
Cast: Tommy Saxx, Zachary Scott, Jeff White, Richie Fine, Johnny Thrust, Chris Young, J.T. Sloan, Paul Morgan, Mack Reynolds, Jeff D'Kota, Bobby Golden, Dino
Genres: Cum Shots, Fingering, Safe Sex, Rimming, Threesome, Hunks, Muscle Men, Big Cock, Double Anal Penetration, Anal/Oral Sex

From Tribal Pulse comes this non-stop fuck-fest of 12 of the hottest and horniest California Skaters! Think of the X-Games! Ripped and ready for action at anytime, these guys are a non-stop orgy of HUGE cocks and double penetration - Skater style!

Format: avi
Duration: 1:20:59
Video: 640x480, DivX 5, 1016kbps
Audio: 114kbps

File size: 678.9 MB

Fuck Yeah Levi Karter

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:20 PM PDT

Composed entirely of footage found from Levi Karter's computers, cell phones, and video cameras, "Fuck Yeah Levi Karter" will take you on an erotic, dreamy, and hyper-realistic journey through the personal life of the eponymous porn star. From the Ohio suburbs to the ever-opportunistic New York, the camera stays glued to Levi as he struggles with his career choices, his conflicted mother, a jealous boyfriend, and making peace with himself as an adult entertainer.

Format: mp4
Duration: 38:30
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2624kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 776.6 MB

Cody Wells, Nick Daniels And Randy Scott

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:20 PM PDT

Genres: Anal/Oral Sex, Group, Twink

We've always tried to find new boy stars with fresh looks just for you. And we proudly present Cody Wells. This guy is still in his early 20s, but he know so much about man-to-man sex that he is pratically a man. Cody came from a family with open mind. His parents know about Cody's being gay and they are fine with it. In fact, Cody's cousin is also gay. Both guys often spend some time secretly to explore each other's body in an intimate way. Cody loves it when his cock is being jacked until he squirts his slimy cock juice all over himself. Don't miss watching this boy unload his cum!

Format: mp4
Duration: 18:16
Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 2745kbps
Audio: 198kbps

File size: 394.3 MB

longdozen-Isabell 166

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:19 PM PDT

Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Domination, Hardcore,flogging,spanking
Video language: English

Isabell was caned in a dirty room while she had to kneel on an old chair. She got some unforgettable hard ass paddling with a wide wooden stick.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 8:48
Video: 720x576, Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile, 2929kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 200.2 MB

Pretty Girl Gives Handjob For Some Cum Kiera Winters - TugJobs HD

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:19 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Amateur White Brunette Natural Tits Cumshot Handjob

There's nothing like warming up with a good tug job on a cold windy day, especially when it's by the hands of a little hottie by the name of Kiera Winters. This blue eyed beauty had the right grip for it too and she wasn't letting go until the job was done. You guys don't wanna miss the action on this week's update to tug jobs.

Format: mp4
Duration: 11:38
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2900kbps
Audio: 67kbps

File size: 253.5 MB

Mark Vernon Pin-up

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:18 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010
Studio: BelamiOnline
Cast: Mark Vernon
Video language: English

Mark Vernon is definitely the hottie stud next door who you dream of having sex with. He has an amazing athletic body, beautiful smooth skin and handsome good looks that say 'fuck me'! Not to mention his sweet tight bubble ass and big uncut cock, this boy has it all. Enjoy getting to know more about Mark all week long as this weeks featured Pin-Up stud. The hottest boys in the world plus daily content updates exclusively from BelAmiOnline!

Ass Bandit

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:17 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Genres: Solo, Duet, Group Sex (Threesome), Orgy
Video language: English

Quick, alarm the citizenry, there is fiend on the loose. Calling himself the Ass Bandit, he has been known to pressure people into sexual acts. Usually preying on young men in their 20s, the Ass Bandit (aka Logan Scott) is on the hunt for his next victim.

Format: mp4
Duration: 16:31
Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 1942kbps
Audio: 147kbps

File size: 253.7 MB

Will Jamieson and Rick Lewis

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:16 PM PDT

Studio: Englishlads
Video language: English

Str8 lad Rick comes together with hunky boy Will who cant keep his hands off this nice hunky man! Will strips Rick and pulls out an already erect cock and gorges some straight hunk meat! Rick is rock hard and after a few minutes of getting head he dives down and enjoys Will's erection. There is some great oral between the two and then Will goes down on Rick's ass and gives this str8 lad his first rimming! He seemingly loves it and its not long before Will is stuffing his cock up Ricks ass and pumping in and out at an increasingly pace. Str8 hunk Rick gets a right good stuffing and shoots a great load of cum, Will pulls out and covers Rick in his cum!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 23:39
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 1757kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 328.1 MB

strung with a point on a huge dick

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:15 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Cast: Zoe Rose
Genres: Interracial All Sex, Oral, Anal, Teen, Big Tits
Video language: English

The Negro in the butterfly doors locked wiped under the cabinet, very nervous, and listening to twitter on the phone pretty young secretary. Deciding to settle down a little negro began to flirt with a bored bitch, that was carried out openly and was soon in full sucking huge black cock. Well, as to invite the visitor to pass no one was going, quirky guy managed to fuck a hot slut in all holes.

Format: avi
Duration: 28:18
Video: 512x384, XviD, 1316kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 300.8 MB

Lesbian Love Stories 3 (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Girlfriends Films
Cast: Dillion Harper, Anissa Kate, Diana Prince, Sovereign Syre, Zoey Nixon, Sheena Ryder, Gia Steel, Gia Grace
Genres: All Girl, Girl-Girl, Lesbian
Video language: English

Lesben Porno! Auto Erotica! Lesben Fall In Love in den erwachsenen DVD Lesbian Love Stories 3: Auto Erotica! Sterne Zoey Nixon, Anissa Kate, Gia Stahl und vieles mehr!

Format: mp4
Duration: 2:39:58
Video: 704x396, AVC (H.264), 1012kbps
Audio: 126kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Boris & Tony Angelo

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Boris & Tony Angelo
Genres: Oral, Anal, Facial, Muscle, Hunks, Big Dick, Cumshot, Bareback, Milan Perger
Video language: English

In this weeks update were out here going camping and we meet up with some friends of ours who have started the party without us we get these two guys together and I dont know what it is about the public but these two individuals were not hesitant about doing there business out in the open for everyone to see at one point these guys had a crowd of people wanting to see what was going on it was amazing and the sex was fantastic I hope you guys really enjoy this update because I sure did.

Format: mp4
Duration: 29:09
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2898kbps
Audio: 66kbps

File size: 634.9 MB

Asshole Knockout! (2011)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Cast: Cole Harvey, Joey Soto
Genres: Amateur, Anal, Blowjob, Brunette, Cumshot, Handjob, Hardcore, White

BB is in the house bitches. In full effect ready to cause some havoc. We got the always beautiful Vanessa back on as the bait. We're out in Miami on the search for a sexy hunk that's ready to hump. Joey's in need of his dose of cock for the day. He'll take anyone that's willing to pound his little booty hole out. Of course we run into someone that falls for it every-time. Little does he know. he'll be leaving the bus a changed man. Stay tuned. There's a lot of ass pounding to witness. Enjoy!

Format: lavfpref
Duration: 53:02
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3511kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Angel Deelight & Paige Delight - Bad Girls Pay The Piper

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:13 PM PDT

Cast: Angel Deelight & Paige Delight
Genres: Domination, Fetish, Girl-Girl, Spanking, Submissive, Latex, Fair skin, Big tits, Natural tits
Video language: English

As Angel Deelight learns, when you're bad, there's no escape from the consequences of your actions--especially when you're under the thumb of Paige Delight, a fierce mistress if there ever was one! Bad girls must pay the piper! See what the pencil-skirted redheaded dominatrix does to her disobedient slave in this incredible roleplay scene of Full HD BDSM as Mistress Paige disciplines the tattooed blonde, most of whose face is covered by a black latex mask. Paige uses her riding crop on Angel's tender bare titties, then both her riding crop and her strong bare hand, spanking and smacking Angel's full lush butt. Paige gets Angel letting out wid...

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:29
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 11712kbps
Audio: 184kbps

File size: 2.1 GB

Tom Feeds Jordan His Load

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:13 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Genres: Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Muscle, Tatoos, Big Dick, Blow Job, Bareback

Jordan's a trainer who specializes in nutrition – so that must be why he asked Tom for some extra protein!
Jordan kisses his way up and down Tom's muscled torso, then sucks on Tom's cock.
He licks Tom's feet and toes, but doesn't find the protein he's looking for – so he heads back up to swallow Tom's big dick.
Jordan rides Tom's cock, then gets pounded doggy-style.

Format: mp4
Duration: 18:07
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3335kbps
Audio: 111kbps

File size: 458.1 MB

Crazy Japanese scat № 3

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:11 PM PDT

Shocking scat in excellent quality!
Year: 2009
Genre: Scat
Studio: King of Realism
Country: Japan
Time: 77 min
Starring: Beautiful Japanese Girls
Crazy Japanese scat № 3.The best video for fans of scat! excellent fresh shit out of beautiful young ass! It smells very good! Take it and sodium me the body!

Video: 480x320, 29.970 fps, DivX MPEG-4 Low-Motion ~1233 kbps avg, 0.27 bit/pixel
Audio: 48 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~128.00 kbps avg

File size: 493.3 MB

The Most Fun Under The Sun

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:05 PM PDT

Video language: English

Any two cocks are not even enough for this hot hornbag whore. Well hung black guys stuffing their massive pricks in her cock loving holes is all that pleases her!

Format: mp4
Duration: 8:29
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 1108kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 77.8 MB

College Mamories

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:03 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Cast: Jessica Jaymes
Genres: Blowjob, School Fantasies, Missionary, Brunette, Big Tits, MILF
Video language: English

Johnny and his friend reminisce about the good old college days. One unforgettable story was when Johnny fucked his teacher Mrs. Jaymes in his dorm room... and everyone heard them!

Format: mp4
Duration: 27:24
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 971kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 232.3 MB


Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:02 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: sean cody
Cast: Mikey
Genres: Gay,Solo,Cumshot,Jerking
Video language: English

Mikey is now working as a beach patrol. Guess we would love to see more of Mikey walking around in his sexy speedos and saving damse/prince in distress!

Format: mp4
Duration: 12:33
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4636kbps
Audio: 46kbps

File size: 431.5 MB

He-She Surprise

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 03:00 PM PDT

Release Year: 2005
Genres: SheMale, Transsex, Anal, Oral
Video language: English

Part 1
Scene 1 - Brunette she-male and guy on couch.
Scene 2 - Different brunette with two guys.
Scene 3 - Yet another brunette and guy.
Scene 4 - Two she-males. The blonde fucks the brunette.
Scene 5 - Outdoor orgy. Three she-males, two females, four guys.
Part 2
Scene 1 - Brunette she-male nurse fucks patient.
Scene 2 - Orgy in a movie theater.
Scene 3 - Dominant she-male fucks guy outdoors.
Scene 4 - Two she-male, three guys, and leather.
Scene 5 - Hot blonde she-male fucks guy on pool table.
Part 3
Scene 1 - Guy fucks brunette she-male outdoors.
Scene 2 - Guy fucks blonde she-male outdoors.
Scene 3 - Blonde she-male fucks guy, then he does her.
Scene 4 - Blonde she-male with small breasts fucks guy.

Total size: 2.0 GB in 3 files.

Officer Hot Body (John)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:58 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Solo, Muscle, Masturbation, Posing, Cumshots, Uniform, Shower

One of the hottest and most popular guys on TheGuySite this year is John. He's back this week as your fantasy police officer.
Although he is straight, he did mention before he does sometimes have sex with other men. Unfortunately he's still not ready to do it on camera. keep your fingers crossed.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 21:56
Video: 1324x744, Windows Media Video 9, 1464kbps
Audio: 429kbps

File size: 299.6 MB

French Farmers

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:57 PM PDT

Release Year: 2006
Cast: Antoine Romero, Fred Faurtin, Gaston Pourchin, Igor George, Ivo Costa, Jason Ace, Jean-Paul Guerin, Jean-Pierre Chevalier, Jeremy Spike, Matheus Rocha, Nicolas Becart, Simon DeJesus
Genres: Oral/Anal Sex, Solo, Cumshot, Rimming, Group

French Farmers is loosely based on the life of late nineteenth-century gay German photographer Wilhelm von Gloeden. The film transports one back to a time when sex between young peasants was an expected way of life before marriage. Von Gloeden captured the erotic passions of his many employees, and this film re-enacts a bygone time of blissful innocence with total and complete frankness.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:37:41
Video: 640x480, XviD, 1464kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

Denis and Silvester Strapon Anal (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:57 PM PDT

Video language: English

Femdom Russian cute blonde strapon fucks her slave's ass on the bed.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 14:56
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 2929kbps
Audio: 312kbps

File size: 352.8 MB

Josh Conners & Romeo Alfonso

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:57 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: randy blue
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

These two fellas are ready to attack each other right when they arrive. It is not even 5 seconds after they exit the car and they are all over each other. These two tanned gods begin worshiping their muscles and take their shirts off right in the middle of the parking lot. They get closer and closer as they feel up their hard biceps, pecs and abs. Finally they begin to kiss. It is time to get them inside before someone calls the cops. Inside, they quickly dispense of the clothing and Josh is quick to drop to his knees. You can see the excitement when Josh first sees that massive cock spring forth from the underwear smacking him in the face. Josh sucks Romeo off and cannot get enough of his long straight and hard cock. Romeo then has Josh stand on the couch. Romeo lets Josh face fuck him. Then he orders Josh on all fours. Romeo starts to eat out his bubble butt. When it is nice and wet, he slips a finger in. Josh moans out. He is ready to get fucked. Romeo slips on the condom and slides it in. Josh yells out as Romeo thrusts deep inside of him. He then flips him over on his back and fucks him missionary. Then Josh rides Romeo reverse cowboy. Romeo loves this position and starts thrusting up inside Josh faster and faster. Finally Josh can hold back no more and shoots all over the rug. He jumps off of Romeo just in time for Romeo to shoot his load. Josh laps up every last drop. The two then kiss. They lay back with big smiles on their faces. This is one fucking hot scene.

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:04
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3333kbps
Audio: 91kbps

File size: 604.1 MB

Playboy's Lingerie

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:56 PM PDT

The collection of Playboy's Lingerie magazines is submitted to your attention.
Time: 2012-01-12; 2013-01
Genre: Lingerie, Erotic, Softcore
Format: PDF
Country: USA
Numbers: 7
Pages on everyone: ~ 100

File size: 397.9 MB

Pump n Lube

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:55 PM PDT

Release Year: 2002
Studio: Tribal Pulse Productions
Cast: Hans Ebson, Lark Larson, Johnny Doom, Marco Paris, Tony Alvarez, Kyle Richards, Andrew Addams, Mike Vista, C.J. Taylor, Chris Green, Jack Sanders, Todd Shore, Xavier
Genres: Anal, Oral, Rimming, Fingering, Deep Throating, Uniform, Muscles, Masturbation

This sweaty garage mechanic themed fuck-fest is sure to rev your crotch rod. We open as Kyle, proprietor of an auto repair shop, is fuming over mounting debts and the impending divorce from his cheating wife.To vent his frustrations, he slides his massive thick uncut throttle deep into the throat of one of his buff, hungry grease puckering pink tailpipe and then power slams - and spanks - his perky caboose all the way home. After dousing the bottom boy's lumbar with a messy jiz shower, Kyle rubs his ass canal with his bare wriggly ween. Next we eavesdrop on slinky twink Lark Larson as he coaxes his muscled "straight" buddy C.J. Taylor into not only sucking a cock, but riding one too. C.J.'s got some luscious DSL's (dick-sucking lips) and seems to have been born to gobble cock. Lark enjoys the deep suction of C.J.'s throat, occasionally teasing the sucking straight boy by playing keep-away with his throbbing tool…which he flexes and bounces hands-free in near-perfect synchronization to the beat of the accompanying disco-porn musak. Lark has a brief slurp on C.J.'s meat, then slam-fucks a creamy load right out of him. Up next is a three-way in the garage lavatory. It begins as Hans Ebson starts stroking off to a - gasp! - tittie porn magazine. It escalates to a full-blown slurp-and-fuck as Johnny Doom has a hearty suck on Hans' and Xavier's throbbing pistons. Xavier earns the cock-pig award as he proficiently–and sloppily– double-sucks Hans and Johnny at the same time–no small feat considering the length and girth of Johnny's horse-hung tool combined with the plump thickness of Hans' uncut piece. Johnny soon retrieves an oil can filled with lube, squirts some viscosity into Xavier's O-ring and onto his sheathed rod and fully inserts his mega-cock into X's spot. Hans also has a piece of Xavier's ass, but lets Johnny have a second go to finish things off–with a triple burst of thick boy goo.

