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понедельник, 29 декабря 2014 г.
суббота, 27 декабря 2014 г.
выбросьте в форточку свой "комп"!
Выбросьте свой компьютер куда подальше. Потому что если он
до сих пор не помогает Вам жить красиво и на широкую ногу...
до сих пор не помогает Вам жить красиво и на широкую ногу...
Зачем этот механизм вообще нужен в доме?
Заставьте этого лентяя всегда держать нос по ветру. Скормите
ему это приложение:
ему это приложение:
И пусть он больше не спит и не ест (образно, конечно), а
день и ночь сообщает Вам, где можно в данный момент
«надергать» много «зелени».
день и ночь сообщает Вам, где можно в данный момент
«надергать» много «зелени».
Или кэша. Или бабосиков. Или хрустящих бумажек. Называйте,
как хотите, главное не сидите, как амеба. А то все стоящее
промчится мимо Вас сверхскоростным поездом.
Оставив после себя только привкус паровозной гари.
как хотите, главное не сидите, как амеба. А то все стоящее
промчится мимо Вас сверхскоростным поездом.
Оставив после себя только привкус паровозной гари.
Дублирую ссылку: http://elektrofid.ru/
Ваш единомышленник по финансовому форуму,
Сергей Бородин
Сергей Бородин
пятница, 26 декабря 2014 г.
Очень хочу услышать ваше мнение
Нужно Ваше мнение.
Вы бы хотели, чтобы наличные средства поступали к Вам таким образом:
Регулярно, в большом количестве и каждый день?
Вы бы справились с таким потоком зеленых? Нашли бы, куда их спустить?
Или такой объем наличности не вписывается в Вашу картину мира ??
В общем, если «бренный металл» не вызывает у Вас аллергии, нажимайте и обогащайтесь:
Два клика – и все это Ваше
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Internet of Things (IoT) Market 2014-2024 Report
Internet of Things (IoT) Market 2014-2024 Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects Ecosystem Visiongain IT Report Publication date: 23th April 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
How this brand new 187 page report delivers: • Global forecasts to 2024 for the overall wireless infrastructure market • 5 IoT vertical submarket forecast from 2014-2024: Consumer Electronics, Healthcare, Automotive/Transport, Utilities, and M2M • Market forecasting for 5 regional markets from 2014-2024: North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa and Latin America • Assessment of 28 leading companies, and others, discovering activities and outlooks • Expert opinion from our exclusive company interview with leading authority in the IoT market: KORE Telematics • Investigation of competitive factors and opportunities influencing sales • Analysis of the factors stimulating and restraining the wireless infrastructure market With the ever increasing number of connected devices globally, and with the potential of smart objects, there is the potential to transform and revolutionize multiple vertical sectors to operate in a connected ecosystem; the Internet of Things (IoT). Coupled with the proliferation of electronic devices that already exist in businesses, homes consumers, all of which can be transformed via the use of IoT technologies, and the stage is set for IoT to become ubiquitous. The Internet of Things (IoT) market is set for accelerated growth in 2014 as more businesses realize its potential uses and the positive impact it can have on a multitude of industry verticals. The Internet of Things market has already gained momentum with increasing adoption, offering a wide variety of uses and portfolio of applications, which is expanding sizeably. The main attraction offered by the Internet of Things is its potential to change strategy and a plethora of a new products and service possibilit ies. The 187 page report contains 93 tables, charts and graphs that add visual analysis in order to explain developing trends within the Internet of Things market. Visiongain provides forecasts for the period 2014-2024 in terms of value (US$) for the global Internet of Things market, as well as for vertical submarket forecasts from Consumer Electronics, Automotive/Transport, Healthcare, Utilities, and M2M. In addition, five regional markets are forecast and analysed by visiongain over the period 2014-2024. The report also provides profiles of 28 leading vendors operating within the market and key developments in the vendor landscape. Visiongain believes that 2014 will be a pivotal year and one of significant growth for the Internet of Things as companies address increasing demands from both consumers and enterprises for full-time connectivity and the government initiatives that support greater mobile connectivity. As a consequence, Visiongain expects global Internet of Things revenues to reach $756.8 billion in 2014. This new report from visiongain is a completely fresh market assessment of the Internet of Things market sector based upon the latest information. The report contains completely new company interviews, updated forecasts, original analysis, expanded company profiles and, most crucially, fresh conclusions. How this report delivers • Discover what industry thought leaders are thinking. - By reading the exclusive expert interviews contained in the report you will keep up to speed with what is really happening in the industry. Don't' fall behind. - Read the full transcript of exclusive expert opinion interview from a leading industry specialist informing your understanding. - KORE Telematics • Discover market forecasts for the key vertical IoT submarkets from 2014-2024 - IoT Consumer Electronics Submarket Revenues 2014-2024 - IoT Healthcare Submarket Revenues 2014-2024 - IoT Automotive/Transport Submarket Revenues 2014-2024 - IoT Utilities Submarket Revenues 2014-2024 - IoT M2M Submarket Revenues 2014-2024 • Understand the prospects for the leading regional Internet of Things markets – where will the highest revenues and opportunities occur? - Learn about the market potential for Internet of Things companies in 5 regional markets, from 2014.onwards. You will see where and how opportunities exist with revealing regional market forecasts and analysis from 2014-2024. - North America forecast 2014-2024 - Asia Pacific forecast 2014-2024 - Europe forecast 2014-2024 - Middle East & Africa 2014-2024 - Latin America forecast 2014-2024 • Explore the factors affecting product developers, and everyone within the value chain. Learn about the forces influencing market dynamics. - Explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) assessing product advances. Discover what the present and future outlook for business will be. Learn about the following business critical issues - - Research and development (R&D) strategy - Technological issues and constraints. - Market Drivers & Restraints - Supply and demand dynamics - Competition from new product types - Increasing specialisation by leading players - Increasing industry consolidation. - Advances in product quality • Identify who the leading companies are in the Internet of Things industry - Our report reveals the technologies and companies which hold the greatest potential. In particular, exploring and analyzing the activities of these companies: See where the expected gains will be. Prospects for advances in the Internet of Things industry are strong, and from 2014 it holds many opportunities for revenue growth. View visiongain's