положение о производственном экологическом контроле в области сточных вод
понедельник, 30 ноября 2015 г.
воскресенье, 29 ноября 2015 г.
пятница, 27 ноября 2015 г.
четверг, 26 ноября 2015 г.
Увольнения по соответствующим основаниям
острые вопросы увольнения работников
см. данные во вложении
среда, 25 ноября 2015 г.
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Subject: Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020 Report
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To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
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Subject: Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020 Report
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Subject: Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020 Report
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Subject: Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020 Report
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Subject: Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020 Report
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To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
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Subject: Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020 Report
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To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
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Subject: Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020 Report
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To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
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Subject: Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020 Report
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Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020 Report
Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020 Leading Companies in Smartwatches, Fitness & Activity Trackers, mHealth, Cameras, AR Glasses & e-Textiles Publication date: 25th March 2015 Number of Pages: 186 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
The global wearable technology market has thus far not quite delivered upon previous expectations of revenues, consumer adoption and even technological advances. However, 2015 might be the breakthrough year in which wearables begin to achieve that mass market acceptance that has long been expected. One of the main reasons is the entrance of Apple to the SmartWatches market, which will disrupt not only the SmartWatches market, but the overall size of the wearable technology market. Visiongain has assessed that the value of the global wearables technology market in 2015 will reach $16.1bn. For example, as the Apple SmartWatch wil l deliver many of the applications already delivered by Fitness and Activity Trackers, companies competing with Smart Bracelets and other trackers will suffer market loss and by 2018 they could see a great disruption to their specific market. The global market for Wearable Cameras could also be facing dramatic changes, but this will not be caused by the entrance of new competitors; instead this will be caused by changing consumer demand and rapid penetration in highly developed economies. This will trigger changes in the business strategies of the dominant brands, and will enhance the revenue models for these devices. Contrastingly, AR Glasses and e-Textiles will not deliver dramatic results as in the near future, these technologies will not deliver great value to consumers or business users. Instead, most of the shipments and revenue growth for these submarkets will come after 2018, where there will be strategic changes in terms of technologies, applications and costs. Overall, each of the submarkets and regional markets within the wearables industry will deliver different business opportunities, but are also expected to face challenges which include regulatory decisions in the case of mHealth, low added value in terms of SmartWatches or high saturation levels for Wearable Cameras. Discover Information found nowhere else in this independent assessment of the wearable technology market The Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020: Leading Companies in Smartwatches, Fitness & Activity Trackers, mHealth, Cameras, AR Glasses & e-Textiles report provides impartial wearable technology sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic advantages: Our informed forecasts, independent and objective analysis, exclusive interviews and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors. With this report you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss crucial business opportunities. You will save time and receive recognition for your market insight. See how you this report could benefit and enhance your research, analysis, company presentations and ultimately your individual business decisions and your company's prospects. Why choose visiongain business intelligence? Visiongain's; increasingly diverse sector coverage strengthens our research portfolio. The growing cross-sector convergence of key verticals and the interplay of game changing technologies across hitherto unrelated industries are creating new synergies, resulting in new business opportunities for you to leverage. How the Wearable Technology Market