Format: MPEG
Duration: 1:53:52
Video: 352x240, MPEG-1, 1123kbps
Audio: 218kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

The lady is resting at a mountain resort

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:54 PM PDT

Cast: Christine

Blonde in the mountains at the resort room and shot himself to rest was completely saturated, it hosted two guys at the same time and gave the order to all their holes.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 15:13
Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video V8, 2312kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 274.0 MB

Tanner Rides Reagan

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:50 PM PDT

We just got treated to our first look at Reagan in hardcore action with a guy at CF, where he pounded Brayden and loved every bit of it.

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:46
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 4824kbps
Audio: 103kbps

File size: 714.5 MB

Soccer Moms Suck (Eva Karera, Vanilla Deville, Kendra Lust) (2013) HD 720p

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:49 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Eva Karera & Vanilla Deville & Kendra Lust
Genres: All sex

Professional European football player (that's soccer, to us!) has moved into the neighborhood, and every single mom wants him to coach their kids' teams. Vanilla, Eva, and Kendra quickly arrive at his door to ask him to coach, but soon find out it's their titties that will do the convincing!

Format: mp4
Duration: 44:06
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 7805kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 2.6 GB

The Honeymoon Suite

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:49 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Studio: Kink: Bound Gang Bangs
Cast: James Deen, Katie Summers, John Strong, Mr. Pete, Mickey Mod, Christian Wilde, Bobby Bends, Blake

Katie Summers and her husband Blake enter their honeymoon suite prepared for a night of romance to cap off their beautiful wedding ceremony. But when Blake leaves the room for ice he returns to find his wife bound and surrounded by five masked men who proceed to handcuff him to the bed and turn his virginal wife into a whore before his very eyes. She is made to suck cock and take it in every hole while her new husband can do nothing but watch his wife get fucked senseless and cum uncontrollably.
This is Katie Summers first EVER double penetration!!!!!!! Don't miss it!!!!!!

longdozen-Lola 167

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:49 PM PDT

Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Domination, Hardcore,flogging,spanking
Video language: English

Handcuffed sweet Lola was brutal whipped. She had to stand a nonstop lashes attack.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 10:11
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile, 2929kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 231.2 MB

Captured By An Angel - Eve Angel Official HD

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:49 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Brunette hair, Trimmed Pussy, Brown eyes, Medium tits, Tanned, Pussy fucking, Single, Solo, HDV, Masturbation, Orgasm, Hungarian, Indoor, High Heels, Lingerie, Skirt, Stockings, Costume, Other toys

We often think of the male stripper in uniform, but what can be hotter than an amazingly voluptuous Hungarian pornstar dressed as a cop, looking sassy and tough with her nightstick? Nothing! Yes, Eve Angel will capture you and your cock's attention today taking on the dominant role of a sexy police officer, dressed in a black latex mini skirt, black garter with thigh high fishnet stockings, and 4-inch platform heels, perfect for her to walk her beat. Her beat? The catwalk of course! And she does a striptease like no other, pulling open her shirt to set free her tasty looking tits and rubbing her crotch with her nightstick. Eve poses tauntingly against...

Format: mp4
Duration: 23:26
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3898kbps
Audio: 184kbps

File size: 701.7 MB

Dan Jenkins, Jason O'Connor and Jay

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:46 PM PDT

Studio: Bulldog Pit
Video language: English

Surrounded by porn, these three horny young lads get down and dirty and enjoy double the fun with great ass eating, cock sucking and spit roasting!! Handsome Jay, horny Jason and cock hungry Dan enjoy every second of their groups sex, Dan especially as he's the lucky sod to get topped by both the other lads. Jason's first up, and pushes his nicely sized dick into the pup, working it down to the balls in real close-up while Jay fucks Dan's face, feeding him hot dick from both ends, properly stuffing him with man meat!! Jay is soon inside the already well fucked ass, putting in his share of the fun with a great pounding, which leaves everyone completely saturated in hot boy spunk from the face down.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 21:18
Video: 720x406, Windows Media Video 9, 2441kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 400.3 MB

Swingers Orgies 6 (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:44 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Doghouse Digital
Cast: Lucy Bell, Jenna Lovely, Barra Brass, Isabella Christyn, Bella Baby, Sweet Cat, Adel Sunshine, Karol, Sophia Rocca
Genres: All Sex, HD - Shot In High Def, Threesomes & More, Orgies
Video language: English

Die Paare sind es wieder zurück in diesem explosiven Orgie Serie. Drei erstaunliche Szenen der Gruppe Geilheit Anpfiff dieser Parteien von Blasen, Ficken Spaß. Super heiß und sexy Babes sind bestrebt, tauschen ihre Männer und bekommen verstopft wie undichte fuck-Puppen. Diese glücklichen Jungs gehen, um etwas Neues über Beziehungen lernen, wenn sie einen Vorgeschmack auf ihre Freunde 'Mädchen bekommen!

Format: mp4
Duration: 1:43:12
Video: 704x396, AVC (H.264), 995kbps
Audio: 120kbps

File size: 847.0 MB

SuckOffGuys - Talen Sucks Ashton

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:44 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: SuckOffGuys
Cast: Talen & Ashton
Genres: Gay,Anal,Hardcore,Cumshot,Oral

It's not every day you meet someone and five minutes later you're giving them a blowjob and taking their cum in your mouth.Cum sucker Talen Matthews, 23, and hot straight 19yo boy Ashton Clarke!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 24:09
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 1660kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 304.0 MB

Go Go Reject

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:43 PM PDT

Cast: Heath Daniels, Matthew Bridges, Michael Estime, Korken Alexander, Drew Droege, Josh Babich, Andy Scott Harris and others
Genres: Short, Comedy, Music, Erotic, Dance, Strip, Kissing, Muscles, Outdoor
Video language: English

A skinny, naive go go dancer meets with unexpected rejection when he attempts to fulfill his childhood Flashdance fantasy in this warm and funny film.

Wholesome and eternally optimistic Daniel Ferguson yearns to leave his job at Yogurt World and fulfill his childhood dream of becoming the Jennifer Beals of male go-go dancing. Daniel's Flashdance fantasy runs smack into opposition from club promoters, who are less interested in his dancing ability than they are the physical attributes of the more muscular dancers. With undaunted ingenuity Daniel turns his small frame into a huge success.

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:51
Video: 640x368, AVC (H.264), 584kbps
Audio: 108kbps

File size: 101.3 MB

Sexo en Barcelona - Part 2, sc 01 - Adrian Toledo, Axel Brooks

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:38 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Blowjob, Rimming, Kissing, Hunks, Tattoos, Facial Cumshots

Nightfall in Barcelona may bring relief from summer's heat, but not from the heat that leaves Axel Brooks horned up beyond belief. Backing into a dark corner at a sex club, he waits for prey: Adrian Toledo. He grabs Adrian by the bicep and neck, pulling him into a deep kiss. Adrian offers no resistance as Axel feeds on him like a vampire, jump-starting his libido. The stone wall props up Axel's body when Adrian pushes him back, to tear down his jeans and suck. Blue-black reflected light makes the saliva dripping down Adrian's chin glisten. The moving shadow of a ceiling fan beats out the rhythm of thrust and suck. Adrian holds his phone out to film his rapture and ravishment. He pulls back Axel's foreskin and presses the hard points of his nipples into the piss slit. Axel hauls Adrian to his feet, biting the cheeks of his ass and plunging his tongue into Adrian's smooth hole, outlined by the black straps of his jock. Adrian cries out when Axel enters him in one stroke, commencing a pounding. Adrian's cum shot is like someone turned on a faucet: his cock pumps continuous streams of jism. Axel cums in Adrian's face and spreads it with his cock.

Format: mp4
Duration: 27:21
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4651kbps
Audio: 146kbps

File size: 962.7 MB

Raw Teen Love

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:38 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Helix Studios
Video language: English

Bareback twinks Jasper Robinson and Jordan Thomas start things off with some sexy and sensual wrestling before Jordan beings deep throating Jasper's raging boner. Jasper who is also an insatiable cock whore can't resist taking Jordan's long hard dick between his soft tender lips. After the suckfest Jordan penetrates Jasper's smooth boy hole; pounding Jasper into submission. All Jasper can do is bite his lip and moan while Jordan has his way with him. Starring: Jasper Robinson, Jordan Thomas

Orifice Space

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:37 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Genres: Fetish, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Deep throat, Anal Sex
Video language: English

Johnny Torque has got a problem in his office. In major need of an interior overhaul, he has called decorator and friend Nick Spartan over for a consultation to fix the problem.

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:02
Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 1950kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 385.9 MB

Night Of The Double Plugging

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:35 PM PDT

Video language: English

Today we get to see a filthy who who loves bike riders! So when a bike rider turns up she instantly gets turned on! She isn't happy with just one cock though, she absolutely loves getting double plugged!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 23:33
Video: 360x264, Windows Media Video V8, 250kbps
Audio: 31kbps

File size: 49.8 MB

Cocking In The Kitchen

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:35 PM PDT

Genres: Anal/Oral Sex. Kissing, Twink

Several master classes from culinary professionals on combining nicely with tasty. Download and enjoy!

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:35
Video: 720x576, AVC (H.264), 2122kbps
Audio: 218kbps

File size: 439.5 MB

Preston Johnson & Chad Brock

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:34 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Bareback That Hole-
Cast: Preston Johnson & Chad Brock
Genres: Bareback, Anal Sex, Kissing, Blowjobs, Cum Shots, Muscles, Hot Sex
Video language: English

We join Chad Brock and Preston Johnson, make-out session already in progress. The tattooed blond bottom goes down on Chad, who now embraces his inner daddy. The bearded, pierced stud enjoys some deep throat before taking charge of Preston's hole. Spitting, fingering, and rimming the tight, pink starburst, Chad then mounts and fucks the bareback bottom. But just as there are submissive bottoms, Chad ends up as a submissive top when Preston takes over and shows how big of an aggressive bottom he can be! …

Then again, if you know what you want, might as well go for it, right? And Preston does, shooting a load on his belly which the two then share before Chad delivers a load of his own, half of which spills onto Preston, the rest seeding the cum collecting dumpster.

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:42
Video: 1280x720, MP4V, 2442kbps
Audio: 141kbps

File size: 430.2 MB

Convenient Whore

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:33 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Cast: Sammie Spades
Genres: CreamPie, Anal, Big Tits, Blonde, Customer
Video language: English

It's sweltering outside. As sweat trickles from Sammie's face down her tit crack, she realizes just how badly she needs her hot body to cool down. She walks into a convenience store hoping for lots of AC and cold water. With her rock hard nipples pressing against her wet, white tank, it looks like she found a decent way to dodge the heat.

Format: mp4
Duration: 30:56
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 969kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 261.8 MB

Spunk Worthy- Dean's massage

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:32 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: SpunkWorthy
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

Dean is back by popular demand, ladies (if there are any of you watching) and gentlemen. His friends think he keeps coming back to shoot jerk-off videos; little do they know! Last time, Dean played with a big dildo, pulling it in and out of his ass and mouth. This time, after having to take some time to think about the cash he was being offered, he agreed to get his first happy ending massage from a guy.

Dean lay face down on the massage table and I started by oiling his back up. But let's be honest, it didn't take long to move to his ass. Those of you who have seen Dean's other two videos know that this guy's ass is a thing of beauty: smooth, muscular cheeks with a deliciously hairy crack. Who wouldn't want to oil that thing up, spread it, and rub his tight hole?

When I stroked his cock from between his legs, Dean lifted his ass up in the air, giving me better access to his cock and showing off his hairy crack at the same time. Talk about a win-win situation.

Format: mp4
Duration: 13:10
Video: 1024x576, AVC (H.264), 1327kbps
Audio: 108kbps

File size: 139.0 MB

Goddess Monique!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:30 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Monique Fuentes
Genres: Big Ass, Blowjob, Brunette, Cumshot, Enhanced Tits, Facial, Handjob, Hardcore, Latina, Milf, Pornstar, Tittyfuck
Video language: English

A classic MilfLessons update from 2004. Monique is our best Milf we've ever had the chance working with and watching her fuck young studs. Tall, sexy Latina with a body of a goddess. Every young studs wet-dream. Come and watch this Latin Milf work that ass. We love you Monique!

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:08
Video: 1024x768, AVC (H.264), 2906kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 553.8 MB

Trey Takes It From Tom

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:29 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Genres: Oral/Anal Sex, Bareback, Kissing, Rimming, Cumshot

Trey's been working out, lately. Good thing, too since he's going to take a hell of a pounding from football jock, Tom. These two swap blow jobs faster than a certain constantly-kneeling quarterback just got traded. Trey's in control for a while, telling Tom how he likes it – but when Tom pounds Trey's muscled ass, Trey has no choice but to blow a huge load all over his ripped abs. Tom keeps fucking though, until he shoots cum all over Trey's ass. Then Tom plunges his dick back in Trey to finish him off with a hot creampie!

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:17
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 5076kbps
Audio: 106kbps

File size: 847.0 MB

Extra Stark Part 30 (2004)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:27 PM PDT

Video language: German

Extra Stark, steht für extreme Action mit tabulosen Fickern, die es ein wenig härter lieben! Doppel-Faust-Füllung, Anal-Dehnungen, Riesen-Dildos und Sperma-Fontänen..! Bei Extra Stark gibt's von allem ein wenig MEHR als üblich!! - EXTRA STARK, die Serie mit dem besonderen Kick.

Format: flv
Duration: 2:01:42
Video: 720x576, AVC (H.264)

File size: 1.1 GB

Married Muscled Buddy Gets It - Jeremy Stevens & Dominic Pacifico

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:27 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: PhoeniXXX
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

You know how it goes, a guy gets married and within just a year or two the honeymoon stage is over and their sex life is all but gone. Handsome and hunky Jeremy is experiencing that, but lucky for him he has his buddy Dominic willing to help him satisfy his needs! It's his first time, but his cock needs some action so bad!

Format: mp4
Duration: 26:21
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2635kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 533.1 MB

Players Girls Pictorial

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:26 PM PDT

The collection of Players Girls Pictorial magazines is submitted to your attention. The magazine for men. All models - black.
Time: 1984-92
Format: JPG
Country: USA

File size: 288.9 MB


Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:25 PM PDT

Release Year: 2005
Studio: Raging Stallion Studios
Cast: Francois Sagat, Remy Delaine, Huessein, Colin West, Cory Koons, Dario Grenada, Ivan Andros, J.C., Joey Milano, Joey Russo, Manuel Torres, Sarib
Genres: Anal/Oral Sex, Group Sex, Big Balls, Big Cocks, Muscles

The film received nine nominations 2006 GayVN Award. Was awarded for the best group sex scene (orgy in the market) and the best music.

Format: avi
Duration: 3:13:39
Video: 528x400, DivX 5, 849kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Ray Diaz & Vance Crawford

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:20 PM PDT

Back in his hometown for the class reunion, Ray Diaz is visited by straight former fuck buddy Vance Crawford. It takes about three seconds to get to 'Remember when ...?' A big smile bracketed by dimples splits Ray's face. Conversation fades as they undress. Vance is already so hard, his dick gets in the way of removing his jeans. Ray sniffs and zeroes in orally, swallowing Vance's cock, then balls. Vance's thighs quiver: it's better than he remembered. Ray's six foot frame is smooth to the navel, then a treasure trail leads to his sizable cock, with tight furry buns and hairy legs to follow. Vance, a handsome, slender, wide-shouldered stud, wants all of Ray at once: to suck his cock, finger his crack and fuck him. Ray's on his knees when the fucking starts and on his back when it ends. The veins pop out on Vance's neck as he reaches the point of no return. Ray shouts as his cum bursts forth, spattering his chest and the furniture in a wide arc, followed by a long stream from Vance that shoots past Ray's head. Vance's reunion orgasm is so intense he has to grab Ray's thighs to keep from falling.

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:28
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4624kbps
Audio: 142kbps

File size: 890.4 MB

longdozen-Angie 168

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:19 PM PDT

Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Domination, Hardcore,flogging,spanking
Video language: English

Angie had a hard day in the dust and creep. She had been whipped and spanked cruel on the top of the wheels.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 7:04
Video: 720x576, Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile, 2929kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 160.4 MB

Ooh-La-La And Va-Va-Voom! Clanddi Jinckego - Sex Video Casting Full HD

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:19 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Casting, Single, Solo, Milf, High Heels, Jeans, Panties, Grey eyes, Brunette hair, Indoor, French, Shaved Pussy, Fair skin, Tattoo, Big tits, Enhanced tits

You will be saying "Ooh-la-la" when you see today's casting of French vixen Clanddi Jinckego when she was one of our big tits newcomers. The busty brunette has got some amazing 34DD's that go va-va-voom all on their own! Clandii has got quite a body with her skinny waist and slim long legs, but it's hard to focus anywhere else but her enormous melons as she strips naked. Even when she bends over to show us her booty, you'll find yourself wondering what her gazongas must look like hanging down, perhaps imagining what they would look like if they were hanging over your face. Check out her hot amateur pics to see more of her in sexy poses and go on to cat...