assessment of the prospects for established competitors, rising companies, and new market entrants. Our work explains that potential, he lping you stay ahead. Gain a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape with profiles of 28 leading Internet of Things companies examining their positioning, capabilities, product portfolios, R&D activity, services, focus, strategies, M&A activity, and future outlook. - AT&T - Axeda - Berkeley Varitronics Systems - Cisco - Ericsson - Everything Everywhere - iMetrik Solutions - Intel - Jasper Wireless - KORE Telematics - Nokia Solutions & Networks - Novatel Wireless - NTT DoCoMo - Numerex Corp - Orange - Raco Wireless - SensorLogic - Sierra Wireless - SIMCom Wireless Solutions - Sprint Nextel - Telekom Austria - Telia Sonera - Telit Wireless Solutions - Tyntec - Verizon Wireless - Vodafone - Wilson Electronics Discover Information found nowhere else in this independent assessment of the Internet of Things market The Internet of Things (IoT) Market 201 4-2024: Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects Ecosystem report provides impartial Internet of Things sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic advantages: Our informed forecasts, independent and objective analysis, exclusive interviews and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors. Why you should buy the Internet of Things (IoT) Market 2014-2024: Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects Ecosystem What is the future of the Internet of Things market? Visiongain's comprehensive analysis contains highly quantitative content delivering solid conclusions benefiting your analysis and illustrates new opportuni ties and potential revenue streams helping you to remain competitive. This definitive report will benefit your decision making and help to direct your future business strategy. Why choose visiongain business intelligence? Visiongain's; increasingly diverse sector coverage strengthens our research portfolio. The growing cross-sector convergence of key verticals and the interplay of game changing technologies across hitherto unrelated industries are creating new synergies, resulting in new business opportunities for you to leverage. How the Internet of Things (IoT) Market 2014-2024: Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects Ecosystem report can benefit you Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysis of the Internet of Things market. You will discover market forecasts, technological trends, predictions and expert opinion providing you with independent analysis derived from our ext ensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where revenue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. If you buy our report today your knowledge will stay one step ahead of your competitors. Discover how our report could benefit your research, analyses and strategic decisions, saving you time. To gain an understanding of how to tap into the potential of this market and stay one step ahead of the competition you must order now our report the Internet of Things (IoT) Market 2014-2024: Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects Ecosystem. ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for GBP1549 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Lorenzo Tacchio on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9952 or email: lorenzo.tacchio@vgtelecoms.com And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT Number (only for E.U.): ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Internet of Things Market Set for Explosive Growth 1.2 Benefits Derived from Internet of Things 1.3 Internet of Things Growth Drivers 1.4 LTE and IoT Uptake 1.5 Aim of the Report 1.6 Structure of the Report 1.7 Report Scope 1.8 Highlights in the report include: 1.9 Who is This Report For? 1.10 Questions Answered by this Report 1.11 Benefits of This Report 1.12 Methodology 1.13 Points Emerged from this Research 1.14 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2024 1.15 Global Internet of Things Submarket Forecast 2014-2024 1.16 Regional Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2024 2. Introduction to the Internet of Things Market 2.1 What Defines the Internet of Things? 2.2 M2M Technology is the Backbone behind the Massive Potential in the Internet of Things Market 2.2.1 M2M History and Recent Developments 2.3 A Range of Benefits Derived From Internet of Things 2.4 IoT App lications by Industry 2.5 Cloud to Play Pivotal Role in the Internet of Things Industry Boom 2.6 Big-Data to Explode With the Rise in Internet of Things Market 2.7 Growth in the Wireless Sector 3. Global Internet of Things Market Forecasts 2014-2024 3.1 Market Definition 3.2 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2024 3.3 Global Internet of Things Connections Forecast 2014-2024 3.4 Global M2M Market Forecast 2014-2024 3.5 Global M2M Connected Device Shipments Forecast 2014-2024 3.6 Global Wireless M2M Market Forecast 2014-2024 3.7 Global M2M Connections Forecast 2014-2024 3.8 Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2014-2024 3.9 Global RFID Tag Connections Forecast 2014-2024 3.10 Global Smart Meter Connections Forecast 2014-2024 3.11 Global Connected Homes Market Forecast 2014-2024 4. Global Internet of Things Submarket Forecasts 2014-2024 4.1 What are the Leading Submarkets in Internet of Things Reven ue Forecast 2014-2024? 4.1.1 Global Internet of Things Revenue Submarket Forecast AGR & CAGR 4.1.2 Consumer Electronics Leading the Internet of Things with a Massive Market Share of 53.4% In 2014 4.2 Consumer Electronics Submarket Forecast Summary 2014-2024 4.3 Healthcare Submarket Forecast Summary 2014-2024 4.4 Automotive/Transportation Submarket Forecast Summary 2014-2024 4.5 Utilities Submarket Forecast Summary 2014-2024 4.6 M2M Submarket Forecast Summary 2014-2024 5. Regional Internet of Things Forecasts 2014-2024 5.1 Overview 5.2 Europe Leading Region in Terms of Revenue in 2014 5.2.1 Regional Internet of Things Revenue Forecast AGR & CAGR 5.2.2 Europe Leading Regional Internet of Things Market Share in 2014 with 34.1% 6. SWOT Analysis of the Internet of Things Market 6.1 Strengths 6.1.1 Cost savings 6.1.2 Creating New Revenue Streams 6.1.3 Connected Devices Growing Rapidly 6.2 Weaknesses 6.2 .1 IoT Solutions Can Be Expensive 6.2.2 Technical Problems 6.2.3 Limited 3G Infrastructure 6.2.4 Limited Awareness 6.3 Opportunities 6.3.1 IoT Gaining Popularity 6.3.2 Enhanced Market Segmentation 6.3.3 IoT can be Expanded to Any Vertical 6.4 Threats 6.4.1 Security Concerns 6.4.2 Highly Fragmented Market Place 6.4.3 Unclear Business Models 7. Expert Opinion 7.1 KORE Telematics 7.1.1 KORE Telematics Internet of Things Portfolio 7.1.2 Key Trends & Developments in the Internet of Things Market 7.1.3 Primary Drivers & Restraints of the Internet of Things Market 7.1.4 Technological Developments in the Internet of Things Market 7.1.5 Regional Growth in the Internet of Things Market 7.1.6 Opportunities and Challenges in the Internet of Things Market 8. Leading Companies in the Internet of Things Market 8.1 AT&T 8.2 Axeda 8.3 SensorLogic 8.4 Sierra Wireless 8.5 NTT DoCoMo 8.5.1 NT T DoCoMo and Telematics 8.6 Verizon Wireless 8.6.1 Verizon's Focus on Automotive Industry 8.6.2 Verizon Wireless