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вторник, 24 февраля 2015 г.
Party-тренд: «жемчужные» серьги Mise en Dior
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воскресенье, 22 февраля 2015 г.
Как почти не платить за воду? Покупай, пока не разобрали! ЭКОНОМИТЕЛЬ ВОДЫ! Скидка!
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Распродажа новой коллекции от Dior. Скидка 50% на 3 комплекта.
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Что же презентовать к празднику весны
100%-но-Необходимый знак внимания любимой девушке к празднику 8 марта? |
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Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014
Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014 Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects Visiongain IT & Telecoms Report Publication date: 14th October 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
How this brand new 154 page report delivers: • Discover market share and profiles of the top 20 Internet of Things companies • View global Internet of Things market forecasts and analysis from 2014-2019 • Find analysis of the future direction and prospects for the internet of things • See 66 tables, charts, and graphs examining the Internet of Things ecosystem • Explore the SWOT issues affecting the Internet of Things prospects • Read analysis of the technical aspects of the Internet of Things • Examine conclusions and recommendations from visiongain's analysis The Internet of Things (IoT) sector is a highly fragmented and new dynamic market space with no one company dominating. The concept is set for accelerated growth in 2014 as more businesses realize its potential uses and the positive impact it can have on a various vertical industries. The concept encompasses M2M, Connected Home, Connected Cars and consumer devices. The Internet of Things market has already gained momentum with increasing adoption, offering a wide variety of uses and portfolio of applications, which is expanding sizeably. The main attraction offered by Internet of Things is its potential to change strategy and a plethora of a new products and service possibilities. With the ever increasing number of connected devices, and with the potential of smart objects will transform and revolutionize multiple vertical sectors on how to operate in a connected things ecosystem. Coupled with the pro liferation of electronic devices that already exist amongst consumers homes and businesses, all of which can be transformed via the use of IoT technologies and the stage is set for IoT to become ubiquitous. Visiongain believes that 2014 will be a pivotal year and one of significant growth for Internet of Things as companies address increasing demands from both consumers and enterprises for full-time connectivity and the government initiatives that support greater mobile connectivity. As a consequence, visiongain expects global Internet of Things revenue to reach $756.8 billion in 2014. Why you should buy the Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014: Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects. What is the competitive landscape within the Internet of Things market space? The report contains 66 tables, charts and graphs that add visual analysis in order to explain developi ng trends within the Internet of Things market and the leading players in the industry according to revenue and market share. Visiongain provides forecasts for the period 2014-2019 in terms of value (US$) for the global Internet of Things market, as well as competitor positioning of the top 20 companies in the Internet of Things ecosystem and illustrates key developments in the vendor landscape. This new report from visiongain is a completely fresh market assessment of the Internet of Things market sector based upon the latest information. The report contains completely new company profiling, original analysis, expanded company profiles and, most crucially, fresh conclusions. The 154 page report delivers the following information: • View global Internet of Things market forecasts and analysis from 2014-2019 to keep your knowledge ahead of your competition and ensure you exploit key business opportunities - The report provides detailed sales proj ections of the market, the competitors, and the commercial drivers and restraints allowing you to more effectively compete in the market. In addition to market forecasts from 2014-2019, our new study shows current market data, and market shares. You will also discover original critical analysis, revealing insight into commercial developments • Identify who the top 20 companies are in the Internet of Things ecosystem - Our report reveals the technologies and companies which hold the greatest potential. In particular, exploring and analyzing the activities of these companies: See where the expected gains will be. View visiongain's assessment of the prospects for established competitors, rising companies, and