Format: mp4
Duration: 9:14
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 8291kbps
Audio: 184kbps

File size: 573.0 MB

Built for Sex, 3 (2005)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:19 PM PDT

Starring: Bobby Blake, Juice, Ty Jones, Gene Lamar, Winston, Rudy, Flex Deon, Tony Rosas
Niches: Anal, Big Dicks/Hung, Black, Feature, Jocks, Muscle Men, Oral, Sports

These big muscle studs are built for SEX. The video is jammed packed with hot sweaty action. Watch these guys go at it! They feed each other their dicks and fuck like there's no tomorrow!

Format: wmv
Resolution: 720x480

Total size: 1.5 GB in 5 files.

Girl Scout Part1

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:18 PM PDT

Release Year: 2009
Genres: Transsexual, Hardcore, Anal

Couple invited a Shemale, play with their holes in the end, all were filled anus or dick or strap-on.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 15:47
Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 2930kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 354.3 MB

Ray Diaz and Vance Crawford

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:16 PM PDT

Studio: Falcon
Video language: English

Back in his hometown for the class reunion, Ray Diaz is visited by straight former fuck buddy Vance Crawford. It takes about three seconds to get to 'Remember when …?' A big smile bracketed by dimples splits Ray's face. Conversation fades as they undress. Vance is already so hard, his dick gets in the way of removing his jeans. Ray sniffs and zeroes in orally, swallowing Vance's cock, then balls. Vance's thighs quiver: it's better than he remembered. Ray's six foot frame is smooth to the navel, then a treasure trail leads to his sizable cock, with tight furry buns and hairy legs to follow. Vance, a handsome, slender, wide-shouldered stud, wants all of Ray at once: to suck his cock, finger his crack and fuck him. Ray's on his knees when the fucking starts and on his back when it ends. The veins pop out on Vance's neck as he reaches the point of no return. Ray shouts as his cum bursts forth, spattering his chest and the furniture in a wide arc, followed by a long stream from Vance that shoots past Ray's head. Vance's reunion orgasm is so intense he has to grab Ray's thighs to keep from falling.

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:28
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4624kbps
Audio: 142kbps

File size: 890.4 MB

Spandex Loads 7 (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Evil Angel
Cast: Maddy O'Reilly, Lolly Ink, Richelle Ryan, Rachel Starr
Genres: All Sex, HD - Shot In High Def, Point Of View
Video language: English

"Fetish Regisseur Kevin Moore hat eine besondere Nische für Fans von POV Porno und formschlüssige feminine Kleidung geschaffen." Spandex Loads # 7 "setzt Kevins First-Person-Abenteuer in Lycra mit vier wunderschönen Starlets, die und necken verführen den Regisseur, ihre wohlgeformten Schenkel und feinen Hintern in enge, flexible Gamaschen gequetscht. schwarzhaarigen Rachel Starr liebt taunting Jungs mit ihren großen Esel und runde, feste Brüste. Die frechen Schlampe gießt Kokosöl über Kevins Schwanz, dann schleift auf und fickt ihn durch ein Loch in ihren Schoß . Kevin hat ein Fotoshooting mit jungen Modell Maddy O'Reilly, präsentiert ihren perfekten Hintern in verschiedenen Stil der 1980er Jahre Leggings Maddy wölbt den Rücken zu akzentuieren jede Kurve ihres all-natürliche Körper;. bedient sie ihrem neuen Arbeitgeber mit einem slurpy blow job und eine doggie-Style Fick. Ältere, tätowiert Bombe Lolly Ink ist der Fitness-Trainer, die Kevin verrückt macht mit ihrem dicken, saftigen Arsch. gekleidet in einem knappen Trikot die kaum enthält ihre riesigen Melonen, sie Proben des Regisseurs Spandex Sammlung während erfreulich seinen Schwanz zu einer klebrigen, face-splattering Höhepunkt. Schließlich fängt Kevin seine gebräunte, vollbusige Freundin, Richelle Ryan, Ausgehen in eine unverschämt nuttig Outfit. Bald Richelle ist Wiedergutmachung durch Schlucken seine Boner und reiten, bis er alle über ihre fleischigen spritzt cum bum. einen Blick hinter die Kulissen Bonus Interview mit Kevin und Lolly rundet dieses vollgepackte DVD. "Spandex Loads # 7" fängt die Faszination der bösen, üppige Damen mit hautengen Klamotten, die nichts und alles der Phantasie überlassen. "

Format: mp4
Duration: 3:07:42
Video: 704x396, AVC (H.264), 1302kbps
Audio: 126kbps

File size: 1.9 GB

You Rub Me I Rub You

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:13 PM PDT

Genres: Anal Sex, Bareback, Blowjob, Facial, Massage, Masturbation, Muscles, Twink, Uncut
Video language: English

We have a great Rub Him for you guys out there today! Two very handsome men are getting oiled up and both give and get in this one. We find the sexiest men from around the globe and let them run wild and free to frolic about like fawns from a gay labyrinth somewhere. Anyway, we got a great episode for yall! Enjoy!!

Format: mp4
Duration: 33:15
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2900kbps
Audio: 72kbps

File size: 726.2 MB

Two Cocks, One Goth

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:05 PM PDT

Video language: English

The only thing this nasty goth whore loves more then riding a cock with her asshole is being reamed by another cock in her pussy. Watch this dirty street whore take two dicks at once.

Format: mp4
Duration: 8:33
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 1104kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 78.2 MB

A Real Man...

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:03 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Cast: Rachel Starr
Genres: Uniform, Big Tits, Ass Worship, Bubble Butt, Brunette, Soldier Girl
Video language: English

Rachel just came back from war. She is looking for a real man to fulfill all her needs and Johnny is up for the job...

Format: mp4
Duration: 29:48
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 966kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 251.7 MB

Shopping Booty - Randy Dixon & Blake Carnage

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:02 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Next Door
Cast: Randy Dixon & Blake Carnage
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

Randy Dixon loves it when Blake Carnage goes shopping for two reasons: number 1, he's got great taste, and number 2, he always brings Randy back something sexy and fun, which Randy models for about 3 and half seconds before Blake rips it off him and fucks him silly. So when Blake comes home with a bag full of designer skivvies, Randy knows that now he's got some new clothes, and his afternoon boredom has just cum to halt. Modeling the undies with the little green pocket, Randy's tight ass is just teasing Blake, which is just what he had in mind at the store. Now that's it right in front of him, Blake can't resist, so he pulls off the shorts and puts Randy's sweet cock in his mouth, wetting the tip with his tongue and preparing himself for the exxxstasy of penetration. And Randy doesn't disappoint. First he fucks Blake from behind then they switch and he gives up his sweet ass. After all, one nice deed deserves a fair turn.

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:13
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 6620kbps
Audio: 147kbps

File size: 1.0 GB

Sex Happens!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:00 PM PDT

Studio: Oldje.com
Video language: English

Jasmine is happy to see Gustavo. Unbelievable how she kissed and loved him. They had fun these two `beauties`. But just simple sex is not good enough for Jasmine. He had to suck her out and fuck her ANAL!

Adulterio di una moglie fedele

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:00 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Alexandra Stein
Genres: All Sex
Video language: Italian

"Eh .. Lemons, You are my Lemons .. You grow with Sonya on the balcony!"
- There was also a balcony, and was a gramophone, both husband and other "personal belongings" that could not keep the cheeky - brutal fucked .. convent, turned out to be on time at the body of the "victim" after an argument between the couple. A human because? .... That he, too - there are all ... And most importantly riser and gramophone! All - it looks a purely classical

Format: flv
Duration: 30:10
Video: 768x432, VP6F, 1200kbps
Audio: 112kbps

File size: 263.1 MB

Wakey Wakey Bareback Sex

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 02:00 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Studio: Helix Studios
Video language: English

Exclusive Helix Studios model Ian Levine is beyond sleepy, growing boy, especially in the cock department. It doesn't take him long to warm up to the idea of Aiden Summers' soft lips suckling his smooth boy penis to a rock solid boner. These two twinks passionately pound raw until their creamy loads have erupted, bringing them back full circle to sleepy time. Starring: Aiden Summers, Ian Levine


Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:58 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Bear, Freshmen, Hairy, Interview, Masturbation, Muscles, Solo

Light blond guy with a very nice physique and fingering hairy body for us.

Format: mp4
Duration: 15:50
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4638kbps
Audio: 46kbps

File size: 544.5 MB

My Friend's Hot Brother

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:57 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Genres: Fetish, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Deep throat, Anal Sex
Video language: English

Tyler Sweet is a young man who knows what he wants and goes after it. When he arrives at his friend Steve's place to hang out, he finds Steve's brother, James Huntsman, lounging in a pair of very skimpy swimmin' shorts.

Format: mp4
Duration: 30:21
Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 1965kbps
Audio: 147kbps

File size: 471.1 MB

Jordan And Vander: Raw Anal Sex Bareback (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:57 PM PDT

Video language: English

Love seeing Vander with all his weight on top of Jordan as Jordan fucks upward into his hole. Vander was certain he wasn't going to be able to stay hard in that position, but the pro that he is, it turns out his cock was quite happy to be fucked that way. I think he was turned on by Jordan's fire pubes!

Format: mp4
Duration: 29:55
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2175kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 504.9 MB

Perfect Birthday - Jaxon Colt, Cole Christiansen, Brandon Bronco

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:57 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Next Door
Cast: Jaxon Colt, Cole Christiansen, Brandon Bronco
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

For Jaxon Colt, the perfect birthday is about to begin. As he lazily sleeps in, his boyfriend, Brandon Bronco, makes preparations for a day full of surprises. Waking Jaxon up, he leads him out to a covered picnic under a trellised veranda, where a champagne brunch awaits our birthday boy. After snacking on sweet fruits and cakes, the guys take the champagne to the hottub for a little mid-morning dip. After toweling off, Brandon rubs Jaxon's back thoroughly, and the content look on Jaxon's face says it all. But Brandon has one more trick up his sleeve. As Jaxon lays face down while Brandon rubs him down, the doorbell rings, and when Jaxon answers it, lo and behold, waiting for him is his gift- Cole Christensen, already unwrapped, wearing nothing but a bow. Tossing the bow aside, he lets Jaxon take a good long look at his offering, and Jaxon is more than ready to play with his new toy.

Format: mp4
Duration: 16:58
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4701kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 603.7 MB

Sadie Santana - Sadie Wants Her Pussy Massaged!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:56 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: PornStarSpa / BangBros
Cast: Sadie Santana
Genres: Black, Blowjob, Brunette, Cumshot, Enhanced Tits, Facial, Handjob, Hardcore, Interracial, Pornstar
Video language: English

This week Sadie Santana gets a nice rub after a tense work out. So we had a specialist come in and massage all the important parts and give her that deep attention. She was very grateful as she got her ass massaged and her pussy squeezed. Then she got to suck some dick while she had her breast massaged. Sadie was a happy girl and at the end she got a happy fucking ending to make her day.

Format: mp4
Duration: 42:39
Video: 852x480, AVC (H.264), 1449kbps
Audio: 67kbps

File size: 476.6 MB

Der Stosstrupp

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:55 PM PDT

Release Year: 2000
Studio: Man's Best
Cast: Claudio Mar, Rick Gallo, Johan Berg, Rene Morgan, Daniel Luna, Emil Rax, Erik Swenson, Sebastian Tex, Mario Tonight, Luis King
Genres: Twinks, Bareback, Oral/Anal Sex, Uniform, Cumshot, Masturbate, Big Cocks

Claudio, Rick and Johan camp out. When they play spin the bottle, the clothes come off and it's a free for all, with each guy sucking off the other. Claudio gets barebacked by Johan. Rene, the owner of the ranch, spots the action, whips out his cock, does a quick jack-off, and eats his load.
Three new twinks check out a porn magazine. The three trade cocksucking back and forth. Then one twink gets fucked, condom-free, by the 9-inch-plus twink. When he gushes cum, the other two fight over who gets to eat it. They end up sharing, as good buddies do.
In a barn, two twinks let it all hang out. The blond twink lubes up his buddy's hole then finger-fucks his tight, deep butthole. Both guys cream on the finger-fucked twink.
Two new twinks play cards and get sex. As they suck each other off, Claudio comes in and dismisses the brunet so he can have the blond for himself. They trade wicked blowjobs as Claudio shoves his man-sized cock up the blond's butt and fucks him condom-free. A storeroom provides the right place for three guys, and another soon joins them. They quickly use him to satisfy their needs, sucking and fucking him until all three get off and then they throw him out of the room.
The last two twinks work outdoors. When another joins them, they have a three-way, with enough cocksucking for all. The owner raw fucks the short-haired twink, as he blows the blond. The blond jacks off, as his buddy devours his cum load. The owner pulls out and nuts, as the blond nuts on his co-worker.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:26:22
Video: 640x480, DivX 5, 2441kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.6 GB

Jaro Grygar & Milan Zrze

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:54 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Jaro Grygar & Milan Zrze
Genres: Bareback, Euro Hunks, Anal Sex, Kissing, Blowjobs, Cum Shots
Video language: English

Milan Zrzek is looking for a new apartment. He has a viewing arranged and turns up to meet Jaro Grygar who will show him an apartment. As Jaro explains the facilities they walk around. Then Milan checks out the view from the window and they discuss the rental cost. It seems that Milan wants it cheaper, but is interested in the additional services offered for the price. Jaro helps him off with his shirt and then Milan sits and they kiss. …

Jaro takes his shirt off too and then they start to open their jeans. Milan's cock is already rock hard. It is a real big dick and Jaro is quickly sucking on it. His mouth closes over the thick shaft and sucks real good. Then he lowers his jeans too, and his cock is also rock hard. Milan leans over and starts to suck on it. They take turns sucking on each other's throbbing cocks, with Jaro standing, his massive dick poking out in front. Then Milan stands too and Jaro drops down to suck some more. With those massive dicks rock hard they each enjoy the other's wood. Then Jaro gets in position so that Milan can slide his cock deep into that sexy ass. He really pounds away at that hole, his big cock taking long strokes. Jaro moans with each deep thrust. He takes it very well and is soon sitting on that massive dick, riding up and down on it. As he works his ass over that cock his own dick is wanked by Milan. Who also manages to suck on it as well. That cock is huge Milan really works it as he rams his dick into Jaro's hot hole. As he holds his ass in place and wanks himself Jaro feels Milan's dick really working his ass. He gets a good hard fucking as he wanks himself to a big, creamy load. Then he lays down, with Milan standing to continue fucking that eager hole. Milan fucks that ass with long, deep strokes until he is ready to blow too. He pulls out and shoots his cum over Jaro's leg. All spent they share some more kisses after a really hot time.

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:39
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2503kbps
Audio: 95kbps

File size: 470.4 MB

Man consoled not only with words

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:54 PM PDT

Cast: Avril

I was hysterical boy and leggy blonde with long hair first words decided to comfort the guy, and then did it with the help of his very beautiful body ...

Format: m4v
Duration: 27:06
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 1394kbps
Audio: 49kbps

File size: 287.4 MB

Blake, Big Flex and Zafiro

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:50 PM PDT

22 yo Caribbean newcomer ZAFIRO and rough Texas-Daddy BIG FLEX are the two gangbangers who love to take turns and man-handle white twink bois. Just like also-newcomer Blake.

Format: mp4
Duration: 12:33
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264), 1080kbps
Audio: 123kbps

File size: 110.8 MB

Claudio Ricardo And Alan Perkins

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:50 PM PDT

Genres: Anal/Oral Sex, Group, Twink
Video language: English

Alan has known about his being gay since puberty and has ever since fantasized about having sex with gay guys. At then, this gay twink collected some shirtless men pictures and drawings for his jack off materials. But only when he got to college, he had the courage to find other gay guys. Alan is attracted to other gay twinks like himself, but he won't reject other types of men, such as gay studs and gay muscle men. Being a versatile, sex role is not a problem to him because he enjoys being both a bottom and a top.