and 4Home to Demonstrate 4G Services 8.6.3 nPhase 8.7 Telit Wireless Solutions 8.7.1 Telit Wireless M&A 8.7.2 ILS Technology 8.8 Orange 8.8.1 m2o City 8.8.2 Orange and Qualcomm 8.8.3 Everything Everywhere 8.9 TeliaSonera 8.10 Wilson Electronics 8.11 Novatel Wireless 8.11.1 Awards and Accolades 2013 8.12 SIMCom Wireless Solutions 8.13 Sprint Nextel 8.13.1 Sprint M2M Collaboration Center 8.13.2 Sprint Command Center 8.13.3 Sprint M2M Partner Ecosystem 8.14 Jasper Wireless 8.14.1 Jasper Wireless Control Center 8.14.2 Jasper Wireless-powered M2M alliance 8.15 Numerex 8.15.1 Case Study 8.16 Berkeley Varitronics Systems 8.17 Raco Wireless 8.17.1 Omega Management Suite from Raco Wireless 8.17.2 Raco Wireless M2M Solutions Overview 8.18 Tyntec 8.18.1 Tyntec Offerings 8.19 Nokia Sol utions & Networks 8.20 iMetrik Solutions 8.20.1 iMETRIK 8.20.2 iMetrik-COLLECT 8.20.3 iMetrik-COVER 8.20.4 iMetrik-PROTECT 8.21 Telekom Austria 8.22 O2 Smart Meters 8.23 Intel 8.23.1 Using M2M to Increase ARPU 8.24 Vodafone 8.24.1 Vodafone's Sustainability Strategy 8.24.2 Enterprise Sectors Served by Vodafone Automotive and Telematics Emergency Services eCall and EU Initiatives Consumer Electronics Fleet and Asset Management Healthcare Manufacturing Smart Grid and Smart Meters Connected Home 8.25 Cisco 8.26 Ericsson 8.27 Google 8.28 KORE Telematics 8.29 Other Leading Companies in the IoT Market 9. Internet of Things Ecosystem Analysis 9.1 Network Concerns for M2M 9.1.1 Requirements to Solve M2M Deployment Issues Data Security a Big Concern for Internet of Things Adoption GPRS / SMS / CDMA / LTE Two-Way Communication Support for More than One Communication Type Ensuring Minimum Downtime Cost Effective Utilising the Right Toolsets Optimised Billing 9.2 Business Case for IoT 9.2.1 Smart Services for IoT Smart Service Business Plan for OEMs 9.3 IoT in the Future 9.3.1 System Awareness 9.3.2 Business Case for System Awareness 9.3.3 M2M Platform Requirements and Opportunities 9.3.4 Internet of Things in the LTE Era Switching from GSM to LTE Impact of Switch from GSM to LTE on M2M 10. Opportunities with the Internet of Things 10.1 E-health 10.1.1 Qualcomm Life 10.1.2 Macaw – M2M Apps for mHealth 10.1.3 CardioNet 10.1.4 Smart Bandaids 10.1.5 Public Health 10.1.6 Personal Health 10.2 Smart Grid 10.3 Connected Appliances 10.3.1 Microchip 10.4 Connected Home 10.5 Internet Protocol Version 6 – IPv6 10 .5.1 Potential Impact of IPv6 on IoT 10.5.2 Successful IoT Migration to IPv6 10.5.3 IPv6 to Benefit IoT 10.6 IoT Standards and Standards Bodies 10.7 M2M Applications 10.7.1 After-Market M2M Applications 10.7.2 Regulatory M2M Applications 10.7.3 OEM Based M2M Applications 10.7.4 M2M Application Summary 11. Conclusions 11.1 Internet of Things Market Drivers 11.1.1 Network Coverage 11.1.2 Telematics and Telemetry Increasing Efficiency 11.1.3 Service Providers Need to Expand Offerings 11.1.4 Telematics Initiatives 11.1.5 IPv6 Will Increase IoT Opportunities 11.1.6 M2M Creating Scope for Development of New Applications 11.2 Internet of Things 11.2.1 Fragmented Value Chain 11.2.2 Lack of Universal Standards 11.2.3 Marketing Challenges 11.2.4 Roaming 11.2.5 Security Concerns 11.3 Way Forward 11.3.1 Increase in M2M Partnerships 11.3.2 Standardisation 11.3.3 Measuring Data 11.3.4 New Business Models11.4 Points Emerged from this Research 11.5 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2024 11.6 Global Internet of Things Submarket Forecast 2014-2024 11.7 Regional Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2024 12. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Tables Table 1.1 Global Internet of Things Revenue Forecast Summary 2014, 2019, 2024 ($ billion, CAGR %) Table 1.2 Global Internet of Things Submarket Forecast Summary 2014, 2019, 2024 ($ billion, CAGR %) Table 1.3 Regional Internet of Things Market Forecast Summary 2014, 2019, 2024 ($ billion, CAGR %) Table 2.1 IoT Applications by Industry Table 3.1 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.2 Global Internet of Things Connections Forecast 2014-2024 (billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.3 Global M2M Market Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.4 Global M2M Connected Device Shipments Forecast 2014-2024 (billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.5 Global Wireless M2M Market Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.6 Global M2M Connections Forecast 2014-2024 (billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.7 Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 20 14-2024 (million, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.8 Global RFID Tag Connections Forecast 2014-2024 (billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.9 Global Smart Meter Connections Forecast 2014-2024 (million, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.10 Global Connected Homes Market Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.1 Global Internet of Things Revenue Submarket Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion) Table 4.2 Global Internet of Things Revenue Submarket AGR Forecast 2014-2024 (AGR %) Table 4.3 Global Internet of Things Revenue Submarket CAGR Forecast (%) 2014-2019, 2019-2024, and 2014-2024 Table 4.4 Global Internet of Things Market Share Forecast by Type 2014-2024 (%) Table 4.5 IoT Consumer Electronics Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.6 IoT Healthcare Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.7 IoT Automotive/Transportation Submarket Revenue Forecast 2 014-2024 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.8 IoT Utilities Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.9 IoT M2M Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.1 Regional Internet of Things Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion) Table 5.2 Regional Internet of Things Revenue AGR Forecast 2014-2024 (AGR %) Table 5.3 Regional Internet of Things Revenue CAGR Forecast (%) 2014-2018, 2019-2024, and 2014-2024 Table 5.4 Regional Internet of Things Market Share Forecast 2014-2024 (%) Table 6.1 SWOT Analysis of the Internet of Things Market 2014-2024 Table 8.1 AT&T Company Overview Table 8.2 AT&T's M2M Solution Advantages Table 8.3 Sierra Wireless Company Overview Table 8.4 NTT DoCoMo Company Overview Table 8.5 Verizon Wireless Company Overview Table 8.6 Verizon M2M Solutions Table 8.7 Orange Company Overview Table 8.8 Orange M2M Offerings Table 8.9 Or ange M2M Use Cases Table 8.10 EE M2M Platform Features Table 8.11 SIMCom M2M Use Cases Table 8.12 Sprint M2M Solutions Overview Table 8.13 Numerex Case Study Table 8.14 iMetrik M2M Services Table 8.15 iMetrik -PROTECT Table 8.16 Benefits of Intel's Hardware based M2M Solution Table 8.17 Benefits of Intel's Software based M2M Solution Table 8.18 M2M for Increased ARPU Table 8.19 Key Features and Benefits of Vodafone's M2M Solution Table 8.20 M2M Sustainability Potential Table 8.22 Other Leading Companies in the M2M Market 2014 (Company, Product /service) Table 9.6 LTE Roll Out Schedule 2013 Table 10.1 IoT Industry and Sector Opportunities Table 10.2 IoT Standards Bodies Table 11.1 Global Internet of Things Revenue Forecast Summary 2014, 2019, 2024 ($ billion, CAGR %) Table 11.2 Global Internet of Things Submarket Forecast Summary 2014, 2019, 2024 ($ billion, CAGR %) Table 11.3 Regional Internet of Things Market Forecast Summary 20 14, 2019, 2024 ($ billion, CAGR %) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 3.1 Global Internet of Things Market Definition Flowchart Figure 3.2 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 3.3 Global Internet of Things Connections Forecast 2014-2024 (billion, AGR%) Figure 3.4 Global M2M Market Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 3.5 Global M2M Connected Device Shipments Forecast 2014-2024 (billion, AGR%) Figure 3.6 Global Wireless M2M Market Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 3.7 Global M2M Connections Forecast 2014-2024 (billion, AGR%) Figure 3.8 Global Cellular M2M Connections Forecast 2014-2024 (million, AGR%) Figure 3.9 Global RFID Tag Connections Forecast 2014-2024 (billion, AGR%) Figure 3.10 Global Smart Meter Connections Forecast 2014-2024 (billion, AGR%) Figure 3.11 Global Connected Homes Market Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.1 Global Internet of Things Revenue Submarket Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion) Figure 4.2 Global Internet of Things Revenue Submarket AGR Forecast 2014-2024 (AGR %) Figure 4.3 Global Internet of Things Market Share Forecast by Type 2014 (%) Figure 4.4 Global Internet of Things Market Share Forecast by Type 2019 (%) Figure 4.5 Global Internet of Things Market Share Forecast by Type 2024 (%) Figure 4.6 IoT Consumer Electronics Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.7 IoT Consumer Electronics Submarket Share Forecast 2014, 2019 and 2024 (% Share) Figure 4.8 IoT Healthcare Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.9 IoT Healthcare Submarket Share Forecast 2014, 2019 and 2024 (% Share) Figure 4.10 IoT Automotive/Transportation Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.11 IoT Automotive/Transportation Submarket Share Forecast 2014, 2019 and 2024 (% Share) Figure 4.12 IoT Utilities Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.13 IoT Utilities Submarket Share Forecast 2014, 2019 and 20 24 (% Share) Figure 4.14 IoT M2M Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.15 IoT M2M Submarket Share Forecast 2014, 2019 and 2024 (% Share) Figure 5.1 Regional Internet of Things Revenue Forecast 2014-2024 ($ billion) Figure 5.2 Regional Internet of Things Revenue AGR Forecast 2014-2024 (AGR%) Figure 5.3 Regional Internet of Things Market Share Forecast 2014 (%) Figure 5.4 Regional Internet of Things Market Share Forecast 2019 (%) Figure 5.5 Regional Internet of Things Market Share Forecast 2024 (%) Figure 8.1 M2M Service Benefits for Road Accidents Figure 9.1 OEM Revenues from Services vs. Other Revenues 2014 (%) Figure 9.2 OEM Margin Contributions from Services vs. Other Revenues 2014 (%) Figure 9.3 Smart Service Business Plan for OEMs Figure 9.4 Global eReader– Amazon Kindle vs. Others 2011-2012(Millions) Figure 9.5 M2M Benefits Figure 10.1 M2M Application Types ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Companies Mentioned in this report 4Home 7 Layers ABB Power & Robotics Aeris Communications Aeroscout Air Products Alcatel-Lucent Alien Technology Amadeus Amazon America Movil Apple Apriva Arkessa ARM Arrayent AT&T Atos Origin SA Audi Augusta Systems AVIDwireless Axeda B&B Electronics Berkely Vaitronics Systems Best Buy BMW Boston Dynamics Broadcom CalAmp CardioNet Celcom CETECOM China Mobile Cinterion Cisco Clearconnex Comtrol Connect One Connected Development Coronis Crossbridge Solutions DataOnline DataRemote DeepMind Deutsche Telekom Digi International Digi Telecommunications DigiCore Drive Cam Dust Networks Echelon eDevice ei3 Elster Group Ember Enfora Ericsson Esprida Etisalat Eurotech Everything Everywhere Exosite Feeney Wireless Fitlinxx Ford Motor Company France Telecom Fusion Wireless G4S GE Energy Company Gemalto General Electric General Motors Glo Globalstar Honeywell International Huawei Hughes Telematics IBM ILS Technology iMetrik Solutions Inilex Inmarsat Intel Iridium Communications Itron Inc iWOW Janus Remote Communications Jasper Wireless KORE Telematics KPN Laird Technologies Landis+Gyr Ltd Lantronix Lenovo LG Lufthansa Systems M1 m20 City M2M Communications M2M DataSmart M2M DataSmart Macaw Marvell Maxis MEMSIC Microchip Technology Millenial Net Mobily Mocana Morey Motorola Motorola M2M Motorola Mobility MOXA MTN Neoway Nest Netflix Nintendo Nissan Nokia Nokia Solutions and Networks Noom Novatel Wireless nPhase NTT Docomo Numerex Corp O2 O2 UK Omnilink Systems OnStar Optus Business Oracle Orange Orange Business Service Orange healthcare ORBCOMM Pacific Controls Palantiri Systems Panasonic Pedigree Technologies Perle Systems Podsystem Position Logic Post Luxembourg Group Precidia Technologies Proteus Biomedical PSA Qualcomm Qualcomm Life Queclink Wireless Solutions Quectel Raco Wireless Red Bend Software Redtail Telematics Reflection Solutions RF Code Inc. RF Monolithics Rogers Communications Safaricom Sagemcom Savi Technology SENA Technologies SensorLogic Sensus USA Inc Siemens Water Sierra Wireless Sigma Designs SIm Technology Group Ltd SIMcom Wireless Soultions SingTel Sixnet SkyTel Skywave Mobile Communications Sony Sprint Sprint Nextel Swisscom Synchronoss Technologies Tech Mahindra Ltd Telcel Telefonica Telefonica UK Telekom Austria Telenor Telenor ASA Telenor Connexion Telia Sonera Telit Communications Telit Wireless Solutions Telstra Telular TELUS Mobility Tendril Networks Texas Instruments The Plextek Group ThingMagic ThingWorx Three T-Mobile T-Mobile USA TomTom Top Global Tridium Trimble True Tyntec U.S. Preventive Medicine U-Blox UTC Power V2COM Veolia Water Verisgn Verizon Communications Verizon Wireless VimpelCom Vodafone Volkswagen Volvo Walsh Wireless WebTech Wireless Wilson Electronics Wipro WorkSmart Labs Wyconn Wyless Group Xact Technology XATA ZTE Other Organisations Mentioned in this Report ACEA EPC GLOBAL ERTICO EU CASAGRAS European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG) Federal Communications Commission (USA) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) GENELEC IETF Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) KNX MIT Smart Meter Implementation Programme of Great Britain (SMIP) Technology Association of Georgia The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) of the U.S The Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) and the Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC) of Japan The China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) The European Commission The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) of the U.S. The Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) of Korea U.S. Department of Energy UK's Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for GBP1549 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Lorenzo Tacchio on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9952 or email: lorenzo.tacchio@vgtelecoms.com And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT Number (only for E.U.): Please contact me should you have any questions or wish to receive an executive summary of this report. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Lorenzo Tacchio Telecoms Industry Consultant |
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среда, 24 декабря 2014 г.