new market entrants. Our work explains that potential, helping you stay ahead. Gain a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape with profiles of 20 leading Internet of Things companies examining their total revenue, IoT revenue, market share, positioning , capabilities, product portfolios, R&D activity, services, focus, strategies, M&A activity, and future outlook. - Amazon Web Services - Apple - Arm - AT&T - Bosch - Cisco - Ericsson - Freescale - GE - IBM - Intel - Microsoft - Oracle - PTC - Qualcomm - Salesforce.com - Samsung - Texas Instruments - Vodafone • Explore the factors affecting product developers, and everyone within the value chain. Learn about the forces influencing market dynamics. - Explore the political, economic, social, and technological (PEST / SWOT) issues assessing product advances. Discover what the present and future outlook for business will be. Learn about the following business critical issues: - Research and development (R&D) strategy - Technological issues and constraints. - Market Drivers & Restraints - Supply and demand dynamics - Competition from new product types - Increasing sp ecialisation by leading players - Increasing industry consolidation. - Advances in product quality Discover Information found nowhere else in this independent assessment of the Internet of Things market The Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014: Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects report provides impartial Internet of Things sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic advantages: Our informed forecasts, independent and objective analysis, and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors. What makes this report unique? Visiongain's research methodology involves an exclusive blend of primary and secondary sources providing i nformed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key drivers and restraints behind market dynamics and competitive developments. The report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with extensive quantitative data including global market forecasts for 2104-2019, and IoT top 20 companies revenue and market share analysis for 2014. How the Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014: Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects report can benefit you Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysis of the Internet of Things market. You will discover top 20 competitor revenues and market share breakdown, market forecasts, technological trends, predictions providing you with independent analysis derived from our extensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where rev enue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. Why choose visiongain business intelligence? Visiongain's; increasingly diverse sector coverage strengthens our research portfolio. The growing cross-sector convergence of key verticals and the interplay of game changing technologies across hitherto unrelated industries are creating new synergies, resulting in new business opportunities for you to leverage. As such, visiongain's team of London based in-house analysts offer a wealth of knowledge and experience to inform your strategic business decisions. Let visiongain guide you. If you buy our report today your knowledge will stay one step ahead of your competitors. Discover how our report could benefit your research, analyses and strategic decisions, saving you time. To gain an understanding of how to tap into the potential of this market and stay one step ahea d of the competition you must order now our report the Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014: Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects. ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for GBP1099 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Lorenzo Tacchio on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9952 or email: lorenzo.tacchio@vgtelecoms.com And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT Number (only for E.U.): ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Internet of Things Market Set for Explosive Growth 1.2 Benefits Derived from Internet of Things 1.3 Internet of Things Growth Drivers 1.4 LTE and IoT Uptake 1.5 Aim of the Report 1.6 Structure of the Report 1.7 Report Scope 1.8 Highlights in the report include: 1.9 Who is This Report For? 1.10 Questions Answered by this Report 1.11 Benefits of This Report 1.12 Methodology 2. Introduction to the Internet of Things Market 2.1 What Defines the Internet of Things? 