Format: mp4
Duration: 29:58
Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 2729kbps
Audio: 137kbps

File size: 630.3 MB

longdozen-Nicole 169

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:49 PM PDT

Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Domination, Hardcore,flogging,spanking
Video language: English

Nicole was in wrong time in wrong place. Her sweet pussy and ass were spanked hard.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 8:37
Video: 720x576, Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile, 2929kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 195.5 MB

Stay Down At My Feet! Nia Black aka Szelly - Hot Legs And Feet Full HD

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:49 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: foot feet legs footjob

Lovely Nia Black aka Szelly is still in slumberland as you approach her in this POV foot fetish thriller, and your eyes are mesmerized by her especially sexy, curvaceous Hungarian peds. She has such alluring high arches, and those pink polished toes are like candies to your eyes! What better way to awaken her to a new day than with a little foot massage, both with your excited hands and your horny cock? She is clearly delighted to be roused in this manner, sliding your stiffness between her arches as her nipples perk up and she gives you a saucy grin. You'd love to take her entire body in your hands and fuck her, so you reach for her tits; but she'...

Format: mp4
Duration: 16:04
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 8295kbps
Audio: 184kbps

File size: 998.8 MB

Jaro Grygar and Milan Zrzek

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:46 PM PDT

Studio: William Higgins
Video language: English

Milan Zrzek is looking for a new apartment. He has a viewing arranged and turns up to meet Jaro Grygar who will show him an apartment. As Jaro explains the facilities they walk around. Then Milan checks out the view from the window and they discuss the rental cost. It seems that Milan wants it cheaper, but is interested in the additional services offered for the price. Jaro helps him off with his shirt and then Milan sits and they kiss. …

Jaro takes his shirt off too and then they start to open their jeans. Milan's cock is already rock hard. It is a real big dick and Jaro is quickly sucking on it. His mouth closes over the thick shaft and sucks real good. Then he lowers his jeans too, and his cock is also rock hard. Milan leans over and starts to suck on it. They take turns sucking on each other's throbbing cocks, with Jaro standing, his massive dick poking out in front. Then Milan stands too and Jaro drops down to suck some more. With those massive dicks rock hard they each enjoy the other's wood. Then Jaro gets in position so that Milan can slide his cock deep into that sexy ass. He really pounds away at that hole, his big cock taking long strokes. Jaro moans with each deep thrust. He takes it very well and is soon sitting on that massive dick, riding up and down on it. As he works his ass over that cock his own dick is wanked by Milan. Who also manages to suck on it as well. That cock is huge Milan really works it as he rams his dick into Jaro's hot hole. As he holds his ass in place and wanks himself Jaro feels Milan's dick really working his ass. He gets a good hard fucking as he wanks himself to a big, creamy load. Then he lays down, with Milan standing to continue fucking that eager hole. Milan fucks that ass with long, deep strokes until he is ready to blow too. He pulls out and shoots his cum over Jaro's leg. All spent they share some more kisses after a really hot time.

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:39
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2503kbps
Audio: 95kbps

File size: 470.4 MB

Hard & Savage (Matthew Keading & Blake Savage)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:45 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Genres: Twinks, Oral, Anal sex, Cumshot, Masturbate

With details a little hazy from all the partying from the night before, Matthew Keading wakes to find things a little out of the ordinary. For one thing, he's next to Blake Savage and a whole bunch of spilled pills. Immediately assuming the worst, Matthew jumps into action to save his friend, performing mouth to mouth to try and resuscitate him. It turns out Blake is just over sleeping and somewhere in the previous night he must have spilled my asthma meds. Embarrassed, Matthew nonetheless breathes a sigh of relief.Blake teases him and tells him he should have blew him instead. Matthew calls Blake's bluff and before he knows it, Matthew has his dick in his mouth and his deep throating it as it grows. Not one to ruin someone's good time, Blake pushes Matthew's head further onto his dick as Matthew begins to jack himself off. Blake goes all in and returns the favor, as Matthew straddles his face and fucks his mouth from above. Both worked up now, Matthew works his dick against Blake's ass crack, so Blake tells him to go ahead, and Matthew slips it in as Blake's body clenches up in anticipation. Easing into it, Matthew gently works his dick back and forth as Blake spreads his legs to accommodate. Matthew fucks Blake like that for a while until he himself wants some dick, so the two of them flip around and Blake fucks Matthew missionary as Matthew blows a heaping load all over himself. If this is how the day is beginning, it looks like it's gonna be another crazy night. Enjoy!

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:38
Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 1752kbps
Audio: 147kbps

File size: 302.0 MB

Charlise Bella - Naturals FullHD 1080p

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:44 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: 21Naturals/21Sextury
Cast: Charlise Bella
Genres: Teen
Video language: English

Het is een grote verslaving aan seks zijn duidelijk als je hebt gezien ten minste een van haar scène, is ze niet gesimuleerd, niet stout, en doet zijn werk met veel plezier. Tijdens de seks, ze houdt om te kijken in de ogen partner.

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:44
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 5863kbps
Audio: 185kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

StraightFellas - Phil & James

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:44 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: StraightFellas
Cast: Phil & James
Genres: Gay,Anal,Oral,Hardcore,Cumshot,Kisisng,Rimming

New guy 23 year old Phil is back with 26 year old James. This is the first time Phil has ever sucked a cock and I have to say he does a pretty nice job, James seems to have what I'd call a unique style, but we don't expect them to be good at it, we just expect that they do what there told I particularly love seeing James cop a face full of jizz and then run to the bathroom as fast as he can to wash it off (Note: listen to what James says at the end of the video) Phil cops a great load on his face and happy sucks what's left out of James's cock and then whilst covered in Jizz Phil proceeds to shoot his hot man goo all over James.

Format: mp4
Duration: 20:26
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1958kbps
Audio: 123kbps

File size: 634.9 MB

Boss Pounds Chez, A Night to Remember

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:43 PM PDT

Genres: Anal Sex, Blowjob, Muscle, Domination, Foot Fetish, Pissing, Masked
Video language: English

Sauna Tongue Bath: First I wanted to see if Chez could live up to all the talk of how good he would service and worship me, and lick me from head to toe, literally. So I invited him to meet me in the sauna after a sweaty workout, watch me drip with sweat then lick it off! He did, pecs to the bottom of my feet... "That a Boy Chez!" It was then I knew I had a cock sucker who wanted to earn his chance with The Boss and that was hot!

Back at his Place: We went back to his apartment to continue filming. This was a 3 camera shoot, you will see angles from different points in the room, from my perspective and from Chez's perspective all edited together in my unique Boss Cam style so you can feel as if you are right there watching it happen. The room was painted red, so it cast a red glow, but it is what it is an informal, "gotta do it" real, raw, unscripted Boss Cam.

Face Fucking, Piss Drinking and an Ass Pounding From The Boss: The night started out with me going balls deep with my fat Italian cock using his throat a little. Then when I needed a piss break, Chez and the camera came with me as I let the Boss cock hang out and piss in Chez's open, willing and begging mouth. Then back to sucking my cock! Through out the filming Chez begged me to fuck him; I felt bad for him, so I did. He thanked me in the end, as he should.

Squealing and Whining like a Bitch: I know he wanted it bad, and he states clearly during filming he wants to be The Boss's bitch, no kidding I have fucked girls that whimpered, whined and squeaked less then him. But it made good film and his reaction to my cock and body in every scene was genuine and was a worship and ego pump executed perfectly from a kid who was on his audition to be another cock-sucker-on-call!

I showered, packed it up and kept his number for future films and situations for me and The Crew. I used the number as you will see in upcoming releases.

Format: mp4
Duration: 50:35
Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 1758kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 699.2 MB

Charles : SC–1668 HD

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:42 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Charles
Genres: Solo, Masturbation, Cumshot

Big, burly, bodybuilding beefcake, Charles, began weightlifting at the young age of 13. Charles states that he is really athletic and especially loves working out. He enjoys the endorphin rush that weightlifting provides and that it also makes him feel better about himself. Charles weighs in at 195 lbs and is quite the cum-shooter.

Format: mp4
Duration: 15:50
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 10497kbps
Audio: 46kbps

File size: 1.2 GB

Best Japanese scat № 2

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:41 PM PDT

Shocking scat in excellent quality!
Year: 2009
Genre: Scat
Studio: King of Realism
Country: Japan
Time: 91 min
Starring: Beautiful Japanese Girls
Description: Best Japanese scat № 2. Lots of fresh shit, japanese girl poop is shit. Great video.

Video: 480x320, 29.970 fps, DivX MPEG-4 Low-Motion ~1233 kbps avg, 0.27 bit/pixel
Audio: 48 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~128.00 kbps avg

File size: 580.6 MB

You Rub Me I Rub You

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:38 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Bareback, Blowjob, Facial, Massage, Masturbation, Muscles, Twink, Uncut.

We have a great Rub Him for you guys out there today! Two very handsome men are getting oiled up and both give and get in this one. We find the sexiest men from around the globe and let them run wild and free to frolic about like fawns from a gay labyrinth somewhere. Anyway, we got a great episode for yall! Enjoy!!

Format: mp4
Duration: 33:15
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2900kbps
Audio: 72kbps

File size: 726.2 MB

Stacy Gets Double Plugged!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:35 PM PDT

Beautiful young blonde slut is not satisfied with just 1 cock. She demands to have two big hard cocks pummeling her wet tight fuckholes! See her get the double fucking she craves so much!

Format: mp4
Duration: 20:46
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 1088kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 187.5 MB

I Can Walk!!!

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:33 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Cast: Amy Brooke
Genres: Uniform, CreamPie, Doctor/Nurse, Squirt, Doctor, Medium Tits, Medium Ass, Blonde
Video language: English

After a terrible car crash, Jordan was left crippled. Lucky for him, Dr. Brooke is one of the best in the biz. She's going to do everything in her power to make sure that Jordan will walk again. Even if that means taking it up her sweet little PHD ass.

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:45
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 970kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 218.1 MB

Jet Set Men - Kris Jamieson Fucks Lance Luciano

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:32 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Jet Set Men
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

The Big Dick Construction Company is working hard with Jet Set Exclusive Kris Jamieson doing his best to check out Lance Luciano's hot ass. Lance spots the stud checking him out and decides to drop his pants down to give him the view he craves.

The pair end up in a Mexican standoff with hard guns drawn waiting to see who will make the first move. Eventually they become entangled with Lance's big thick cock planted deep in Kris's throat. The tryst continues with Lance getting his hot ass plowed by Kris's long shaft. Lance gets fucked doggie style then flips over on his back for Kris to fuck a load out of his hot ass. After Lance busts a creamy load Kris pulls out and busts all over over him. Just another hard days work on the job!

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:48
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264), 1999kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 386.8 MB

Tsukasa Limited 3D HD New Series 2013 Year

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:32 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: 3D, Features bukkake, fellatio, anal licking, anal sex, loss of virginity, threesomes
Video language: English

This film is about Tsukasa from Ichigo 100%.Tsukasa was photographed during a shameful act, it is now being blackmailed.And now she helps the peasants to masturbate
In this work prisutsvtuet: Features bukkake, woman sitting on the face, thigh sex, fellatio, anal licking,anal sex, loss of virginity, sex from behind, sex in horseback position, threesomes, cleaning fellatio, etc.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 49:54
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 750kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 310.1 MB

5 Guy Cream Pie 08

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:30 PM PDT

Release Year: 2003
Cast: Lyla Lei, Sabina Star, Sabrine Maui
Genres: All Sex, Gang Bang, Cream Pie
Video language: English

DARK OUTSIDE, CREAMED INSIDE. Welcome to our special "exotic girls" edition. Sabrine and Lyla are Hawaiian and Sabina is Mexican.
All three have beautiful brown skin, chocolate nipples and roast beef pussy lips. Mmmm-mmm good! But these dishes are missing one thing: cream filling!
That's where the five mooks come in. They are led out of the alleys and into the studio, blinking defensively under the bright lights. They are told to fill the
pretty young girl before them with their genetic waste. Only when the girl is overflowing with their sperm cells can she consider her purpose in life fulfilled.

Total size: 825.9 MB in 3 files.

Grand Prize, Director's Cut (1992)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:27 PM PDT

Video language: English

Alec Campbell gets all the fantasies he's dreamed of in this explosive action-packed video.
1. Chuck Hunter, Grant King
Chuck Hunter knows who's boss as he hoists his ass in the air for Grant King to spank, lick, and finger fuck. With a heavy dose of verbal abuse, King reduces Hunter to a mere sex pig, begging his daddy for an ass ramming and toe fucking fit for a pussy boy.
2. Alec Campbell, Cliff Parker
Alec Campbell and Cliff Parker trade cock service after a steamy hot makeout session on the living room floor. After a dick throbbing flip fucking exchange, the testosterone in the air is thick. The two studs trade punches to each other's bodies blow for blow until they cum.
3. Alan Lambert, Aiden Shaw
Alan Lambert gives Aiden Shaw's monster cock the royal treatment and swallows it inch by thick inch. After warming up Lambert's tight man hole with fingers and licks, Shaw drives his fat pole deep into Lambert's hole, almost fucking his bottom off the edge of the bed.
4. Ray Butler, Matt Gunther
Ray Butler is taunted by Matt Gunther's veiny cock bobbing inches from his face. Like a true dick sucker, Butler deep throats his shaft down to the studded cock ring. After getting his ass greased up by fingers, fist and dick, Butler gets a dildo planted deep up chute and takes it all in.

Format: m4v
Duration: 1:23:43
Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 1778kbps
Audio: 155kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Cum Dinner For Two - Gabriel Clark & Alec Leduc

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:27 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Men of Montreal
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

This was a pairing of cum gushers. Gabriel Clark and Alec Leduc love sex and always have their balls full of jizz. This time was no exception. For this scene, we returned to the place of the original sin for Alec, as this is the spot were he shot his solo last year. While lying in the summer sun, Alec recalled that when he was shooting his solo on the deck last year, a straight couple had appeared on the neighbouring deck as he was jacking off for the cameras. Amused by the whole thing, they didn't seem too bothered by the event unfolding in front of them, and after some idle chit chat, they went back in to their apartment without a word.

This little story inspired Gabriel, who suggested he and Alec put on a new show. This time a bit more daring with the two of them making out. Alas, the neighbours didn't come out this time around.

Sitting in their sexy swim trunks, Gabriel was the first to get up and moved over towards Alec and pried open his fly and went down on Alec's already hard dick. After some mutual sucking on the deck chair, the guys move to the table where Alec lays down and gets one hot rimming from his buddy. Then Gabriel moves his cock into position and it's time for Alec to take his largest dick yet. Gabriel is gentle at first but eventually increased his tempo. As things get more intense, the August heat gets the better of our perspiring duo; so Gabriel hints at going inside to continue their fun.

Format: mp4
Duration: 29:05
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2524kbps
Audio: 109kbps

File size: 561.9 MB

Shimakaze - Soundz of Bell

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:26 PM PDT

The collection of works of the author of Shimakaze, from the circle Soundz of Bell. A little bit Elfs with members, almost everything is executed in color.
Genre: Big tits, Elf, Futanari, Full Color
Censorship: Is in all files
Language: Japanese, English, Russian
Format: JPG

File size: 114.9 MB

Cute Pralines

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:25 PM PDT

Release Year: 2008
Studio: EroCreations
Cast: Anthony Reeves, Fabian Winter, Felix Bergmann, Florian Hagen, Jan Engel, Justin Orwell, Pascal Richter, Sebastian Degen
Genres: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Twinks

Florian just has to fuck whenever and whereever he likes, if it's a porn cinema, or in the spa bath from a gay sauna, in the clubs, at a winery, at the nature park or even during the renovations of his best friends apartment; he manages it every time to catch the cute sweetmeats of boys for his fun. The cocks and asses are twitching with lust until their hot boy cum is ready to explode.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:45:23
Video: 720x544, XviD, 1616kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Bonerable (2002)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:24 PM PDT

Starring: Antonio, Trevor Hobbs, Seth Handler, Eli Horst, Jeremy Reddick, Ukiah Woods
Niches: Anal, Bears, Daddy, Oral, Twinks

Three hot, all sex, no plot scenes! Have you ever seen an ass that looked so hot and round that it begged for a bone? We call that "Bonerable"!

Format: wmv
Resolution: 720x480

Total size: 1.7 GB in 4 files.


Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:20 PM PDT

Boys of dirty studs put on a shockingly filthy show for the camera - cum fucking in the freshest, horniest film to cum all over their holes.

Format: mp4
Duration: 47:06
Video: 950x534, AVC (H.264), 2450kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 890.1 MB

longdozen-Lola 170

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:19 PM PDT

Genres: BDSM, Bondage, Domination, Hardcore,flogging,spanking
Video language: English

Lola was hanged like a ham, both of your limbs were bandaged and the whole body was suspended into the high. she got extreme spanking with a long, hard wooden stick.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 9:24
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile, 2929kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 213.4 MB

Jamie Huxley Cum Drink - Sperm CockTail

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:19 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: SpermCockTail
Genres: young cum eating extreme

Jamie Huxley collects her full glass of cum for a taste cocktail!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 4:32
Video: 720x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1953kbps
Audio: 31kbps

File size: 57.3 MB

Andrew Collins & Aiden Lewis

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:18 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal, Oral Sex, Big Dick, Blow Job, Cumshots, Facial

Aiden and Andrew are eager to get at each other as their make out session turns hot very quick, with each stud stripping down to his boxers as they continue to kiss! Aiden gets impatient as he tears Andrew's boxers off and shoves his uncut dick into his mouth. He works Andrew's cock with his mouth until it's standing at attention, and he continues pleasuring Andrew, dragging his wet tongue along Andrew's hard shaft. Andrew is excited to return the favor as he pulls Aiden's boxers off and goes down on him, shoving Aiden's cock into his mouth as Aiden works Andrew's dick with his hand. These two are clearly both enjoying each other as they continue to get one another off, Andrew working Aiden's cock enthusiastically.