Forecast 2015-2020: Leading Companies in Smartwatches, Fitness & Activity Trackers, mHealth, Cameras, AR Glasses & e-Textiles report can benefit you Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysis of the wearable technology market. You will discover market forecasts, technological trends, predictions and expert opinion providing you with independent analysis derived from our extensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where revenue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Global Wearable Technology Market Overview 1.2 Market Segmentation 1.3 Why You Should Read This Report 1.4 How This Report Delivers 1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report Include: 1.6 Who is This Report For? 1.7 Methodology 1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports 1.10 About Visiongain 2. Introduction to the Wearable Technology Market 2.1 Wearable Technology Market Structure Overview 2.2 Market Definitions 2.2.1 Wearable Technology Sub-Markets mHealth Market Definition and Complications E-textiles AR Glasses Wearable Computers Wearable Computers SmartWatches 2.3 How Will Operators Benefit from Wearable Technology? 2.3.1 The Big Data Analytics Business Model 3. Global Wearables Revenues and Sh ipments Forecast 2015-2020 3.1 Global Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 3.2 Global Wearable Submarket Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 4. Regional Wearables Revenues and Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 4.1 North American Wearable Submarket Shipments and Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 4.1.1 North American Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 4.1.2 North American Wearable Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 4.2 Asia Pacific Wearable Submarket Shipments and Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 4.2.1 Asia Pacific Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 4.2.2 Asia Pacific Wearable Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 4.3 European Wearable Submarket Shipments and Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 4.3.1 European Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 4.3.2 European Wearable Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 4.4 Rest of World (RoW) Wearable Submarket Shipments and Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 4.4.1 Rest of World (RoW) Wearable Submarket Shipments Fo recast 2015-2020 4.4.2 Rest of World (RoW) Wearable Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 5. Wearable Revenues and Shipments Submarket Forecast 2015-2020 5.1 SmartWatches Revenues & Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.1.1 SmartWatches Company HQ Regional Breakdown 5.1.2 Top 5 SmartWatches Brands Shipments Forecasts 2015-2020 Apple SmartWatch Shipment and Revenue Forecast & Analysis 2015-2020 The importance of the SmartWatch to Apple Apple SmartWatch Shipment Forecast & Analysis Apple SmartWatch Revenue Forecast & Analysis Possible Issues With The Apple SmartWatch Samsung SmartWatches Shipment Forecast & Analysis 2015-2020 Motorola (Lenovo) SmartWatches Shipment Forecast & Analysis LG SmartWatches Shipment Forecast & Analysis Pebble SmartWatches Shipment Forecast & Analysis 5.2 Wearable Cameras Revenues & Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5 .2.1 Wearable Cameras Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 5.2.2 Wearable Cameras Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.2.3 Wearable Cameras Analysis 5.2.4 GoPro Revenues & Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.2.5 GoPro Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.2.6 GoPro Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 5.2.7 iON Cameras & Sony Corporation 5.3 Fitness & Activity Trackers Revenues & Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.3.1 Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.3.2 Nike Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.3.3 Jawbone Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.3.4 Fitbit Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.3.5 Fitness & Activity Trackers Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 5.4 mHealth Revenues & Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.4.1 mHealth Shipment Forecast 2015-2020 5.4.2 mHealth Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 5.5 e-Textiles Revenues & Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5. 5.1 e-Textiles Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.5.2 e-Textiles Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 5.6 AR Glasses Revenues & Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.6.1 AR Glasses Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 5.6.2 AR Glasses Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 6. Leading Wearable Technology Companies 6.1 Adidas 6.1.1 The miCoach Product Line: An Early Market Play now Paying Dividends 6.1.2 Reebok's Wearable Technology Efforts Reebok: Driving for Wearable Threads Creating a Sports Community 6.1.3 SWOT Analysis of Adidas' Portfolio and Strategy 6.2 Boston Scientific 6.2.1 Boston Scientific's Products and Strategy 6.3 Eurotech 6.3.1 Eurotech and Wearables Eurotech Wrist Worn Computers 6.3.2 SWOT Analysis of Eurotech's Portfolio and Strategy 6.4 Fitbit 6.4.1 Fitbit Tracker 6.4.2 Fitbit Flex Fitbit Force 