2.2 M2M Technology is the Backbone behind the Massive Potential in the Internet of Things Market 2.2.1 M2M History and Recent Developments 2.3 A Range of Benefits Derived From Internet of Things 2.4 IoT Applications by Industry 2.5 Cloud to Play Pivotal Role in the Internet of Things Industry Boom 2.6 Big-Data to Explode With the Rise in Internet of Things Market 2.7 Growth in the Wireless Sector 3. Global Internet of Things Market Forecasts 3.1 Market Definition 3.2 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2019 3.3 Global Internet of Things Connections Forecast 2014-2019 4. Competitor Positioning in the Internet of Things Market 4.1 Leading 20 Company Revenues in the Internet of Things Market 4.2 Composition of the Internet of Things Market in 2014 5. Leading 20 Companies in the Internet of Things Market 5.1 IBM Company Overview 5.2 Samsung Company Overview 5.3 GE Company Overview 5.4 AT&T Company Overview 5.5 Microsoft Company Overview 5.5.1 Retail 5.5.2 Healthcare 5.5.3 Automotive 5.5.4 Microsoft Azure Intelligent Systems 5.6 Google Company Overview 5.7 Apple Company Overview 5.8 Cisco Systems Company Overview 5.9 Vodafone Company Overview 5.10 Bosch Company Overvie w 5.11 Oracle Company Overview 5.12 Intel Corporation Company Overview 5.12.1 Intel M2M Offerings 5.13 Ericsson Company Overview 5.14 Qualcomm Company Overview 5.15 Amazon Company Overview 5.16 FreeScale Company Overview 5.17 Texas Instruments Company Overview 5.18 PTC Company Overview 5.19 Salesforce Solutions Company Overview 5.20 ARM Company Overview 5.21 Additional Players in the Internet of Things Market Ecosystem 6. SWOT Analysis of the Internet of Things Market 6.1 Strengths 6.1.1 Cost savings 6.1.2 Creating New Revenue Streams 6.1.3 Connected Devices Growing Rapidly 6.2 Weaknesses 6.2.1 IoT Solutions Can Be Expensive 6.2.2 Technical Problems 6.2.3 Limited 3G Infrastructure 6.2.4 Limited Awareness 6.3 Opportunities 6.3.1 IoT Gaining Popularity 6.3.2 Enhanced Market Segmentation 6.3.3 IoT can be Expanded to Any Vertical 6.4 Threats 6.4.1 Security Concerns 6.4.2 Highly Fragmented M arket Place 6.4.3 Unclear Business Models 7. Internet of Things Technical Ecosystem Analysis 7.1 Network Concerns for M2M 7.1.1 Requirements to Solve M2M Deployment Issues Data Security a Big Concern for Internet of Things Adoption GPRS / SMS / CDMA / LTE Two-Way Communication Support for More than One Communication Type Ensuring Minimum Downtime Cost Effective Utilising the Right Toolsets Optimised Billing 7.2 Business Case for IoT 7.2.1 Smart Services for IoT Smart Service Business Plan for OEMs 7.3 IoT in the Future 7.3.1 System Awareness 7.3.2 Business Case for System Awareness 7.3.3 M2M Platform Requirements and Opportunities 7.3.4 Internet of Things in the LTE Era Switching from GSM to LTE Impact of Switch from GSM to LTE on M2M 7.3.5 Internet Protocol Version 6 – IPv6 Potential Impact of IPv6 on IoT< br> Successful IoT Migration to IPv6 IPv6 to Benefit IoT 7.4 IoT Standards and Standards Bodies 8. Conclusions 8.1 Internet of Things Market Drivers 8.1.1 Network Coverage 8.1.2 Telematics and Telemetry Increasing Efficiency 8.1.3 Service Providers Need to Expand Offerings 8.1.4 Telematics Initiatives 8.1.5 IPv6 Will Increase IoT Opportunities 8.1.6 M2M Creating Scope for Development of New Applications 8.2 Internet of Things Market Restraints 8.2.1 Fragmented Value Chain 8.2.2 Lack of Universal Standards 8.2.3 Marketing Challenges 8.2.4 Roaming 8.2.5 Security Concerns 8.3 Opportunities with the Internet of Things 8.3.1 E-health 8.3.2 Smart Grid 8.3.3 Connected Appliances 8.3.4 Connected Home 8.4 Way Forward 8.4.1 Increase in M2M Partnerships 8.4.2 Standardisation 8.4.3 Measuring Data 8.4.4 New Business Models 9. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Tables Table 2.1 IoT Applications by Industry Table 3.1 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.2 Global Internet of Things Connections Forecast 2014-2019 (billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.1 Leading 20 Internet of Things Companies 2014 (Market Ranking, Total Revenue, IoT Revenue, Market Share %) Table 5.1 IBM Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.2 IBM Adept Performance Management Solution Focus Areas Table 5.3 Samsung Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.4 GE Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of T hings, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.5 AT&T Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.6 Microsoft Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.7 Windows Embedded Product Portfolio Table 5.8 Google Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.9 Apple Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.10 Cisco Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global M arket Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.11 Vodafone Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 5.12 Key Features and Benefits of Vodafone's M2M Solution Table 5.13 Bosch Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 5.14 Oracle Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.15 Intel Technologies Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Contact, Website) Table 5.16 Key Features and Benefits of Various Intel IoT Offerings and Intel/McAfee security products for IoT Table 5.17 Ericsson Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Rev