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:52
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1768kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 280.8 MB

Josh & Romeo

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:18 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Blowjob, Cumshots, Fingering, Kissing, Latinos, Masturbation, Muscles, Rimming.

These two fellas are ready to attack each other right when they arrive. It is not even 5 seconds after they exit the car and they are all over each other. These two tanned gods begin worshiping their muscles and take their shirts off right in the middle of the parking lot. They get closer and closer as they feel up their hard biceps, pecs and abs. Finally they begin to kiss. It is time to get them inside before someone calls the cops. Inside, they quickly dispense of the clothing and Josh is quick to drop to his knees. You can see the excitement when Josh first sees that massive cock spring forth from the underwear smacking him in the face. Josh sucks Romeo off and cannot get enough of his long straight and hard cock. Romeo then has Josh stand on the couch. Romeo lets Josh face fuck him. Then he orders Josh on all fours. Romeo starts to eat out his bubble butt. When it is nice and wet, he slips a finger in. Josh moans out. He is ready to get fucked. Romeo slips on the condom and slides it in. Josh yells out as Romeo thrusts deep inside of him. He then flips him over on his back and fucks him missionary. Then Josh rides Romeo reverse cowboy. Romeo loves this position and starts thrusting up inside Josh faster and faster. Finally Josh can hold back no more and shoots all over the rug. He jumps off of Romeo just in time for Romeo to shoot his load. Josh laps up every last drop. The two then kiss. They lay back with big smiles on their faces. This is one fucking hot scene.

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:04
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 3333kbps
Audio: 91kbps

File size: 604.1 MB

The Rectodus Society

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:17 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Genres: Solo, Duet, Group Sex (Threesome), Orgy
Video language: English

We exist together in a world of uncertainty, doubt, restlessness, regret, stress, and worry. Many seek answers and solutions from traditional religion, ancient philosophy, and far east thinkers.

Format: mp4
Duration: 1:09:40
Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 1956kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

Preston Johnson and Chad Brock

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:16 PM PDT

Studio: Bareback that Hole
Video language: English

We join Chad Brock and Preston Johnson, make-out session already in progress. The tattooed blond bottom goes down on Chad, who now embraces his inner daddy. The bearded, pierced stud enjoys some deep throat before taking charge of Preston's hole. Spitting, fingering, and rimming the tight, pink starburst, Chad then mounts and fucks the bareback bottom. But just as there are submissive bottoms, Chad ends up as a submissive top when Preston takes over and shows how big of an aggressive bottom he can be! …

Then again, if you know what you want, might as well go for it, right? And Preston does, shooting a load on his belly which the two then share before Chad delivers a load of his own, half of which spills onto Preston, the rest seeding the cum collecting dumpster.

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:42
Video: 1280x720, MP4V, 2442kbps
Audio: 141kbps

File size: 430.2 MB

Blondes love black guys

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:15 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Genres: Interracial Amateur
Video language: English

Blondes love black guys and udevitelno because dark-skinned guys with big members fuck a stimulant which proves that it is the video.

Format: lavfpref
Duration: 9:18
Video: 640x492, AVC (H.264), 781kbps
Audio: 74kbps

File size: 58.5 MB

Jenna - Date Night at Home FullHD 1080p

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: X-Art
Cast: Jenna
Genres: Teen
Video language: English

Jenna en Jessy hebben een heet avondje. Ze waren klaar om uit te gaan toen ze besloten om te verblijven in;-) Jenna is altijd geweldig, genieten van haar allemaal verkleed! Wat een gelukkige kerel op een meisje deze hete die ook een "deep-throat" expert .... zijn eerste shoot met X-Art te hebben en hij echt geluk gehad. Wil je niet om hem hier te zijn? Of je kunt gewoon achterover zitten, ontspan en kijk dan de liefde, zuigen, neuken en hebben geweldige orgasmes

Format: mp4
Duration: 16:42
Video: 1920x1080, MP4V, 7604kbps
Audio: 115kbps

File size: 944.6 MB

Jordan & Vander

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Jordan and Vander
Genres: Bareback, Rimming, Blowjobs, Creampie, Anal Sex, Hunks, Muscles, Hot Sex
Video language: English

Both Jordan and Vander are big beefy guys, really strong, so we pushed trying some different positions for Vander.

Love seeing Vander with all his weight on top of Jordan as Jordan fucks upward into his hole. Vander was certain he wasn't going to be able to stay hard in that position, but the pro that he is, it turns out his cock was quite happy to be fucked that way. I think he was turned on by Jordan's fire pubes!

Jordan actually suggested that he should try bottoming before this shoot, and I told him he might want to start bottoming on a different video as Vander's cock would be deemed "advanced". As soon as he saw how big Vander got, his idea of bottoming quickly evaporated. But at least I know he is willing to try, so perhaps next round we will see him with ankles up up the air.

Not that Jordan needs to bottom. With his perfectly straight cylinder of a cock that is always rock hard, he really is an amazing top.

With Jordan staying solid, Vander wanted to try the reversal of what he did with Jet. He gets himself upside down, with his main goal to have Jordan fuck the cum out of him and hopefully splat his load onto his face or even in his mouth. But between the neck braking angle, he fell a bit short, but Jordan saves the day by filling his hole with a hot creamy load!

Format: mp4
Duration: 29:55
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2175kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 504.9 MB

Switch Fuck

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:14 PM PDT

Cast: Venus-Lux & Carmen Moore
Genres: Transsexual, Hardcore, Anal
Video language: English

Venus Lux looks lustful while feeling herself as she stares at her partner!They kiss and she strokes his meaty pecker.

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:49
Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 2224kbps
Audio: 123kbps

File size: 341.6 MB

Champ Robinson – Mixing Up Those Loads (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:12 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: bareback, hardcore, big dick, interracial, creampie

SEE CHAMP ROBINSON AT HIS VERY BEST, RAMMING HIS 10" MONSTER COCK IN COCK HUNGRY DAMIEN SILVERS ASS UNTIL HE CAN 'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, AND THEN SOME. We also included NEW footage of Chris Kohl and two other cumdumps just begging for loads. Be ready for 90min. of Wild Fantasy that is going to wear you out agan and again.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 1:28:25
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 2048kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Riding Two Cocks

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:05 PM PDT

Video language: English

When a bitch gets this horny you better hope you have alot of stamina, or else she will fuck your friend at the same time! Cock juggling whorism at its finest!

Format: mp4
Duration: 8:31
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 1097kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 77.5 MB

Cat Sweeta, Charly Brown And Thomas Black

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:05 PM PDT

Genres: Anal/Oral Sex, Group, Twink
Video language: English

He may look young but his real age is 31 years old. Some gay guys whim he fucks think that it is very sexy. As long as he knows gay sex, he has always been a top, never bottoming for anyone. This gay guy simply loves dominating tight fuck holes and listening his fuck buddies beg him to fuck harder. Born and raised in Sweden, this gay man can satisfy your deepest gay desire in bareback style. Most gay twinks whom he fucks don't mind with bareback gay sex because they love having his warm sperms swimming inside their ass.

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:24
Video: 720x576, AVC (H.264), 2103kbps
Audio: 199kbps

File size: 328.1 MB

Tasha's Reign

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:03 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Cast: Tasha Reign
Genres: Work Fantasies, Big Tits, Blowjob, Ass Worship, Business Women, Blonde
Video language: English

The boss's daughter, Tasha, has a great idea for her dad's company. And this princess is used to getting exactly what she wants. This time, however, she has to convince the management, Keiran, to invest in her fly-by-night plan... and he does!

Format: mp4
Duration: 27:16
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 975kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 232.1 MB

Staxus - Daniel Prince, David Hanson, Launda Sacez

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:02 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: staxux
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

Daniel Prince shares a muscle top with his sexy friend and they both get a damned good seeing to.

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:44
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4878kbps
Audio: 122kbps

File size: 906.8 MB

Travis James & Cayden Ross

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:01 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010
Genres: Anal, oral, rimming, dildos, toys

Travis James thought he was going to do a solo toy show,
until Cayden Ross stopped by and decided to lend a hand.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 55:59
Video: 640x360, Windows Media Video 9, 1000kbps
Audio: 31kbps

File size: 427.6 MB

5 Guy Cream Pie 07

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 01:00 PM PDT

Release Year: 2003
Cast: Victoria Sin (as Vic Sinister), Scarlet Haze, Rio Mariah
Genres: All Sex, Gang Bang, Cream Pie
Video language: English

A FRIEND INDEED. Vic Sinister came into our offices with another 5-Guy alumni, Renee Pornero.
Seems that Renee had convinced her sexy friend that it was cool to let five men ejaculate inside her.
Vic had read the rumors on the internet about Lola being impregnated from an earlier shoot. But if Renee wasn't scared,
then neither was she. Each time Vic felt another stranger's cock erupt inside her, she wondered if she was really doing the right thing.
But she smiled and carried on until her fallopian tubes were filled with potent sperm cells. We've lost track of Vic since the shoot.

Total size: 845.0 MB in 3 files.


Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:58 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Transsex, Shemale, Solo, Butt, All Natural, Posing, Asian, Ladyboy

A special treat for ass lovers. Nicole is a Bangkok ladyboy with a beautiful face with big eyes and big mouth. She has
a nice skin. She has hormone tits and a wonderful all natural round big ass. She loves to bottom and she's great at it!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 13:19
Video: 1280x720, Windows Media Video 9, 1953kbps
Audio: 46kbps

File size: 195.9 MB

Sex In Montreal (2002)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:57 PM PDT

Video language: English

This is the ultimate bareback sex video you can ask for. 1 big bottom takes on two tops & their cocks.
Taking 3 loads up his ass in 2 hours of tag team fucking. & where better place to do it then in Montreal where all men there are horny for bareback sex.
Plus for those who like cigar smoking, you will enjoy when Robin Hood goes down to New York City to do a hot smoking video! (no pun intended).

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 1:41:24
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1928kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 1.5 GB

Tomas Friedel & Radim Hajek

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:57 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Kristen Bjorn
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

From Kristen Bjorn with regards to his Lover's Lane series "The condomless scene featured in this film is performed by a real life couple

The lastest scene released of Lover's Lane is the pair-up of Tomas Friedel and Radim Hajek

Format: mp4
Duration: 14:12
Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 1462kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 165.4 MB

Daniella Rose, Alexis Brill - So sexy

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:56 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: EuroSexParties / RealityKings
Cast: Daniella Rose, Alexis Brill
Genres: blonde, blowjob, deepthroat, facial, groupsex
Video language: English

Its another Hungarian sex party this week and these two lovely ladies are ready to rock. Accompanied by Tony and Sabby the girls get in relaxation mode immediately. The group starts massage each other and Sabby quickly begins to explore this super sexy, blonde, and bronzed beauty. Alexis beautiful breasts get some attention followed by the rest of her hidden pleasure spots. Tony decides to take another route. He lets Daniella give the massage and casually directs her from massage to blow job. Daniellas porcelain skin and dark hair make a lovely picture with Tonys cock in her mouth. The action from here flows like a scripted play as the girls fuck from multiple position, move back and forth to blowjobs, and seamlessly switch partners. As the girls both suck these guys to submission Sabby covers Alexias face in cum, while Daniella takes Tonys load all in and swallows.

Format: mp4
Duration: 39:08
Video: 768x432, AVC (H.264), 1468kbps
Audio: 31kbps

File size: 431.0 MB

Time For Your Spongebath (Audrey Bitoni)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:55 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Cast: Audrey Bitoni
Genres: All Sex

Audrey is a patient in the C-Wing of Henderson County Mental Ward. When it comes time for her daily sponge bath, Johnny, a nefarious orderly, decides to test her limits and take advantage of the situation by insisting not only he bathe her entire body, but that she allow him to administer a special medicinal oil massage. The medical rub down leads to a close inspection of Audrey's pussy...by Johnny's dick..

Format: mp4
Duration: 44:27
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 11724kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 3.9 GB

Alex Collack Collection

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:55 PM PDT

Release Year: 2003
Studio: Hot House Video
Cast: Alex Collack, Arpad Miklos, Collin O'Neal, Dillon Press, Justin Gemini, Mario Ortiz, Omer, Robert Van Damme, Shane Rollins, Thom Barron, Trey Casteel
Genres: Oral/ Anal Sex, Bondage/BDSM, Group Sex, Jockstraps, Leather, Muscular, Rimming, Uncut

Hot House Exclusive Alex Collack shares his favorite scenes with you in this must-have collector's edition! Includes scenes from "Skuff II", "Screw", "Ram Tough", "Mischief", "At Your Service" and "Trunks 2".

Format: avi
Duration: 2:13:34
Video: 560x400, XviD, 1132kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.2 GB

For the money, fuck eccentric maid

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:54 PM PDT

Cast: Angele

The eccentric girl brought order to the guest room, she saw the girl in "this" dress man naturally wanted to fuck her, but beauty is strong and did not refuse ...

Format: avi
Duration: 16:59
Video: 512x384, DivX 3, 864kbps
Audio: 113kbps

File size: 123.3 MB

Damian Boss and Neil Bennett

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:50 PM PDT

Prepare for a bit of hot alfresco fucking! Damian with his enormous uncut cock takes advantage of Neil out in the sunshine! They start off with a bit of groping and just look how quickly Damian gets hard! It's not long before there is some mutual sucking going on. Then fit lad Neil opens his very tight hairy boy hole for Damian to ruin! There are some great scenes here with Neil riding that big uncut euro cock, desperately trying to take every inch...and keep an eye on the pre-cum dribbling from Damian, before the final spectacular cum dump!

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:21
Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 4888kbps
Audio: 33kbps

File size: 697.6 MB

Bare Dreams

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:49 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Blowjob, Cumshots, Facial, Kissing, Masturbation, Muscles, Rimming, Tattoos, Threesome, Uncut.
Video language: English

Young male fantasies literally come to life in hardcore, condom free scenes featuring your favorite dirty sex loving boys!

Format: mp4
Duration: 1:32:23
Video: 848x480, AVC (H.264), 1912kbps
Audio: 136kbps

File size: 1.4 GB

Foot Girl - InfernalRestraints HD

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:49 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Infernal Restraints
Cast: Emily Marilin
Genres: intersec interactive extreme device bondage wood steel metal femsub femdom female male domination fem dom sd pd humillation fem sub submission play rope gear leather kinky pain sex

Emily is a foot fetishist but his lust cannot be contained to just one part of her body. Sure, he can tickle or whip her feet to get her going, but working her pussy into a hot, wet frenzy is not his only goal. He has to derive every bit of pleasure than he can from her body and that means using every little bit of the canvas that she has offered up to him. She has tits to be clamped, an ass to be whipped, holes to be filled and a clit to be vibrated. He cannot risk letting her focus too fully on her feet. After all, if she likes it too much she may get stupid. He would not want her thinking he cared what she wants. She is there to be humiliated and used, nothing more.

That is not to say that PD will not play with her feet at all. He is an artist, after all, and her feet are too perfect a subject to go untouched. They will receive an ever intensifying series of torments. A whipping is like paint, the spikes are like musical notes, and hot iron is like marble. He will fashion her suffering into a masterpiece. He just cannot miss out on that just because she may enjoy it too much. She is his to shape and mold, and through her pain he will make her perfect.

Format: mp4
Duration: 1:00:05
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1406kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 675.5 MB

Camp-Site Anal Fucking - Boris, Tony Angelo

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:46 PM PDT

Studio: Big Daddy - Out In Public
Video language: English

In this weeks update were out here going camping and we meet up with some friends of ours who have started the party without us we get these two guys together and I dont know what it is about the public but these two individuals were not hesitant about doing there business out in the open for everyone to see at one point these guys had a crowd of people wanting to see what was going on it was amazing and the sex was fantastic I hope you guys really enjoy this update because I sure did.

Format: mp4
Duration: 29:09
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2898kbps
Audio: 66kbps

File size: 634.9 MB

Affäre am Arbeitsplatz (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:44 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Paradise Film
Cast: Ally Style, Boris, Dries, Lydia, Melanie, Stefan Dolenga
Genres: All Sex, Extremely Oral, Big Tits, Hard Sex, Milf, Amateurs
Video language: German

Naughty affairs at the workplace, backstage interracial, with the student during private lessons, in the office, featuring -Der Geschlechtsvollzieher-starring Stefan Dolenga and Melanie, as seen on Stefan Raab's famous TV Total show!