[Ваш запрос обрабатывается]: Средства на Ваш счёт были перечислены. Пожалуйста, подтвердите
Здравствуйте, Приносим свои искренние извинения! Наша платёжная система дала сбой прошлой ночью, поэтому Ваша выплата на 229 502 руб. 80 коп. была заморожена. На данный момент система восстановлена, деньги были перечислены на Ваш счёт. Пожалуйста, подтвердите получение средств по ссылке ниже: >> Подтвердить Здесь Спасибо, Финансовый отдел |
пятница, 19 декабря 2014 г.
Решение проблем
Средняя зарплата офисного сотрудника редко дает возможность удовлетворить все свои желания.
Как можно добиться успеха и обеспечить себе безбедную жизнь?
Как можно добиться успеха и обеспечить себе безбедную жизнь?
Это уникальная система BinBot, которая может торговать бинарными опционами за Вас. На автомате.
Технику подробно объяснять не буду, но благодаря опциональным возможностям BinBot:
93,74% Ваших сделок станут ПРИБЫЛЬНЫМИ.
Даже если Вы СОВСЕМ не разбираетесь в вопросе. И про бинарные опционы слышите в ПЕРВЫЙ раз.
Если вкратце, то бинарные опционы - это торговля валютами, драгметаллами, акциями, индексами или товарами на международных финансовых рынках и биржах. Однако, в отличие от торговли на фондовых биржах или рынке Forex, здесь всё максимально упрощено и сводится к тому, что необходимо просто сделать выбор – будет ли выбранный курс через некоторое время выше или ниже. Благодаря этому бинарные опционы понятны абсолютно всем.
До 680% прибыли – столько получаем я и мои ученики, работая с этой системой.
Единственное неудобство: Коичество пользователей ограниченно.
Не успеете Вы, успеет кто-то другой.
Средний ДОХОД Новичков от 5000$ в месяц!!!!
Жмите, здесь инфа с подробными инструкциями:
Re: Вопрос
«Вам тоже нужны деньги?..»
Странный вопрос, не правда ли? Деньги нужны всем.
Да вот несправедливость: нужны всем, а есть не у многих… Знаете, почему?
Странный вопрос, не правда ли? Деньги нужны всем.
Да вот несправедливость: нужны всем, а есть не у многих… Знаете, почему?
Одни хотят и делают. А другие хотят и… продолжают греть диван пятой точкой.
Если Вы из последних – до свиданья. Если готовы к высоким доходам – не теряйте времени.
Если Вы из последних – до свиданья. Если готовы к высоким доходам – не теряйте времени.
Это уникальная система BinBot, которая может торговать бинарными опционами за Вас. На автомате.
Технику подробно объяснять не буду, но благодаря опциональным возможностям BinBot:
93,74% Ваших сделок станут ПРИБЫЛЬНЫМИ.
Даже если Вы СОВСЕМ не разбираетесь в вопросе. И про бинарные опционы слышите в ПЕРВЫЙ раз.
Если вкратце, то бинарные опционы - это торговля валютами, драгметаллами, акциями, индексами или товарами на международных финансовых рынках и биржах. Однако, в отличие от торговли на фондовых биржах или рынке Forex, здесь всё максимально упрощено и сводится к тому, что необходимо просто сделать выбор – будет ли выбранный курс через некоторое время выше или ниже. Благодаря этому бинарные опционы понятны абсолютно всем.
До 680% прибыли – столько получаем я и мои ученики, работая с этой системой.
Единственное неудобство: Коичество пользователей ограниченно.
Не успеете Вы, успеет кто-то другой.
Средний ДОХОД Новичков от 5000$ в месяц!!!!
Желаю успехов
четверг, 18 декабря 2014 г.
Мегакрутая приставка DANDY опять в ПРОДАЖЕ!
ХИТ 90-х! Мегакрутая приставка DANDY снова в ПРОДАЖЕ! >>>>перейти в интернет магазин
среда, 17 декабря 2014 г.
Любимая всеми приставка Dendy снова в продаже! Вспомни детство
Легендарная приставка Dendy! Убийца времени снова в продаже! http://xit-games.ru/
вторник, 16 декабря 2014 г.
Курс доллара достиг 74 рубля-Наступает кризис
Доллар растет и растет и это очень плохо. Теперь ожидайте что товары подоражают в несколько раз.
Я предлагаю вам нормально зарабатывать и причем в долларах!
Совсем скоро чудесный праздник – Новый год. Так встреть его уже другим человеком – человеком, который умеет и знает, как зарабатывать солидные деньги!