enue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.18 Qualcomm Institute Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.19 Qualcomm 4-Stream VIVE Home Network Solution Technical Specifications Table 5.20 Amazon Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.21 Amazon Kinesis Pricing by Region Table 5.22 FreeScale Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.23 Texas Instruments Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Contact, Website) Table 5 .24 PTC Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.25 Salesforce Solutions Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Website) Table 5.26 ARM Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.27 Other Leading Companies in the IoT Ecosystem 2014 (Company, Product /Service) Table 6.1 SWOT Analysis of the Internet of Things Market 2014 Table 7.1 IoT Standards Bodies Table 8.1 IoT Industry and Sector Opportunities ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 3.1 Global Internet of Things Market Definition Flowchart Figure 3.2 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 3.3 Global Internet of Things Connections Forecast 2014-2019 (billion, AGR%) Figure 4.1 Leading 20 Internet of Things Companies Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 4.2 Leading 20 Internet of Things Company Revenues Vs Rest of the IoT Market 2014 ($ bn % Market Share) Figure 5.1 IBM Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.2 IBM MessageSight System Figure 5.3 Samsung Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.4 GE Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.5 AT&T Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.6 Microsoft Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.7 Microsoft Azure Intelligent Systems Figure 5.8 Google Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.9 Apple Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.10 Cisco Systems Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.11 Vodafone Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.12 Bosch Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.13 Oracle Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.14 Intel Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.15 Framework of Intel's Internet of Things Solution Figure 5.16 Ericsson Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.17 Qualcomm Institute Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.18 Amazon Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.19 FreeScale Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.20 Texas Instruments Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.21 PTC Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.22 Salesforce Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Figure 5.23 ARM Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%) Fi gure 7.1 OEM Revenues from Services vs. Other Revenues 2014 (%) Figure 7.2 OEM Margin Contributions from Services vs. Other Revenues 2014 (%) Figure 7.3 Smart Service Business Plan for OEMs Figure 7.4 M2M Benefits ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Companies Mentioned in this report 7 Layers ADI Advantech Aeris Communications Aeroscout Alcatel-Lucent Alien Technology Amazon Amazon Web Services (AWS) America Movil Andressen Horowitz Apple Arkessa Arm Arrayent AT&T Atos Origin SA Audi Augusta Systems AVIDwireless Axeda Corporation Berkeley Varitronics Systems Best Buy Bosch Boston Dynamics CalAmp CETECOM Cinterion Cisco Clearconnex Comtrol Connect One Connected Development Coronis DataOnline DataRemote Deepmind Dell Deutsche Telekom Digi International Dust Networks Echelon eDevice ei3 Ember Enfora Ericsson Esprida Eurotech Everything Everywhere Exosite Feeney Wireless Ford Motor Company Freescale Freescale Semiconductor inc. Gemalto General Electric (GE) General Mo tors Globalstar Honeywell International Huawei Hughes Telematics IBM ILS Technology iMetrik Solutions Inilex Inmarsat Intel Corporation Iridium Communications Itron iWOW Janus Remote Communications Jasper Wireless Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byer KORE Telematics KPN Laird Technologies Lantronix LG M2M Communications M2M DataSmart Marvell McAfee MEMSIC MetraTech Microchip Technology Microsoft Millenial Net Mocana Morey Motorola MOXA Neoway Nest Labs Nintendo Nokia Nokia Solutions & Networks Norwest Venture Partners Novatel Wireless nPhase NTT DoCoMo Numerex Corp Omnilink Systems Oracle Orange ORBCOMM Palantiri Systems Panasonic Pedigree Technologies Perle Systems Pivotal Podsystem Portwell Precidia Technologies PTC Qualcomm Qualcomm Life Inc. Quectel Quietside Quirky Raco Wireles s Red Bend Software RF Code Inc. RF Monolithics Rogers Communications RRE Sagemcom Salesforce.com Samsung Savi Technology SENA Technologies SensorLogic Sierra Wireless Sigma Designs SIMcom Wireless Solutions SingTel Sixnet SkyTel SmartThings Sony Sprint Sprint Nextel Swisscom Synchronoss Technologies TelCel Telefonica Telefonica UK Telekom