Format: mp4
Duration: 2:00:06
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264), 1461kbps
Audio: 99kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

BlackOnGuys - Sky Smith

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:44 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: BlackOnGuys
Cast: Sky Smith
Genres: Gay,Anal,Hardcore,Cumshot,Oral

This week on Blacks On Boys we bring you Sky. He's 18, and a Native American/White mix. He's been "out" since he got caught with another boi by his sister when he was 13...DOOH! He's a total bottom. So for his black cock fantasy we hook him up with one of our hardest hittin brothas...Thugzilla. Sky wastes little time with the specifics of his black cock fantasies. He just wants it any way he can get it...and get it he does!

Format: mp4
Duration: 17:47
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2931kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 407.0 MB

Muscle Hunk Debut, Miguel Funt

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:44 PM PDT

Genres: Solo, Masturbation, Posing, Hunks, Cumshots
Video language: English

Muscle Miguel stretches big, flexes his massive frame and biceps while his cock is rock hard and throbbing. He moves across the room and steps up on the sofa to allow us to enjoy his raw posing.

He turns, showing us his bubble ass, then spreads his man cheeks for us to get a great insiders peek into that straight guys hole.

Miguel steps down, lays back on the floor, raises his legs and jerks his cock while gently playing with his puckering hole. He grabs his belt, wraps it around his cock and soon enough he's jerking his hard meat while his body quivers.

He lets go of his dick just as it starts to erupt and allows streams of man jizz to fly through the air and puddle all over the floor in front of him. We had to slow down the action again to allow you to see the jizz bullets shooting from his pulsing cock. Amazing!

Thanks, Miguel...and do cum again !!!

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 19:55
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 1464kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 223.9 MB

Tyler and Bruce from Southern Stroke

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:42 PM PDT

Cast: Tyler, Bruce
Genres: condoms, safesex, oral, anal

Tyler and Bruce go out it southern style. A lot of aggressive anal with an ultimate climax. Enjoy

Format: MPEG
Duration: 18:46
Video: 720x480, MPEG-2, 9110kbps
Audio: 437kbps

File size: 1.1 GB

Camp Site Anal Fucking (Tony Angelo, Boris - aka Milan Perger)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:38 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal Sex, Bareback, Blowjob, Cumshots, Facial, Kissing, Masturbation, Muscles, Outdoors, Tattoos, Uncut.

In this weeks update were out here going camping and we meet up with some friends of ours who have started the party without us we get these two guys together and I dont know what it is about the public but these two individuals were not hesitant about doing there business out in the open for everyone to see at one point these guys had a crowd of people wanting to see what was going on it was amazing and the sex was fantastic I hope you guys really enjoy this update because I sure did.

Format: mp4
Duration: 29:09
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2898kbps
Audio: 66kbps

File size: 634.9 MB

Hard Lesson

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:37 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Genres: Solo, Duet, Group Sex (Threesome), Orgy
Video language: English

Paul Wagner is looking for a little instruction in the art of self-defense, so he submits to learn from his friend Joey Baltimore, who is clearly trained and willing to instruct. After some initial instruction in the art of throwing blows and floor grappling, Paul shows Joey a few expert 'blowing' maneuvers of his own.

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:47
Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 1965kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 338.2 MB

Everybody Loves Fucking Lucy

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:35 PM PDT

Video language: English

This tight young asian whore cant get enough big hard American cock! Two at a time is what it takes to make her cum. She should be careful what she asks for because these horny perverts are gonna fuck the shit out of her!

Format: mp4
Duration: 22:19
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 1090kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 201.8 MB

Hunter Page, Connor Maguire & Ray Han

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:34 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: NakedSword
Cast: Hunter Page, Connor Maguire & Ray Han
Genres: Oral, Anal, Rimming, Facial, Cum Eating, Muscle, Hunks, Big Dick, Tattoo, Cum Shot, Condom
Video language: English

Kev's alone in the frat house… or so he thinks. He's close to blowing a load to a webcam show when the lights go out. Is it a blown fuse, or something more sinister? Kev (Hunter Page) ducks outside to investigate and finds two movers (Connor Maguire and Ray Han), lurking outside with a stray couch, an empty truck bed, and raging hard-ons. What's a horned-up guy to do? Give the hard-working boys a tip, of course. And while the movers take turns on Hunter's tight ass, no one notices the truck door sliding down ... and locking them in.

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:36
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1788kbps
Audio: 116kbps

File size: 358.5 MB

Squirt On My Cock

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:33 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Cast: Maxine X
Genres: Squirt, Blowjob, Big Tits, Medium Ass, Brunette
Video language: English

Maxine finds out that her friend's boyfriend, Will, has a huge cock and makes Maxine's friend squirt. Intrigued, she seduces Will so he can make her squirt too!

Format: mp4
Duration: 32:49
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 976kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 279.5 MB

Treasure Island Media - Paul Morris Diaries - Raw Shots II

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:32 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Treasure Island Media
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

The return of "Dick Kraver", and he's as hungry for cum as ever. First he takes on a hung bodybuilder (he's been in mainstream porn, but this is HIS ONLY BAREBACK VIDEO EVER) who rough-fucks him so well that Dick shoots two loads in a row ("Paul! I'm coming again!"image. Dick takes the bodybuilder's load up his ass, but needs more — so he gets a hot young punk-kid to rawfuck him and shoot another load into his dripping ass.

RAW SHOTS II also features the scene that one reviewer called "...one of the most memorable and extended bareback scenes in porn: the love/sex scene between Paul Morris's star, BIG KEN, and his young blonde bottom-boy."

Format: MPEG
Duration: 1:28:05
Video: 352x288, MPEG-1, 1123kbps
Audio: 218kbps

File size: 879.0 MB

5 Guy Cream Pie 04

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:30 PM PDT

Release Year: 2003
Cast: Domino, Cherry Poppens, Renee Pornero
Genres: All Sex, Gang Bang, Cream Pie
Video language: English

LET IT LOOSE! That's what the guys do in this video, letting their seed fly up into the willing wombs of these gorgeous, slutty girls. Girls with nary a care in the world.
Do they think about getting pregnant? Yeah, right! They're young and pretty and don't have time to waste on boring things like that. They just want their money, and they want it now.
Internal cum shots? "Yeah, sure whatever." Birth control? "I heard you can't get pregnant ifyou drink castor oil after the shoot." Alright then! Spread those legs - and lights, camera, action!

Total size: 819.6 MB in 3 files.

Afternoon T Room (2002)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:29 PM PDT

Starring: Nate Bruno, Seth Handler, Joe Stack, Quentin, Zach Lauderdale, Rob Stevens, Dan Alcock, Lee Williams
Niches: Anal, Daddy, Glory Hole, Oral, Sex Pigs, Twinks

Don't expect any fine china, dowdy matrons or Russians in this tea room. Instead, you'll be treated to a peek inside the "suck or be sucked" world of T-rooms, where it's every man for himself. Featuring an eclectic mix of spunk-starved guy-guzzlers, from skinhead to hairy daddies, this spooge-filled raunchfest is a low-budget exercise in glory hole antics.

Format: wmv
Resolution: 720x480

Total size: 2.1 GB in 8 files.

The Sling with Logan Rogue, Dirk Caber and Christopher Daniels (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:27 PM PDT

Video language: English

stretches his hole with two fingers and proceeds to give him a good hard fucking.

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:01
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2951kbps
Audio: 186kbps

File size: 575.5 MB

Maikel Cash, Donato Reyes, Aymeric Deville & Sergio Serrano

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:27 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Kristen Bjorn
Cast: Maikel Cash, Donato Reyes, Aymeric Deville & Sergio Serrano
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

When we last saw Donato he had received a text for free champagne and caviar. Don't forget to read the small print, where all the details hare hidden. Donato continues to pay for his extravagance with his flesh.

The waiters demised a plan for Donato to pay for his luxuries and now everyone is involved with the retribution. In the opulent restaurant Donato begins to service Sergio's huge cock while Aymeric does the same for Maikel. Aymeric flips between Maikel and Donato's cocks as Donato continues to service the massive piece of meat in his mouth. Donato and Aymeric are two very talented cock suckers and are challenged by two very intimidating cocks. Donato has become so turned on by the fat cock punching his throat that he releases his hot creamy load as he continues sucking off Sergio. Maikel feels the burning deep within his cock as Aymeric sucks the cum out of his throbbing shaft. Maikel shoots his load all over Aymeric's hot lips and tongue. With cum dripping from his mouth and chin Aymeric explodes his hot load at you in 3-D style. Sergio has heard and seen enough cum splashing about that his huge mushroom head shoots his load that spreads all over Donato's face and body. Do the waiters feel that Donato has paid for his elegant afternoon, does the debt need further payment, or is it time for more champagne?

Format: mp4
Duration: 11:06
Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 1467kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 129.7 MB

Vicky Chase - Love With A View

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:26 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: X-Art
Cast: Vicky Chase
Genres: All Sex
Video language: English

After a few drinks at a resort Vicky and Dylan meet for the frist time. They find a secret place overlooking the ocean and start talking. Well, Vicky came on that vacation for one thing and she knows what she wants. Luckily Dylan is a willing victim. Watch them hungrily ravage each other until he finishes with a huge load of cum all over her face! (Ok, I know it sounds "porny" for me to say "huge load of cum" haha I was laughing at myself while writing it, but it's TRUE). This one may be a little hard for true X-Art style but Vicky LOVED every minute, she is awesome!!!

Format: mov (QuickTime)
Duration: 17:44
Video: 960x540, MP4V, 2335kbps
Audio: 99kbps

File size: 316.8 MB

Boat Trip

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:25 PM PDT

Release Year: 2006
Studio: Tribal Pulse Productions
Cast: Hacha, Kobe Miro, Pete Denek, Patrick Tot, Marcus Couric, Romey Mall, Jan Vector, David Mann
Genres: oral.anal sex, twinks, outdoor

Director Zack Wood has found an all-new cast of sexy men who discover that the motion of the ocean definitely improves your stroke! Four sizzling scenes, filled with horny, hung young guys who get off on the open water.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:54:44
Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 1269kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 1.2 GB

Logan Rogue, Chris Daniels & Dirk Caber

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:20 PM PDT

The fucking in this one is unlimited. Each scene is steamy and filled with kissing, licking, and hard ass fucking. These studs no doubt gave it their all in this one!

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:01
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2951kbps
Audio: 186kbps

File size: 575.5 MB

Brian Brower And Randy Scott

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:20 PM PDT

Genres: Anal/Oral Sex, Twink
Video language: English

This guy has everything: the good looks, the athletic body, the cute smile, the big cock, and the tight ass. For those who like dirty blond guy, Brian Bower will be the perfect choice. Like everybody else, Brian started his early sexual years by masturbation. Somehow, he was very into his male classmates. When he reached 18, he had sex experiment with his best friend. Brian finally found his true destiny, as a men lover. What he likes the most in sex is to suck men's cocks. The bigger the cock is, the better the pleasure gets. Come and see Brian sucks dicks! You know, you want him.

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:26
Video: 720x480, AVC (H.264), 2759kbps
Audio: 201kbps

File size: 422.0 MB

Slalom Sluts

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:19 PM PDT

Genres: Anal Sex, Blowjob, Cumshots, Facial, Kissing, Masturbation, Muscles, Rimming, Tattoos, Threesome, Uncut.
Video language: English

No question about it, skiing is one of the toughest sports there is – one for which you need to be 100% fit to have any chance of competing. And what better way to keep on top of your game than to engage in some off-piste cock-sucking, ass-banging action with your fellow snow-lovin' buddies?! With bubble-butt asses that are as smooth as the Alpine drifts and cock-hungry holes at every turn on the course, this is one guaranteed whiteout from start to finish!

Format: mp4
Duration: 1:50:54
Video: 720x416, AVC (H.264), 500kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 765.7 MB

Just a Thing - InfernalRestraints HD

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:19 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Infernal Restraints
Cast: Sasha Knox
Genres: intersec interactive extreme device bondage wood steel metal femsub femdom female male domination fem dom sd pd humillation fem sub submission play rope gear leather kinky pain sex

Sasha Knox is under the impression that she has rights so PD and SD are going to have to correct her. She is stripped of her name first, because it represents a will she will no longer have. Her clothes are stripped off because they are a modesty she no longer needs. In minutes Sasha goes from a woman to a thing, an it, just another fucked up toy in their collection.

It has a number of unique talents that amuse PD and SD. It can cum within seconds, it can cum from pain and suffering, it can scream for mercy and beg for more at the same time. PD and SD are interested in everything it can do. Their new toy will be worn out and broken down by the time they are even done testing it out.

Format: mp4
Duration: 53:04
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1406kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 596.5 MB

Flippin' & Floppin

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:18 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Bareback, Anal/Oral sex, Big Dick

We knew our long haired surfer dude Kip and big dicked Alex would have a hot time together because of their similar personalities. Both are about as easy-going as two guys can be, never taking anything that seriously unless it's needed. No stress… No drama… Just fun… Most of us turn into someone else when laying down some pipe, our sexselves, and Kip and Alex are no different! Alex surprised us the way he tore into Kip's nice round rump, but then Kip showed him how to really whip it up with a good ol' fashioned ass pounding! Want a peak into who they really are though? Have a look at the screen grab we chose for the video cover above that was taken after they'd cum all over each other and hadn't had a chance to get up yet. Their faces say it all.

Format: mp4
Duration: 23:53
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4685kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 842.0 MB

Tim - Stuffing a Fleshjack

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:17 PM PDT

Release Year: 2010
Genres: Solo, Masturbation, Sex Toy, Cumshots, Interview

Again a hot special for you.
We have bought a fleshjack and I wanted to check how it feels.
Grobes grabbed the camera and voilá.....

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 8:03
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 2437kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 148.0 MB

You Rub Me

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:16 PM PDT

Studio: Big Daddy - Rub Him
Video language: English

We have a great Rub Him for you guys out there today! Two very handsome men are getting oiled up and both give and get in this one. We find the sexiest men from around the globe and let them run wild and free to frolic about like fawns from a gay labyrinth somewhere. Anyway, we got a great episode for yall! Enjoy!!

Format: mp4
Duration: 33:15
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2900kbps
Audio: 72kbps

File size: 726.2 MB

Best Friends 2 (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:14 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Filly Films
Cast: Cali Hayes, Cassie Laine, Shonicee, Cali Carter, Tiffani Taylor, Blondie, Megan Salinas, Lilly Banks, Shelly Starr, Lexy Rose
Genres: Lesbians
Video language: English

Beste Freunde teilen alles, und warum nicht zwei, wenn du kannst? Mit allen lesbische Teen Action! Dreier-Szene!

Format: mp4
Duration: 1:55:50
Video: 704x394, AVC (H.264), 1461kbps
Audio: 126kbps

File size: 1.3 GB

Pipi Kur

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:14 PM PDT

Cast: Lena Malaika, Hans Lewitz, Tracey Lords, Albert Dietz, Juana Santino, Graham Nyke, Hilary Haley, Hagen Van Dries, Heike Graf, Sam Travis, Monique Petit, Hank Brewster, Rachel Alders, Vanessa Vaylen
Genres: pissing, fisting, masturbation, lesbians, fetish, urin drink, golden shower, blowjobs, all sex
Video language: German

A special kind of beauty program is available on the piss-farm. When the men turn on the tap, the girls can look forward to a huge, warm rain. Greedy, the spa guests lounging under the yellow shower and stretch their pussies against the fixed beam. Every inch between the nipples and thighs is wetted by the yellow fountain and the perverse regulars as a little bonus a big gulp of piss medicine.

Format: flv
Duration: 1:31:26
Video: 720x576, AVC (H.264)

File size: 912.2 MB

Adam Gets Fucked (with Grant): BM–0118

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:12 PM PDT

Cast: Adam, Grant
Genres: Anal, Oral, Condoms, Rimming

You know, if I had a pound for every request that I've received to film Adam getting fucked then I could pretty much have the next two months off! And it took a whole lot of cash and a great deal of persuasion to actually make this one come about, but as there are over 120 posts on the subject in the member's forum I just knew I had to make it image So finally, and to mark the first birthday of BLAKEMASON, here it is - Adam getting fucked. So who's the lucky fella? Well, I wanted this film to be passionate as well as sexy and Adam agreed that Grant would be the perfect guy. And man, I wasn't wrong! The film starts off with Adam lying on Grant's lap and it takes no time at all before the guys have stripped naked and are making out. It's a proper cock-sucking session (and with cocks like this who wouldn't be slurping away!) with a little rimming thrown in for good measure...