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Subject: Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019 Report
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Subject: Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019 Report
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Subject: Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019 Report
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Subject: Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019 Report
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Subject: Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019 Report
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Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019 Report
Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019 Strategies for Global Audio, Message, Voice, Gaming & Video on Demand (VoD) Visiongain IT-Telecoms Report Publication date: 6th November 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
How this brand new 156 page report delivers: • 98 tables, charts and graphs analysing the Global OTT media delivery market • 5 regional OTT revenues forecast and analysis 2014-2019 and further subdivided into 4 submarkets • 4 OTT submarket revenues forecasts and analysis from 2014-2019 further subdivided by the 5 regions • Analysis of the main OTT voice/message providers, their subscribers and revenues • Analysis of Netflix expansion in Europe, its subscribers and revenues • Comparison of the European and the APAC VoD submarket 2014-2019 • In-depth analysis of the North American VoD market and its drivers for the period 2014-2019 • Evaluation of the main drivers behind the growth in the global OTT services • Assessment of the Freemium mobile gaming model and its consequences on the global OTT gaming industry • 10 leading OTT Media companies identified with their specific sector and their leading products • Analysis of the main costs of OTT services to Telecoms providers In less than five years the global OTT media delivery market has dramatically changed the way in which the global population communicates and consumes media; creating a disruptive effect in the operations of all telecommunication providers and the global media industry. Visiongain expects the factors behind the growth in both revenues and subscribers for this global market to spread to the rest of the global population, motivating a strong growth in the OTT media delivery services in the next five years. Visiongain has calculated that OTT media delivery services revenues will reach $51.38bn in 2014. However, not all the submarkets inside the global OTT media delivery industry will grow at the same rate. To illustrate, the most important global submarkets are expected to be the VoD and gaming submarkets, which are expected to create the large majority of global revenues. Similarly, the North American and Asia Pacific regions are expected to obtain the largest share of revenues, and to enjoy the fastest growth due to the specific factors in each of these two regional markets. Contrastingly, the Latin American and Middle East & Africa regions are not expected to produce sizeable revenues or subscriber numbers due to harmful factors such lack of infrastructure, low smartphone penetration and smaller purchasing power. The development of this global market has been changing customers' consumption patterns and behaviours; generating large benefits for consumers as they are now enjoying better services at lower costs. This is why consumers are shifting towards OTT providers, which is leading to decreasing revenues and an increasing need for faster and more reliable data connections. In response to these global developments, Visiongain expects incumbent operators to struggle at competing directly with OTT providers. This is why telcos are placing pre ssure on regulators in order to create barriers against OTT providers. On the contrary, more forward looking telcos understand the importance of embracing OTT providers and cooperating with these disruptors. This way, incumbents can improve their service offerings and stop the erosion of ARPU. Nonetheless, Operators in the most developed markets will be able to compete directly with OTT providers by offering VoLTE as a winning formula to increase ARPU and restore their lost market share. In general, the global OTT media delivery market is expected to maintain its growth and to radically change the consumption of different types of media around the world, increasing the welfare of consumers as they obtain most of the benefits from this market. Nonetheless, telecommunication companies are also expect to change their behaviour, using their competitive advantage in order to benefit from the global OTT services and to avoid being used as a dumb pipeline only. Why you should buy The Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019: Strategies for Global Audio, Message, Voice, Gaming & Video on Demand (VoD) What is the future of OTT media delivery? Visiongain's comprehensive analysis contains highly quantitative content delivering solid conclusions benefiting your analysis and illustrates new opportunities and potential revenue streams helping you to remain competitive. This definitive report will benefit your decision making and help to direct your future business strategy. In this 156 page report we guarantee that you will receive key information: • View global OTT media delivery industry forecasts and analysis from 2014-2019 to keep your knowledge ahead of your competition and ensure you exploit key business opportunities - The report provides detailed revenue projections in the market, the competitors, and the commercial drivers and restraints allowing you to more effectively compete in the market. In addition to market forecasts from 2014-2019, our new study shows current market trends, forecast of global mobile connections, latest technological advancements, original critical analysis, and revealing insight into commercial developments. • Discover submarket forecasts for the OTT media delivery industry from 2014-2019 - What are the drivers of the OTT media delivery growth? How will the submarkets expand? Use our forecasts and expert insight with 51 Charts and 42 tables dedicated at giving you a clear picture of the global forecast of the OTT media delivery industry, giving you more industry influence and the opportunity to grow your business. Find where you can gain and how your organisation can succeed. Avoid falling behind. See the following submarket forecast at the global level and further subdivided into each of the 5 regions. - Video on Demand (VoD) - OTT Voice & message - OTT Music Consumption - OTT Gaming • View regional market forecasts for the OTT media delivery industry from 2014-2019 - Which regions will generate the most revenue? Stay informed about the potential for each of these OTT media delivery regional markets with submarket forecasts and analysis from 2014-2019. See the following regional market forecasts and further subdivided into each of the 4 submarkets. - European OTT media delivery revenue Forecast 2014-2019. - Asia Pacific OTT media delivery revenue Forecast 2014-2019. - North American OTT media delivery revenue Forecast 2014-2019. - Latin American OTT media delivery revenue Forecast 2014-2019. - Middle East & African OTT media delivery revenue Forecast 2014-2019. • See supporting OTT forecasts and analysis - In-depth analysis of Netflix, their expansion and expected revenues - Global Analysis of the most important OTT Voice/Message providers, their revenues, subscriptions and competitive advantages. - Ove rview of the Freemium gaming model and its importance for the global OTT industry - Analysis of the North American OTT Music consumption industry • Find out about the market dynamics & opportunities in leading countries - Understand industry activity with detailed data revealing where companies are getting