6.4.3 Analysis of the Fitbit Business Model 6.4.4 SWOT Analysis of Fitbit's Portfolio and Strateg y 6.5 Garmin 6.5.1 Garmin Fenix 6.5.2 Garmin Forerunner 6.5.3 Vivofit and Other New Products 6.5.4 SWOT Analysis of Garmin's Portfolio and Strategy 6.6 Jawbone 6.6.1 Jawbone's UP Product Line UP24 and Improvements on the Platform 6.6.2 Keeping Point on Bluetooth Headsets 6.6.3 SWOT Analysis of Jawbone's Portfolio and Strategy 6.7.1 Johnson & Johnson Leading Products and Strategy Overview 6.7.2 SWOT Analysis of Johnson & Johnson's Portfolio and Strategy 6.8 Medtronic 6.8.1 The MiniMed 530G and the Future of Diabetes Treatment 6.8.2 SWOT Analysis of Medtronic Portfolio and Strategy 6.9 Nike 6.9.1 Nike+ FuelBand Nike / Apple Monopoly Barriers to FuelBand Uptake 6.9.2 Situating the FuelBand in Nike's Brand Strategy 6.9.3 FuelBand Analysis and Market Standing 6.9.4 SWOT Analysis of Nike's Portfolio and Strategy 6.10 Pebble Technology 6.10.1 Pebble E-Paper Watch 6.10.2 Pebble Move s Ahead with Steel Design 6.10.3 SWOT Analysis of Pebble Technology's Portfolio and Strategy 6.11 Polar Electro 6.11.1 Polar Electro Product Range 6.11.2 Polar Smart Coaching 6.11.3 SWOT Analysis of Polar Electro's Portfolio and Strategy 6.12 Recon Instruments 6.12.1 Recon Jet 6.12.2 Recon Snow 2 6.12.3 Analysis of Recon Instruments' Business Model 6.12.4 SWOT Analysis of Recon Instruments' Portfolio and Strategy 6.13 Samsung 6.13.1 Samsung Galaxy Gear 6.13.2. Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo 6.13.3 Samsung Gear Fit 6.13.4 SWOT Analysis of Samsung's Portfolio and Strategy 6.14 Sony 6.14.1 The SmartWatch Product Line The Original SmartWatch 6.14.2 SWOT Analysis of Sony's Portfolio and Strategy 6.15 Other Wearable Technology Companies of Note 7. Conclusions 7.1 Regional Wearable Technology Markets 7.2 Wearable Technology Sub-Markets 2015-2020 7.3 Device Production 7.4 Interoperability and Cloud Service s 8. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Tables Table 3.1: Global Wearable Submarkets Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %, % Share) Table 3.3: Global Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %) Table 3.8: Global Wearable Submarkets Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($B, AGR %, % Share) Table 3.10: Global Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%, CAGR %, Cumulative Revenues) Table 4.1: Regional Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions) Table 4.2: Regional Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR%, CAGR%) Table 4.3: North American Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( M, AGR%, CAGR %) Table 4.4: North American Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %, % Share) Table 4.8: North American Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%, CAGR % and Cumulative Revenues) Table 4.11: Asia Pacific Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (M, AGR%, CAGR %) Table 4.12: Asia Pacific Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %, % Share) Table 4.16: Asia Pacific Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%, CAGR % and Cumulative Revenues) Table 4.19: European Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( M, AGR%, CAGR %) Table 4.20: European Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %, % Share) Table 4.24: European Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%, CAGR % and Cumulative Revenues) Table 4.27: RoW Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (M, AGR%, CAGR %) Table 4.2 8: RoW Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %, % Share) Table 4.32: RoW Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($B, AGR%, CAGR % and Cumulative Revenues) Table 5.1: Global SmartWatches Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%, CAGR % and Cumulative Revenues) Table 5.6: Global SmartWatches Shipments Forecast by Top 5 Brands 2015-2020 (M, AGR %, % Share) Table 5.18: Apple SmartWatch Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (M, AGR%, CAGR %) Table 5.19: Apple SmartWatch Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 (M, AGR%, CAGR %, Cumulative Revenues) Table 5.28: Wearable Cameras Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%, CAGR % and Cumulative Revenues) Table 5.31: Wearable Cameras Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( M, AGR%, CAGR %) Table 5.36: GoPro Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( M, AGR%, CAGR %) Table 5.45: Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( M, AGR%, CAGR %) Table 5.54: Fitness & Activity Trackers Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR% , CAGR %, Cumulative Revenues) Table 5.57: mHealth Devices Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( 000's, AGR %, CAGR %) Table 5.60: mHealth Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative Revenues) Table 5.57: mHealth Devices Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( 000's, AGR %, CAGR %) Table 5.60: mHealth Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative Revenues) Table 5.63: e-Textiles Devices Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (M, AGR %, CAGR) Table 5.66: e-Textiles Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($M, AGR %, CAGR, Cumulative Revenues) Table 5.70: AR Glasses Shipment Forecast 2015-2020 (000's, AGR %, CAGR %) Table 5.72: List of Important Companies Producing