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 36:15
Video: 640x480, Windows Media Video 9, 1816kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 527.2 MB

IR Sep 27, 2013 - Rain Degrey

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:12 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: BDSM, Bondage
Video language: English

I laid my canes next to Rain Degrey so she would know what was coming. Her hands, feet and ass are all exposed to the impending punishment and she's terrified. When she has had enough I will move her into a new position and start working on fresher flesh.

There will be screams. There will be tears. There will be more than a few orgasms. I'm going to completely wear her out. And then, when she has cum and cried herself delirious I will sit her down in the wooden spiked chair, just to watch her squirm.

Format: mp4
Duration: 37:31
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2687kbps
Audio: 118kbps

File size: 806.0 MB

Crazy Japanese scat № 2

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:11 PM PDT

Shocking scat in excellent quality!
Year: 2009
Genre: Scat
Studio: King of Realism
Country: Japan
Time: 67 min
Starring: Beautiful Japanese Girls
Description: Crazy Japanese scat № 2. Depending on our mood, we will do with you what we want. without asking to you we will spitting in your mouth or slapping your face. We pee on you if we have time. We use you as human toilet, and if you open your mouth does not go far enough, we also have a method for this, the mouth spreaders.

Video: 480x320, 29.970 fps, DivX MPEG-4 Low-Motion ~1233 kbps avg, 0.27 bit/pixel
Audio: 48 kHz, MPEG Layer 3, 2 ch, ~128.00 kbps avg

File size: 428.9 MB

Lauren wants a gaping asshole by the end of this scene

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:05 PM PDT

Video language: English

Lauren might seem the type not to enjoy getting ass fucked but let me tell you that she really loved a big hard cock up there. Watch this hot super babe get gaped in the ass, Dped, 2 cocks shoved in her mouth and 2 huge loads of cum all over her face.

Format: mp4
Duration: 28:11
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 1094kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 255.7 MB

Peeping Tom Peeping Mom

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:03 PM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Cast: Sarah Jessie
Genres: Mom, Blonde, MILF, Big Tits
Video language: English

Sarah feels like she has to clean her picture window nearly every day. She finally notices that her son's friend, Xander, has been sneaking in and dirtying the window just so he can watch her beautiful breasts press against the wet glass. Sarah gives him a little bit of a show, then invites him inside to take a closer look.

Format: mp4
Duration: 30:51
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 975kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 262.6 MB

MasqueradeMen - Flippin' & Floppin' -Alexander Greene & Kip Johnson

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:02 PM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: MasqueradeMen
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

We knew our long haired surfer dude Kip and big dicked Alex would have a hot time together because of their similar personalities. Both are about as easy-going as two guys can be, never taking anything that seriously unless it's needed. No stress ... No drama ... Just fun ... Most of us turn into someone else when laying down some pipe, our sexselves, and Kip and Alex are no different! Alex surprised us the way he tore into Kip's nice round rump, but then Kip showed him how to really whip it up with a good ol 'fashioned ass pounding! Want a peak into who they really are though? Have a look at the screen grab we chose for the video cover above that was taken after they'd cum all over each other and hadn't had a chance to get up yet. Their faces say it all.

Format: mp4
Duration: 23:53
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4685kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 842.0 MB

Career Day Lay

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 12:00 PM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Cast: Nicole Aniston
Video language: English

Nicole and her friend are going to make a career in porn. Now they have their own operator who takes their joint sex. The girl is very happy with the start of your career since the first of their materials have found their customers.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 39:11
Video: 768x432, Windows Media Video V8
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 670.0 MB

The Sling

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:58 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Bareback, Anal/Oral sex, Big Dick

very good movie from this studio, you can enjoy this magnificent sight

Format: mp4
Duration: 25:01
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2951kbps
Audio: 186kbps

File size: 575.5 MB

Poolboy's Duties

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:57 AM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Genres: Solo, Duet, Group Sex (Threesome), Orgy
Video language: English

Phillip Aubrey is ready to listen, ready to obey. He knows tricks and doesn't mind the leash and collar one bit. Spencer Reed is a good pet owner who feeds his puppy all the meat he can handle, rubs his belly regularly, and makes sure his coat his spit shine clean and healthy. Then he fucks him across a table and cums in his mouth.

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:24
Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 1972kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 380.1 MB

Charles Masturbation Solo (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:57 AM PDT

Video language: English

guy posing for the camera and jerking his dick while lying on the bed

Format: mp4
Duration: 15:50
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4638kbps
Audio: 46kbps

File size: 544.5 MB

Kayden Gray, Leo Marco & Lyle Boyce

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:57 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Eurocreme
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

The boys arrive at the cottage, and being shown to their rooms by sexy French boy Leo. There's already an air of discord among the couples and baby faced Lyle Boyce is caught right in the middle of muscled young stud Kayden and cute twinky Zac's relationship angst. Pouring wine the first evening and being left alone in the lounge, Lyle lets slip how sexy he finds Kayden, and always the player, Kayden picks up on it and gets what he wants from the slim pale young boy. Seeing Lyle's face pushed up against Kayden's rock hard abs and pecs, he loves the thought of being used by him, and boy is he used! Kayden flops out his solid 9" meat, thick enough to be a struggle for Lyle to even fit in his mouth, but that's not going to stop him! Getting face fucked hard by the dark and handsome Kayden, Lyle is almost split in two when he's pulled on top of that monster dick and lowered over it, filling him up with more dick than he's ever had in his young life. All the while, CottageBoy Leo is at the window, enjoying the show from the darkness outside, watching and wanking intently until he himself creams all over the ivy, and Kayden squirts a massive load all over Lyle, leaving this freshly fucked young lad sore, used and definitely abused, but with the broadest grin on his face ever.

Format: mp4
Duration: 17:57
Video: 1280x720, MP4V

File size: 341.2 MB

Aaliyah Love's Female Obsession

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:56 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Vivid
Cast: Aaliyah Love, Missy Martinez, Charity Bangs, Trinity St. Clair, Aryana Augustine, Veronica Ricci
Genres: All Girl, Lesbian
Video language: English

Aaliyah Love's Female Obsession Join Aaliyah Love while she explores here kinky obsession with beautiful women!

Format: mp4
Duration: 1:57:03
Video: 704x396, AVC (H.264), 1271kbps
Audio: 191kbps

File size: 1.2 GB

Skateboard Sliders 3

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:55 AM PDT

Release Year: 2002
Studio: Tribal Pulse Productions
Cast: Kaleb Hayes, Hans Ebson, Sam Dixon, Cody Scott, Johnny Doom, Xavier, Tony Alvarez, Ollie Kicks, Drew Peters, Tiger, Lark Larson and Introducing: Tommy Hawk and Coby Kincade
Genres: Oral/Anal Sex,group

They're back and it's nonstop butt banging, two dicks in one ass, cock swallowing, so much cumshooting we had to put it on 2 videos action with those California skate punks who love it so much !

Format: avi
Duration: 1:18:51
Video: 720x480, DivX 5, 972kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 637.0 MB

Doug Acre and Lucas Knight

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:54 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: NakedSword
Cast: Doug Acre and Lucas Knight
Genres: Oral, Anal, Rimming, Facial, Cum Eating, Muscle, Big Dick, Cum Shot, Condom
Video language: English

While Kev (Hunter Page) is trapped in a locked truck back at the frat house, his fellow K.O.K. brothers (Doug Acre and Lucas Knight) are living it up at the Powerhouse underwear night. In the third episode of NakedSword Original's Frat House Cream, the guys find that if love is strange, lust is stranger. Doug and Lucas are disappointed when they don't get picked to work their rumps on stage so the boys each get on their phones to find a match with the "Mister" app — and find each other. So while Kev cries out for help, Doug takes Lucas in the back for a little brotherly love.

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:25
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1785kbps
Audio: 119kbps

File size: 300.0 MB

Elderly busty granny loves young cocks

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:54 AM PDT

An elderly lady picked up in the park skinny young man and offered him money if he fucks her well ...

Format: mp4
Duration: 36:40
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1952kbps
Audio: 153kbps

File size: 566.3 MB

A slave in a cage

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:51 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: DominatrixAnnabelle
Cast: Annabelle
Genres: Femdom, Mistress, Dominatrix, Domme, Goddess, Madame, Domina, Fetish, Powerful Woman, BDSM, Bondage, Dungeon, Slave
Video language: English

Mistress closed her slave in a cage and ordered to masturbate the way she fucks her wet hole with two vibrators

Format: mp4
Duration: 19:16
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 5370kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 807.2 MB

Derek Jackson

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:50 AM PDT

Your man Derek Jackson is back to show you a few new tricks he's learned. You no doubt remember the solo artist's debut as a rough, tough SWAT style badass. Be prepared for this appearance as a streetwise dancer who only wants to express himself through his unique rhythmic movements. Although the dance scene is tightly competitive and sometimes can lead to dangerous situations like impromptu, street-style dance offs, Derek's been in the game for a long time.

Format: mp4
Duration: 11:56
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4670kbps
Audio: 146kbps

File size: 421.4 MB

Big Uncut Fuckers (2013) - Disc 2

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:49 AM PDT

Genres: Anal Sex, Blowjob, Cumshots, Facial, Kissing, Masturbation, Muscles, Rimming, Tattoos, Threesome, Uncut.
Video language: English

Awesome 2DVD pack with nothing but massive twink cock pounding fresh twink holes! Non stop bareback goodness featuring 18 barely legal boys in 12 hot scenes! Yay!

Format: mp4
Duration: 1:35:41
Video: 640x352, AVC (H.264), 500kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 524.8 MB

Left Alone - InfernalRestraints HD

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:49 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Infernal Restraints
Cast: Moxxie Maddron
Genres: intersec interactive extreme device bondage wood steel metal femsub femdom female male domination fem dom sd pd humillation fem sub submission play rope gear leather kinky pain sex

Moxxie loves having things shoved into her holes, especially if it saves her from suffering. Pain can be its own reward but for her it is just a path to what she really wants. Moxxie is a slut, through and through, and if it means having an orgasm or tasting a dick again she will endure anything.

It does not take PD long to twist that to his own end. Everyone knows a pussy is extremely sensitive after a couple orgasms. Once she has cum she can barely keep her wits about her. He puts the hood on her and gives her some more. Every time she cums it is more intense than the last. When he takes the hood off she may think it is over, but he is waiting for the machines to wear out and she has got a long way to go. PD will check back in a few hours.

Format: mp4
Duration: 32:01
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1405kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 359.7 MB

Alexander Greene and Kip Johnson

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:46 AM PDT

Studio: MasqueradeMen
Video language: English

We knew our long haired surfer dude Kip and big dicked Alex would have a hot time together because of their similar personalities. Both are about as easy-going as two guys can be, never taking anything that seriously unless it's needed. No stress ... No drama ... Just fun ... Most of us turn into someone else when laying down some pipe, our sexselves, and Kip and Alex are no different! Alex surprised us the way he tore into Kip's nice round rump, but then Kip showed him how to really whip it up with a good ol 'fashioned ass pounding! Want a peak into who they really are though? Have a look at the screen grab we chose for the video cover above that was taken after they'd cum all over each other and hadn't had a chance to get up yet. Their faces say it all.

Format: mp4
Duration: 23:53
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 4685kbps
Audio: 124kbps

File size: 842.0 MB

Spermswap in Europe 5 (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:44 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Jules Jordan Video
Cast: Fire, Ginna Brigitta, Nicole Evans, Chyanne, Vanessa, Dominica Dolce, Lilly, Jazmin, Michelle, Stefy, Christin La Rouge
Genres: All Sex, HD - Shot In High Def, Oral
Video language: English

"Vanessa und Dominica Dolce durch ein paar glückliche Jungs gefickt. Ein Küken bekommt zwei Ladungen geliefert an den Mund und teilt sie mit den anderen Mädchen.
"Chyanne und Lilly suchen super-hot in diesem cum swapping Film. Sie ficken zwei Jungs und tauschen zwei massive Lasten der Spermien.
"Ginna Brigitta und Lia Fire? Diese beiden Süssen bekommen hart schlug durch ein paar geile Jungs. Nachdem die Pussy Schlagen die Küken tauschen eine Ladung Sperma.
"Nicole Evans und Jazmin tauschen drei Lasten der Spermien von einem zum anderen. Viele sexuelle Energie in diesem Film und eine große Schlucken Endung.
"Jane Zaubermaus und Christin La Rouge durch einen steinharten Schwanz schlug zu erhalten. Nachdem alle hämmern einer von ihnen bekommt eine große Last und Swaps auf die andere Küken.
"Es ist wirklich ein Erlebnis, Michelle beobachten und Stefy gefickt. Diese Girls nehmen es schwer, den Arsch und dann tauschen eine große Ladung Sperma zwischen ihnen."

Format: mp4
Duration: 3:10:58
Video: 720x400, AVC (H.264), 1602kbps
Audio: 250kbps

File size: 2.5 GB

Fuck Authority

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:44 AM PDT

Release Year: 2009
Cast: Tucker Jenson Kenji Shawn Cohen Sean Ansen Ryley Nyce Eric Rivers Adian Storm Blue Bailey
Genres: Anal Safe Sex

Description: Street Trade's DVD "Fuck Authority" proves that if you're lucky and have balls, you can in-fact, do just that: Fuck Authority! In scene one Blue Bailey, wearing a "The One" T-shirt, takes off the glasses of his young supervisor Adian Storm and eventually seduces and fucks him on a table. The tables turn when the supervisor fucks hot Blue and eats his cum. Scene two has a young, blond thief Sean Ansen caught in the act by straight looking, tattooed security guard Eric Rivers. The two get into some raunchy sucking, ending with the smooth blond boning hairy, hunky Rivers, followed up by the guard serving up his own cum on his fingers for Sean to lick off. Scene three has a brunette client Tucker Jensen getting physical with his blond trainer Shawn Cohen, fucking him in the towels. And scene four has a mouthy soldier Ryley Nyce sucking off and getting fucked by his scruffy underling Kenji, but not before the lower ranked guy shows Nyce a thing or two by performing autofellatio: Sucking his own cock.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 1:37:01
Video: 480x360, Windows Media Video 9, 1250kbps
Audio: 62kbps

File size: 894.1 MB


Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:44 AM PDT

Cast: Pauline Kiss, Babette Pavlova, Kitty Shade, Nora Lucky, Peggy Rose, Gita Feresco, Victor Benson, Paco Toresco, Bobby Cane, Eddy Miles, Tacco Ferrys
Genres: pissing, fisting, masturbation, lesbians, fetish, urin drink, golden shower, blowjobs, all sex
Video language: English

In addition to home-grown tomatoes and strawberries also lovingly cared very special exotic fruits are splashed on this farm . With a strong jet in the mouth and a warm, yellow shower on her tits Fotzenkelche the bloom on the labia apart and fold the way into the wet , pink hole is free . Now the hobby gardeners can spray their seed with powerful strokes into fertile flesh. Includes : MAID `S THREESOME , 2f -1m , Dirty Movies # 109 (Angel Cash) FIRST DATE, 1f- 1m, Dirty Movies # 2001 SWEET BOTTOM GAL , 1f -1m , Dirty Movies # 2009 ( Craig Roberts ) DOUBLE CUM , 1f -2m , Dirty Movies # 2012 ( Kevin James ) REAL RED HEAD , 1f -1m , Diamond # 285 WET Now she is all girl . These cougars are experienced and mean business . But Amy is not just your normal everyday kind-of girl , she is a trans- lesbian , and so are all of her girlfriends . From having cocktails poolside with best gal pal Ellie ( Tory Lane ) , to duking it out with ex - husband stealer , Laurie ( Phoenix Marie ) , Jules and her myriad of friends and lovers find Themselves having a sinfully good time . Lux Kassidy stretches her tight , muscular body and comes alive as the soft fully fashioned seamed nylons caress her supple skin . Farm on farm violence has Increased 74 % since 1995. Watch as it unfolds . Smooth and ready for cock .From Paris to London and beyond , the devices featured here will have your toes curling and your heart racing while waiting to find out what ` s next . At I Have A Wife , the women are blonde , brunette , horny and wet . Enjoy sweet latina pussies getting filled with hard cocks . The first time it went in , your eyes round and staring , you rumbled like an expiring beast and a great bellow shook the concrete walls. F * cking Their way to the perfect cum shot . What makes this series a big seller is examined so that many of thesis hot barely legal teens are experimenting with on -camera sex for the very first time . Girls lovin ' girls . Five hot babes who gush gallons of cascading p * ssy nectar .