the largest number or subscriptions and revenues. - You will be able to examine detailed account of regional drivers, constraints and tables of significant regional forecasts (using highly reliable data from global institutions). • Explore the factors affecting product developers, and everyone within the value chain. Learn about the forces influencing market dynamics. - Explore the economic, social, technological and regulatory issues assessing OTT media delivery advances. - Discover what the present and future outlook for business will be. Learn about the following business critical issues - - OTT Voice/Message subscriptions and revenue growth - Infrastructure and Economic constraints in different regional markets and OTT submarkets - Supply and demand dynamics - Competition from telcos and VoLTE - Increasing changes on the telecoms sector - Analysis of different VoD revenue models and their global development up to 2019 - Advances in technological developments - Analysis of barriers to entry - Forecast of the expected number of connected devices - Impact of OTT providers on the telecoms industry - Increased competition in the Telecoms market - Different Telcos strategies against OTT providers (Including APIs) - The importance of Net Neutrality • Identify who the leading companies are in the OTT media delivery industry - Our report reveals the companies which hold the greatest potential. In particular, exploring and analyzing the activities of these companies: See where the expected gains will be. View visiongain's assessment of the prospects for est ablished competitors, rising companies, and new market entrants. Our work explains that potential, helping you stay ahead. Gain a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape with profiles of 10 leading OTT Companies and 6 OTT media focused companies examining their positioning, capabilities, product portfolios, R&D activity, services, focus, strategies and future outlook. - WeChat (Weixin) - Line Corporation - Viber - Microsoft - Apple Inc - Tencent Holdings - Rakuten Inc. - King Digital Entertainment Plc. - Spotify Limited. - Vonage - Netflix - RingCentral Discover Information found nowhere else in this independent assessment of the global OTT media delivery industry Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019: Strategies for Global Audio, Message, Voice, Gaming & Video on Demand (VoD) Report: provides impartial OTT sector analysis. With the independent business intell igence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit, innovation and growth. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic advantages: Our informed forecasts, independent and objective analysis and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors. What makes this report unique? Visiongain's research methodology involves an exclusive blend of quantitative and qualitative sources providing informed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key drivers and restraints behind market dynamics and competitive developments. The report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with extensive quantitative data including global submarkets and regional markets forecasts from 2014-2019. Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019: Strategies for Global Audio, Message, Voice, Gaming & Video on Dem and (VoD) Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysis of the OTT media delivery industry. You will discover market forecasts, technological trends, predictions and regulatory overview providing you with independent analysis derived from our extensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where revenue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. If you buy our report today your knowledge will stay one step ahead of your competitors. Discover how our report could benefit your research, analyses and strategic decisions, saving you time. To gain an understanding of how to tap into the potential of this market and stay one step ahead of the competition you must order now our report the Over The Top (OTT) Media Delivery Services Market 2014-2019: Strategies for Global Audio, Messag e, Voice, Gaming & Video on Demand (VoD). ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for GBP1799 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Lorenzo Tacchio on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9952 or email: lorenzo.tacchio@vgtelecoms.com And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT Number (only for E.U.): ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Global OTT Market Overview 1.2 OTT Market Definition 1.3 Market Segmentation 1.4 Main Drivers For Global OTT Media Delivery 1.5 Restraints to OTT Media Delivery Applications 1.6 Benefits of This Report 1.7 Methodology 1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1.9 Associated Reports 1.10 About Visiongain 2. Introduction to OTT Media Delivery Services 2.1 VoD 2.1.1 Different Channels to Transmit OTT VoD Services 2.2 OTT Voice/Message Services 2.2.1 Global VoIP Protocol Maze 2.2.2 Difference Between Traditional and OTT Voice Services 2.2.3 Advantages of OTT Voice/Message 2.3 OTT Music Consumption 2.4 OTT Gaming 2.5 Main Drivers of Global OTT Media Adoption 2.5.1 Network Externalities 2.5.2 Cross-Platform Applications 2.5.3 Attractive & User Friendly Platforms 2.5.4 Increasing Adoption of Mobile Broadband Devices 2.5.5 Increasing Availability of Mobile Broadband Networks 2.5.6Changing Consumer Habits and Preferences 2.5.7 OTT Companies Investing Heavily In Network Infrastructure 3. Global OTT Media Delivery Submarket Forecast 2014-2019 3.1 OTT Submarket Forecast: Global VoD Market 2014-2019 3.1.1 European VoD vs. APAC VoD Market 2014-2019 3.1.2 North American VoD Market 2014-2019 3.1.3 Netflix Expansion 3.2 OTT Submarket Forecast: Global Voice & Message Market 3.2.1 Global OTT Voice/Message Subscriptions Forecast 3.2.2 Main OTT Voice/Message Service Providers WeChat (Weixin) Line Corporation Skype Viber 3.3 OTT Submarket Forecast: Global OTT Music Consumption Market 3.3.1 The U.S OT T Music Consumption Market Forecast 2014-2019 3.4 OTT Submarket Forecast: Global OTT Games Market 2014-2019 3.4.1 Freemium Model Leading the Global OTT Gaming Market 4. Regional OTT Market Forecast 2014-2019 4.1 North American OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 4.2 Asia Pacific OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 4.3 European OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 4.4 Latin American OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 4.5 Middle East and Africa OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 5. The Consequences of OTT Media Delivery Services 5.1 Decreasing Revenues for Voice and SMS 5.2 Increasing Revenues from Upgrading Customers 5.3 Decreasing Churn Rate 6 Telecoms Response to OTT Providers 6.1 Telecoms Operators Completely Blocking OTT Providers 6.1.1 Traffic Management Traffic Management Techniques Data Caps Priorit isation Differentiated Throttling Access-Tiering 6.2 Telecoms Operators Charging Premium Rates to OTT Applications 6.3 Telecoms Operators Can Compete Through Product Differentiation 6.3.1 Telecoms Operators Launching Their Own OTT Services 6.3.2 Options to Launch Own Brand OTT Services 6.4 Telecoms Operators Cooperating with OTT Providers 6.5 Carriers API 6.6 Operators Launching VoLTE 6.6.1 VoLTE Benefits for Consumers 6.6.2 VoLTE Downsides for Consumers 7. Largest OTT Providers 7.1 Microsoft 7.2 Apple Inc 7.3 Google 7.4 Tencent Holdings 7.5 Facebook 7.6 Rakuten Inc. 7.7 King Digital Entertainment Plc. 7.8 Spotify Limited. 7.9 Vonage 7.10 RingCentral 8 Conclusions 8.1 The Importance of Global Smartphone & Broadband Penetration 8.2 Deployment of LTE & WiMAX Networks for VoLTE 8.3 Operators Will Respond differently to All Forms of VoIP &nbs p; 8.4 Innovation Will Be A Key Driver of Growth For The Global OTT Media Delivery Submarket 8.5 Which Global Regions Provide The Largest Opportunities? 8.6 The Global Recession & The Growth in OTT 9. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