or Launching AR Glasses Table 5.74: AR Glasses Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($B, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative Revenues) Table 6.1: Adidas Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue $bn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.2: SWOT Analysis of Adidas' Wearable D evice Portfolio Table 6.3: Boston Scientific Company Overview 2013 (Total Revenue $bn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.4: Boston Scientific Selected Wearable Technology Offerings Table 6.5: SWOT Analysis of Boston Scientific's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.6: Eurotech Company Overview 2013 (Total Revenue $bn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.7: Eurotech's Regional Operations Table 6.8: Eurotech Wearable Technology Offerings (Category, Model, Description) Table 6.9: Zypad WL1500 Technical Specifications Table 6.10: Zypad WL 11xx Technical Specifications Table 6.11: Zypad WR 11xx Technical Specifications Table 6.12: Zypad BR2000 Technical Specifications Table 6.13: SWOT Analysis of Eurotech's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.14: Fitbit Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue $Mn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.15: SWOT Analysis of Fitbit's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.16: Garmin Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue $bn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.17: Garmin Fenix Technical Specifications Table 6.18: Garmin 220 and 620 Running Watch Features Table 6.19: SWOT Analysis of Garmin's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.20: Jawbone Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue $Mn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.21: SWOT Analysis of Jawbone's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.22: Johnson & Johnson Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue $bn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.23: SWOT Analysis of Johnson & Johnson Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.24: Medtronic Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue $bn Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Websit e) Table 6.25: SWOT Analysis of Medtronic Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.26: Nike Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue $bn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.27: SWOT Analysis of Nike's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.28: Pebble Technology Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue $bn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.29: Pebble Watch Specifications Table 6.30: SWOT Analysis of Pebble Technology's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.31: Polar Electro Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue $Mn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.32: Polar Electro Product Offerings (Category, Model, Description) Table 6.33: SWOT Analysis of Polar Electro's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.34: Recon Instruments Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, We bsite) Table 6.35: Recon Instruments Strategy Points and Description Table 6.36: SWOT Analysis of Recon Instruments' Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.37: Samsung Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue $bn Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.38: Samsung Galaxy Gear Specifications Table 6.39: SWOT Analysis of Samsung's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.40: Sony Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue $bn, Subsidiaries/Divisions in the Wearable Technology Market, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 6.41: Sony SmartWatch Generational Comparisons Table 6.42: SWOT Analysis of Sony's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 6.43: Other Wearable Technology Companies ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 1.1: Wearable Technology Submarket Segmentation Figure 2.1: Wearable Technology Market Structure Overview ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Charts Chart 3.2: Global Wearable Submarkets Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %) Chart 3.4: Global Wearable Submarkets Shipments Forecast 2015 (% Share) Chart 3.5: Global Wearable Submarkets Shipments F orecast 2018 (% Share) Chart 3.6: Global Wearable Submarkets Shipments Forecast 2020 (% Share) Chart 3.7: Global Wearable Submarkets AGR Forecast 2015-2020 ( AGR %) Chart 3.9: Global Wearable Submarkets Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%) Chart 3.11: Global Wearable Submarkets Revenues Forecast 2015 (% Share) Chart 3.12: Global Wearable Submarkets Revenues Forecast 2018 (% Share) Chart 3.13: Global Wearable Submarkets Revenues Forecast 2020 (% Share) Chart 3.14: Global Wearable Submarkets Revenues AGR Forecast 2015-2020 (AGR%) Chart 4.5: North American Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %) Chart 4.6: North American Wearable Submarket Shipments AGR Forecast 2015-2020 (AGR %) Chart 4.7: North American Share of Global Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (AGR %) Chart 4.9: North American Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%, CAGR % and Cumulative Revenues) Chart 4.10: North American Share