Format: flv
Duration: 1:21:16
Video: 720x576, AVC (H.264)

File size: 810.9 MB

Jesse Bryce – Bukkake

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:42 AM PDT

Cast: Jesse Bryce
Genres: Facial, Bukkake, bareback, sperm, interracial

Cocks and loads of cum... That's how Jesse Bryce rolls! When it comes to hardcore assfucking Jesse likes it BAREBACK and when it comes to cock sucking he likes it BIG! Now that's the perfect bukkake boy! Welcome to the club Jesse.

Format: mp4
Duration: 26:03
Video: 896x504, AVC (H.264), 2451kbps
Audio: 105kbps

File size: 488.9 MB

Tyler Saint & Chad Hunter

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:39 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Anal, Oral Sex, Big Dick, Blow Job, Cumshots, Facial

Chad loves nothing more than rubbing oil all over his body while playing with his lover's dick... except maybe getting his ass pounded by it.

Format: mp4
Duration: 32:54
Video: 950x536, AVC (H.264), 2441kbps
Audio: 91kbps

File size: 611.2 MB

Mandy and Kasha

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:38 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: Transsexual, Hardcore, Female

Mendy well fuck beautiful girl, she has received several orgasms.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 26:44
Video: 640x360, Windows Media Video 9, 2903kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 594.5 MB

Is Melissa too hot for an anal scene with 2 huge cocks?

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:35 AM PDT

Video language: English

Well, well, Melissa. Are you ready for a gaping asshole? She better be 'cos we have 2 of the big guns coming in to show her what it should feel to have a ripped asshole. Her tight little asshole better be lubed up because these cocks are not going in slow and soft.

Format: mp4
Duration: 28:12
Video: 640x480, AVC (H.264), 1089kbps
Audio: 93kbps

File size: 254.6 MB

Samba lesson

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:35 AM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Studio: 21 Sextury
Cast: Capriana
Genres: All Sex
Video language: English

Samba is about passion, feeling and sexuality, probably that is the reason it allures Cipriana's fantasy so much. Luckily for her, there is someone at the house who has samba in his blood, and that is Kid Jamaica. Their dance swiftly become heated and intimate, as it should be, and when the clothes get thrown away, the samba gives its place to something not less exciting.

Format: lavfpref
Duration: 28:33
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264)
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 353.3 MB

101 Loads 1 (2006)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:34 AM PDT

Starring: Kevin Chain
Niches: Amateur, Big Dicks/Hung, Cum Eating, Oral

Gay gonzo porn! Like fucking, or sucking cocks and twat. They go for it and it's totally nice to see.

Format: wmv
Resolution: 720x480

Total size: 1.4 GB in 5 files.

Tim & Olivé Sanchez

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:33 AM PDT

Release Year: 2009
Genres: anal, big dick, interracial, muscle

Wow....a huge brazilian Muscle Man, 6'3'', all pure Muscle, but anyway perfectly defined...in one word: a perfect body!
Olivé Sanchez.
He loves to get pounded really hard by really big cocks, so who else could do the job but good old Tim himself.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 14:39
Video: 960x540, Windows Media Video 9, 1683kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 195.3 MB

I Want my Massage Now

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:33 AM PDT

Release Year: 2012
Cast: Samantha Ryan
Genres: Oil, Massage, Brunette, MILF, Natural Tits
Video language: English

Samantha is in major need of a massage, so when she walks in to the massage studio only to find out the system is down, she decides to get a massage anyway. The massage therapist isn't quite what he seems though.

Format: mp4
Duration: 41:25
Video: 854x480, AVC (H.264), 977kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 353.2 MB

William Higgins- Jaro Grygar & Milan Zrzek (Bareback)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:32 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: william higgins
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

Milan Zrzek is looking for a new apartment. He has a viewing arranged and turns up to meet Jaro Grygar who will show him an apartment. As Jaro explains the facilities they walk around. Then Milan checks out the view from the window and they discuss the rental cost. It seems that Milan wants it cheaper, but is interested in the additional services offered for the price. Jaro helps him off with his shirt and then Milan sits and they kiss. …

Format: mp4
Duration: 24:39
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2503kbps
Audio: 95kbps

File size: 470.4 MB

She's a demon

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:30 AM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Cast: Honey Demon
Genres: Solo, Toys, Anal
Video language: English

Описание : Honey Demon is true to her name. She always finds the way to make something... inappropriate. Public nudity, seducing a married man or, in this case, getting naughty in the office. Instead of accepting faxes, handling emails, she spends the time with masturbation, with her wet kitty over the business files, and with a satisfied smile on her face.

Format: lavfpref
Duration: 19:32
Video: 640x360, AVC (H.264)
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 241.8 MB

Officer Hot Body with John (2013)

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:27 AM PDT

Video language: English

One of the hottest and most popular guys on TheGuySite this year is John. He's back this week as your fantasy police officer.
Although he is straight, he did mention before he does sometimes have sex with other men. Unfortunately he's still not ready to do it on camera. keep your fingers crossed.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 21:56
Video: 1324x744, Windows Media Video 9, 1464kbps
Audio: 429kbps

File size: 299.6 MB

Dark Alley-Shockwave 3

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:27 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Dark Alley
Cast: Noname
Genres: gay,anal,oral,hardcore,cumshot
Video language: English

Dark Alley's most beloved and best selling series reaches its coital conclusion in this special Director's Cut edition of Shockwave 3. Featuring the directing talents and visions of both Owen Hawk and Matthias von Fistenberg, Shockwave 3 brings together bareback, fisting, and leather into one epic all-sex film. The cast of 9 porn star pigs is led by Mason Wyler, Brandon Hawk, Antonio Biaggi and Tommy Hawk, who's combined sexual appetites and performing talents make Shockwave 3 sizzle from start to finish.

Format: avi
Duration: 2:40:41
Video: 720x416, DivX 5, 1736kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 2.2 GB

Blackadder Dickirls - Complete 4 Set

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:26 AM PDT

Full-fledged set from 4 sets of Dickgirls including the last Blackadder from the author.
Type: Misc
Censorship: No
Genre: 3DCG, Anal Sex, BlowJob, Big tits, Big dicks, Tittyfuck, Futa, Dickgirl
Language: English
List: Dickgirls 01, Dickgirls 02, Dickgirls 03, Dickgirls 04
Permission: from 1300*1002 to 1419*1094
Number of pages: 201
Format: JPG

File size: 106.8 MB

The Hole

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:25 AM PDT

Release Year: 1995
Studio: Vivid Man
Cast: Vic Hall, Devyn Foster, Tim Barnett, Mike Chavez, Chad Conners, Bo Summers, Drew Lead and Chaz Carlton.
Genres: Gay, Muscles Action Hardcore

It's hotter than hell in the hole.
The Hole is the story of contruction men who are all looking for the same thing, Hole. Vic Hall has his revenge on hard-ass foreman Tim Barnett. Devyn finds his bottom in Chad Conners. Horny Bo Summers grabs Chad Conners. Hung stud-boy Drew Lead takes the lead in a hot solo. While horse-hung Mike Chavez gets under the covers with coverboy Tiim Barnett. Enough said.
Now get in the Hole with Jim Steel and the men from VM.

Format: avi
Duration: 1:14:59
Video: 512x384, XviD, 1068kbps
Audio: 135kbps

File size: 668.7 MB

young Latina beauty Angel Del Rey

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:24 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Cast: Francesca Le, Mark Wood, Angel Del Rey
Genres: Pornstar, Latina, Hardcore, Natural tits, Big Breast, Anal
Video language: English

Demure, young Latina beauty Angel Del Rey asks Francesca Le for some advice on dealing with her boyfriend's pressure to have sex. Instead, the older Latina skillfully seduces Angel into some hot lesbian kissing and sphincter-tasting. Francesca's hubby, Mark Wood, joins them; the girls wrap their lips around his big cock and lap at his swollen balls while he films POV-style. Next, Mark fucks his wife's big ass; Angel sucks his tasty dick directly from Francesca's tight rectum. The gorgeous newcomer gets royally reamed until her little culo gapes, and the passionate Latina chicas share a load of hot sperm.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 41:33
Video: 640x356, Windows Media Video V8
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 817.0 MB

We Dare You - Part 1

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:20 AM PDT

I'm a pretty shy guy. I never imagined starting out as a pizza boy would land me a job in porn. Now my ex-boss surprised me by expressing his love for me, can my life get any crazier? I think I spoke too soon! It was bound to happen when you're in a room full of horny guys. We start a game of "We Dare You!" and Jessie Colter dared me and Jessie Lee to fuck on the table in front of everyone.

Format: mp4
Duration: 21:31
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1518kbps
Audio: 187kbps

File size: 269.1 MB

Randy In Rotherham 5

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:20 AM PDT

Studio: UK Flashers (uk-flashers.net)
Video language: English

Now dressed only in her pvc coat and knee high boots, Paige continues in her mission to have a public orgasm, but once more, she gets caught before she can finish!.

Big Uncut Fuckers (2013) - Disc 1

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:19 AM PDT

Genres: Anal Sex, Blowjob, Cumshots, Facial, Kissing, Masturbation, Muscles, Rimming, Tattoos, Threesome, Uncut.
Video language: English

Non stop bareback goodness featuring 18 barely legal boys in 12 hot scenes! Yay!

Format: mp4
Duration: 1:38:16
Video: 640x352, AVC (H.264), 500kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 625.4 MB

Squirting Fountain - InfernalRestraints HD

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:19 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Infernal Restraints
Cast: Niki Nymph
Genres: intersec interactive extreme device bondage wood steel metal femsub femdom female male domination fem dom sd pd humillation fem sub submission play rope gear leather kinky pain sex

When cumming makes you squirt a river you have to expect that someone like PD is going to manipulate that fact for his own pleasure. He enjoys making women like Niki Nymph suffer for him. Physical and mental pain are equally satisfying. So when he finds out that she can shoot her cum out in an arc, of course he is going to find a way to use it against her.

Niki cries at the drop of a hat. Being locked in bondage gets a few tears, getting caned is like turning on a faucet, but PD even uses the things she loves to torment her. She is a proud squirter and happy about it until he lies her on her back and arcs the stream all over her face. She is so humiliated by it that her fluids get to mix with tears while they stream down her face.

Format: mp4
Duration: 56:48
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1407kbps
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 638.8 MB

Couples Jerkfest

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:18 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Genres: HandJob, FemDom

Family Game night is here....and the whole Family sits down for a good old fashioned Game of Monopoly.Alice & Sonny are all playing. After a few rounds of Monopoly....alice gets bored.
The guys protest!!! Sonny has a big Date later on....and Dan just wants to play Monopoly, and watch the Football game later.
The Girls, however.and Girl reminds the boys about something...."Look here guys.....remember.....We have the Pussies....so
we make the rules!!!". Girl is right. The boys reluctantly pull down their pants and prepare to be Humiliated and Beaten-Off.....by the Girls.
To start theJerkfest....Ashley Jerks Dan...., Sonny. After a while....Ashley decides they should switch it up....so
alice Jerks Her Dan.....while Ashley Jerks Sonny. Ashley and Sonny Masturbate the boys....until the boys both ejaculate for them....at which
point, Ashley tells everybody to get cleaned up for Dinner....She has a Pot Roast in the oven.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 11:55
Video: 1920x1080, Windows Media Video 9, 7812kbps
Audio: 312kbps

File size: 709.8 MB

I Wanna Be Your Dog

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:17 AM PDT

Release Year: 2011
Genres: Solo, Duet, Group Sex (Threesome), Orgy
Video language: English

Phillip Aubrey is ready to listen, ready to obey. He knows tricks and doesn't mind the leash and collar one bit. Spencer Reed is a good pet owner who feeds his puppy all the meat he can handle, rubs his belly regularly, and makes sure his coat his spit shine clean and healthy. Then he fucks him across a table and cums in his mouth.

Format: mp4
Duration: 31:10
Video: 960x544, AVC (H.264), 1952kbps
Audio: 148kbps

File size: 481.0 MB

Vladimir Kruty and Zdenek Bodbaba

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:16 AM PDT

Studio: William Higgins
Video language: English

Vladimir Kruty has been a wonderful addition to our numbers. We brought him in for a duo with the lovely Zdenek Bodbaba. Vladimir arrives and finds Zdenek on the sofa listening to music. They exchange a few pleasantries and decide to party in the evening. But they need to have a bit of fun first. Vladimir starts, leaning over and kissing his friend. Zdenek responds in kind and also opens Vladimir's jeans, pulling out a nice, hard cock. He goes down on that cock and starts to suck it Vladimir removes the jeans, so that his cock is more available for Zdenek to suck as hard as he likes. He licks all over the cock and sucks it down his throat as Vladimir thrusts upwards, into his mouth. Zdenek then gets naked and Vladimir begins to suck him. He works on that cock, getting it nice and hard, wanking it to its full length. Then they get into a 69, on the sofa, moving to get the best position to enjoy each other's cocks. Vladimir then gets under Zdenek's hot ass and licks his hot hole, which keeps his buddy rock hard. Vladimir quickly gets up and sits his ass right down on that throbbing cock. His ass slides all the way over that cock and he starts to ride it, his own dick standing proud. Zdenek begins to deep fuck that hot ass as Vladimir holds himself in position. Then he takes over again, sliding up and down on the thick shaft. They move, with Vladimir bending over and Zdenek's big dick slamming into his tight ass. Vladimir's cock stays rock hard as his hole is pounded, deep and hard. Moving to spoon Zdenek works that hole some more as Vladimir wanks himself. That big cock slides in and out of Vladimir, going all the way on each thrust. Vladimir's wanking speeds up as he takes his friends dick and soon he shoots his cum all over his belly. With his big dick still in that ass Zdenek continues to fuck as they kiss each other. He works that hole, his cock building up until he has to pull out and dump his cum all over Vladimir. What a wonderful scene from two really hot guys, who enjoyed every minute of it.

Format: mov (QuickTime)
Duration: 23:32
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2499kbps
Audio: 96kbps

File size: 448.4 MB

Spanish passion

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:15 AM PDT

Release Year: 2010
Genres: Gonzo,Group sex-Threesome,Mature,All Sex
Video language: English

The ratio of male to female - this is a period of two rivers along the other, at times they almost merge and then diverge again and flowed on. This is the sex. this amateur video in high quality.

Format: Windows Media
Duration: 27:27
Video: 640x368, Windows Media Video V8
Audio: 125kbps

File size: 198.5 MB

Lily - Desire And Devotion

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:14 AM PDT

Release Year: 2013
Studio: Orgasmsxxx
Cast: Lily
Genres: Teen
Video language: English

Stel je voor hoe je springen op deze hete babe, kijken naar je met zijn blauwe ogen, roofzuchtige blik verslinden je pik en gillend van genot, het is gewoon ongelooflijk!

Format: mov (QuickTime)
Duration: 35:04
Video: 960x540, AVC (H.264), 2930kbps
Audio: 105kbps

File size: 781.1 MB


Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:14 AM PDT

Genres: pissing, fisting, masturbation, lesbians, fetish, urin drink, golden shower, blowjobs, anal, all sex, compilation
Video language: German

If this is rung to pee-break, the tubes are unpacked and exposed the Chicks. The juice runs down to the legs, sprayed on wrinkled pussies and big boobs and juice is swallowed by greedy suckers

Format: flv
Duration: 2:03:38
Video: 720x576, AVC (H.264)

File size: 1.1 GB

Kaden Alexander And Colby: Friend to Friend Blowjob

Posted: 30 Sep 2013 11:12 AM PDT

Cast: Kaden Alexander, Colby
Genres: oral

Look who made a quick return?! Colby the newbie! We just saw him do a pretty hot solo. He's back, sharing the couch with Kaden "Mr Energy" Alexander.
Colby will be sucking his first dick today. He's hella nervous. Eight on a scale of 10. Kaden tells him not to worry.
"It tastes just like chocolate," Kaden says.
And with that the two get up and strip to their underwear. They sit back on the couch and offer each other a helping hand. Kaden's knob gets hard first. Then Colby's. After they get naked, Kaden puts his head in Colby's crotch and sucks away. When asked about Kaden's oral skills, Colby gives the seal of approval with a "pretty good."
Kaden gets Colby's baby maker all slick with spit, even chokes a bit. Colby pushes his head down to make Kaden take more in his mouth.
The time has arrived for Colby to apply what he's learned.
"Suck this chocolate stick, bitch," Kaden jokes.
Colby smiles and slowly starts. His tongue makes Kaden curse and moan. Colby doesn't deep throat, but takes enough of that leaky hose that Kaden offers the newbie a reach around.
Colby swallows the spit and pre-cum as he sucks away.
"Lick that shit," Kaden commands.
Colby might be a newbie, but he's learning today. He does have to come up for air because his jaw muscles aren't used to this type of work. When the cameraman wonders how it feels, Colby offers a sly smile.
"It's not that bad," he replies...

Format: mp4
Duration: 20:52
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 1768kbps
Audio: 156kbps

File size: 295.1 MB