Austria Telenor Telenor ASA Telenor Connexion Telenor Objects Telia Sonera Telit Wireless Solutions Telstra Telular TELUS Mobility Tendril Networks Texas Instruments ThingMagic ThingWorx T-Mobile Tridium Trimble Tyntec ublox V2COM Verizon Wireless VimpelCom Vodafone Volkswagen WebTech Wireless Wilson Electronics WindRiver WiPro Wyless Group Xact Technology ZTE Other Organisations Mentioned in this Report AllSeen Alliance ARIB ATIS CCSA CENELEC EPC Global EU CASAGRAS European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) GPTO Home Gateway Initiative (HGI) IETF Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Standards Organization (ISO) KNX MIT Open Interconnect Consortium Smart Meter Implementation Programme of Great Britain (SMIP) The European Commission The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) of the U.S. The Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) of Korea TTC UK DECC ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for GBP1099 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Lorenzo Tacchio on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9952 or email: lorenzo.tacchio@vgtelecoms.com And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT Number (only for E.U.): Please contact me should you have any questions or wish to receive an executive summary of this report. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Lorenzo Tacchio Telecoms Industry Consultant |
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Outline on a persuasive speech
Outline on a persuasive speech
Persuasive Speech Outline Overview
Discussion of the persuasive speech outline using Monroe's Motivated Sequence
Persuasive Speech Outline
Here's a persuasive speech outline to use as a model for writing your own persuasive speech. You can start planning your outline as soon as you've settled on a great topic for your presentation.
As with any speech outline, the elements include an introduction, a body with main points and sub points, and a conclusion.
A persuasive speech can be organized in a number of ways.
The most common way to organize a persuasive speech outline is by "statement of logical reasons".
In this form, you.
introduce the topic and state the thesis in the introduction
put the reasons and supporting material in the body
put a call to action in the conclusion.
For example, if you were trying to persuade your audience to donate blood at American Red Cross Blood Drives, your outline might look something like this:
Persuasive speech outline purpose . To persuade my audience to donate blood through the American Red Cross.
Introduction :
1. Did you know that blood donated to the American Red Cross saves XXX lives per year?
2. People should give blood because it is easy and - though there might be a little pain involved - it is worth it because it saves so many lives (and you get great snacks!).
I. Giving blood is easy
a. It only takes about an hour
b. You just lie back and let the nurses do the work
c. It generally doesn't hurt much at all
II. The blood you give saves lives
a. People in accidents, people with cancer, people having surgery and women having babies are saved
b. Tell story of Linda K. whose life was saved when she started hemorrhaging after the birth of her twins.
III. If that isn't enough reason, you get great snacks
a. You are not allowed to leave until you have had something to eat and drink, such as crackers, cookies and juice
b. At some blood drives restaurants donate food!
Conclusion :
1. There is a blood drive this Friday at the fire station from 10 to 3. Please start your habit of blood donation right away.
2. If you cannot donate this Friday, I urge you to donate blood through the American Red Cross at another time because it is easy, you will get great snacks and, most importantly, you will save lives!
You can see how in this persuasive speech outline the topic and thesis are stated in the introduction, the reasons for giving blood are the main points in the body of the outline and the conclusion contains the call to action.
Other ways of organizing a persuasive speech outline are "problem--solution", comparative advantages, criteria satisfaction, and motivational sequence.
Creating an effective persuasive speech outline is a critical element of preparing and delivering a persuasive speech that truly fulfills its purpose of persuading the audience to share your belief or take a particular action.
A good persuasive speech outline will keep you on track. You will introduce your topic and your thesis effectively in the beginning of the speech.
You will provide the supportive material you need to build your case in the body of the speech.
The evidence that you use in the form of statistics, quotes, expert testimony and examples will support each of the main points.
Finally you will make your powerful call to action in the conclusion of your speech.
Now, go forth and be persuasive!
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