List of Tables Table 2.1: Different Types of VoD by Delivery Methods & Technology Table 2.2: Different Channels To Deliver VoD Table 2.3: Different VoIP Protocols Table 2.4 Comparison Between Traditional and OTT VoIP Telephony Table 2.8 Regional Mobile Cellular Penetration per 100 Inhabitants 2014 (%) Table 3.1: Global OTT Media Delivery Market Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR %) Table 3.2: Global OTT Media Delivery Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR % and CAGR %) Table 3.5: Global VoD Market Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR %) Table 3.6: Regional VoD Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, CAGR %) Table 3.15: Netflix's Main Direct and Indirect Competitors Table 3.18: Global OTT Voice/Message Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR %) Table 3.19: Regional OTT Voice/Message Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR % and CAGR %) Table 3.21: Global OTT Voice/Message Subscriptions Forecast 2014-2019 (Billions Subscriptions, Global AGR% and CAGR %) Table 3.27: Skype – Key Statistics 2014 Table 3.28: Viber– Key Financial Results 2012-2013 ($ Millions) Table 3.30: Global OTT Music Consumption Services Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR %) Table 3.31: Regional OTT Music Consumption Services Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR % and CAGR %) Table 3.35: Global OTT Gaming Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR %) Table 3.36: Regional OTT Gaming Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, CAGR %) Table 4.5: North American OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast 2 014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR %) Table 4.6: North American OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast by Submarket 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR % and CAGR %) Table 4:11: Asia Pacific OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR % and CAGR %) Table 4:12: Asia Pacific OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast by Submarket 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR % and CAGR %) Table 4.15: European OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast b2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, % Share and CAGR %) Table 4.16: European OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast by Submarket 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, % Share and CAGR %) Table 4.22: LATAM OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR %) Table 4.23: LATAM OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast by Submarket 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR % and CAGR %) Table 4.25: MEA OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ( $ Billion Revenues, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR %) Table 4.27: MEA OTT Media Delivery Revenue Forecast by Submarket 2014-2019 ($ Billion Revenues, AGR % and CAGR %) Table 6.1: Different Options To Respond Against OTT Providers and Its Viability of Short Term and Long Term Benefit. Table 6.2: Net Neutrality Definitions Table 6.3: Examples of Telecoms Operators Cooperating with OTT Table 6.5: Options to Re-engineer Voice Call Networks Table 7.2 Apple Inc. Overview 2013 (Total Revenues, Products, Competitors, Employees, Ticker, Headquarters) Table 7.3 Apple Inc, Selected Media Solutions Table 7.11 Rakuten Company Overview 2013 (Total Revenues, Products, Competitors, Employees, Ticker, Headquarters) Table 7.12: Rakuten Inc. Internet Solutions Table 7.13 King Company Overview as Q2 2014 (Total Revenues for Q2, Products, Competitors, Employees, Ticker, Headquarters) Table 7.14: Spotify Company Overview (Total Revenues for 2012, Products, Competitor s, Employees, Ticker, Headquarters) Table 7.15 Vonage Company Overview 2013 (Revenues, Subscribers, Average Churn Rate, Employees, Key Competitors, Headquarters, Ticker) Table 7.16 Vonage VoIP Solutions Table 7.17: RingCentral Key Products Overview ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
List of Figures Figure 1.2: Segmentation of Global OTT Applications (Selected Applications) Figure 1.3: Global OTT Media Delivery Segmentation Figure 2.5: Main Drivers of Global Nomadic VoIP Adoption Figure 6.4: Possible APIs Offered by Telcos and Mobile Networks to OTT providers ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Companies Mentioned in this report 3G Music 7Digital A&E ABOX 42 Acision AcTVila ADB Adobe Agama Akazoo Alpha Networks Amazon AmberFin Ampya Anevia Anghami Animoca Apple Inc ATX Bandcamp Bandfit FM Batanga BBC Beatport Beats Music BeBanjo BigFish Games BigPond BitTorrent Blackberry Blip Blockbuster Bobsled Boxee Bravo Break Media Broadpeak CAMFOO Cartoon Network CastLAbs CDN Video Chair Entertainment China Mobile Cicero Netwroks Cisco Classical.com Clearlap CNBC CNN Coinstar Colopl Inc Comcast Connect TV CounterPath Dailymotion Dalok DDVTECH Deezer Deskamp DG Webshop Digital Rapids Digital TV Labs Discovery Communications Disney Dotora Telecom Dropbox Du E eBay Inc Edgeware Elecard< br>Electronic Arts EMI eMusik Ericsson Erstream Etisalat G4 Game Insigth Gameloft Garland Gazprom Media Genband Globecast Golf Channel Gree Inc Groove Shark Groovy Gecko Gung Ho Online Entertainment H2 HBO History Chanel Hulu IAC/Interactive Corp IdeasMusik Imagine Communications IPXI Jamba JUKE Juniper Networs Kabam Kakato Talk Kaltura Kik Kineto King Digital Entertainment KKBOX Kulu Valley LastFM Lenovo Group Limited Lifetime Line Corporation LMN Machine Zone Mavenir MaxGo Mazzika Box Meego Metacaf Microsoft miniCaster Mixi Mobage MOG Motama Motorola Mobile Mozilla MSNBC MTV Mun2 Music Master Musicload NAGRA NamcoBondai Games nanoStream Napster Naver Corp Naver Japan Netflix Neulion Newpace NGENIX NimbleBit Nintendo NoiseTrade No kia Nordija Norigin Octoshape Ooredoo OpenFilm Openmind Orb Caster Oxygen PACE Pandora Pixsan Playtika LTD Qlipso Quickflix Raidix Rakuten Inc rara.com Rdio Rebtel Rhapsody RingCentral Roku Rounds Rovio Saffron Digital Sales force Samsung Group SEGA Corp SES Platform Services Sevenload Skype Slacker SmartJog Snapchat Sonos Sony Corporation Sony Music Unlimited Sound Cloud Spotify Sprout Stream Group Style SuperCell Syfy Tango TBS TeamLava Telefonica Telegram Telemundo Telia Digital Telkomsel Tencent Holdings Limited Teracue Tesco The Pirate Bay Think Analytics Thomson Video Networks Three UK TiVo T-mobile TNT Tortuga TruTV Tu/Me Tube Radio Ubbi Musica Umniah Universal Music UrFilez USA Network Verizon Vevo Viber Vimeo Virgin Media Vonage Voop ee Warner Music Group XoX Other Organisations Mentioned in this Report Bahrain's Minister of State for Communications BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation BoE: Bank of England EU: European Union FCC: The Federal Communications Commission (US) Federal Reserve Bank IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force ITU: International Telecommunications Union MIIT: Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology OECD: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development TRA : Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of UAE WTO: World Trade Organisation ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for GBP1799 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ | |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Lorenzo Tacchio on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9952 or email: lorenzo.tacchio@vgtelecoms.com And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT Number (only for E.U.): Please contact me should you have any questions or wish to receive an executive summary of this report. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Lorenzo Tacchio Telecoms Industry Consultant |
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