of Global Wea rable Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (AGR %) Chart 4.13: Asia Pacific Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %) Chart 4.14: Asia Pacific Wearable Submarket Shipments AGR Forecast 2015-2020 (AGR %) Chart 4.15: Asia Pacific Share of Global Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (AGR %) Chart 4.17: Asia Pacific Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%) Chart 4.18: Asia Pacific Share of Global Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (AGR %) Chart 4.21: European Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %) Chart 4.22: European Wearable Submarket Shipments AGR Forecast 2015-2020 (AGR %) Chart 4.23: European Share of Global Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (AGR %) Chart 4.25: European Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%) Chart 4.26: European Share of Global Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (AGR %) Chart 4.29: RoW Wearable Submarket Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %) Char t 4.30: RoW Wearable Submarket Shipments AGR Forecast 2015-2020 ( AGR %) Chart 4.31: RoW Share of Global Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (AGR %) Chart 4.33: RoW Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%) Chart 4.34: RoW Share of Global Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (AGR %) Chart 5.2: Global SmartWatches Revenues Forecast 2013-2020 ( $B, AGR%) Chart 5.3: Top 5 SmartWatches Brands Share of Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.4: Top 5 SmartWatches Brands Share of Revenues Forecast 2013-2020 (%, Apple AGR%) Chart 5.5: SmartWatches Share of Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.7: Global SmartWatches Shipments Forecast 2013-2020 ( M, AGR%) Chart 5.9: Global SmartWatches Shipments Forecast by Top 5 Brands 2015-2020 (M, Global AGR %) Chart 5.10: Global SmartWatches Shipments Forecast by Top 5 Brands 2015-2018-2020 (% Share) Chart 5.11: SmartWatch Share of Global Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.12 : SmartWatches Company HQ Regional Breakdown Chart 5.13: Apple Inc IPhone Sales Q3/2007 to Q1/2015 (M, Growth Rate %) Chart 5.14: Apple Inc IPhone Sales 2007-2015 by Type (M) Chart 5.15: Apple Inc IPad Sales Q3/2010 to Q1/2015 (M, Growth Rate %) Chart 5.16: Apple Inc Sales by Product Q1/2014 vs. Q1/2015 ($ B) Chart 5.17: Apple SmartWatch Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (M, AGR%, Penetration Rate %) Chart 5.19: Apple SmartWatch Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($B, Gross Margin) Chart 5.20: Samsung SmartWatches Share of Global Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.21: Samsung vs. Other (Non-Apple) SmartWatches Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (M, AGR %) Chart 5.22: Motorola SmartWatches Share of Global Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.23: Motorola vs. Other (Non-Apple) SmartWatches Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (M, AGR %) Chart 5.24: LG vs. Other (Non-Apple) SmartWatches Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (M, AGR %) Chart 5.25: LG SmartWatches Sh are of Global Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.26: Pebble vs. Other (Non-Apple) SmartWatches Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (M, AGR %) Chart 5.27: Pebble SmartWatches Share of Global Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.29: Wearable Cameras Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%) Chart 5.30: Wearable Cameras Share of Total Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.32: Wearable Cameras Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( M, AGR%) Chart 5.33: Wearable Cameras Share of Total Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.34: Global Wearable Cameras Demand by Segment 2015 (%) Chart 5.35: CIPA Companies Digital Cameras Historic Shipments 199-2014 ( M, AGR%) Chart 5.37: GoPro Shipments Forecast 2012-2020 ( M, AGR%) Chart 5.38: GoPro Share vs. Other Wearable Cameras Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( M) Chart 5.39: GoPro Share of Global Wearable Cameras Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (%) Table 5.40: GoPro Revenues Forecast 20 15-2020 ( M, AGR%, CAGR %, Cumulative Revenues) Chart 5.41: GoPro Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( M, AGR%) Chart 5.42: GoPro vs Other Wearable Cameras Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($ M) Chart 5.44: GoPro Share of Global Wearable Cameras Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.46: Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( M, AGR%) Chart 5.47: Fitness & Activity Trackers Share of Global Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 ( %) Chart 5.48: Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast by Top 3 Company 2014-2020 ( M, AGR%) Chart 5.49: Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast by Top 3 Company 2014-2018-2020 ( %) Chart 5.50: Nike's Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast 2014-2020 (M, AGR%) Chart 5.52: Jawbone Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast 2014-2020 (M, AGR%) Chart 5.53: Fitbit Fitness & Activity Trackers Shipments Forecast 2014-2020 (M, AGR%) Chart 5.55: Fitness & Act ivity Trackers Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR%) Chart 5.56: Fitness & Activity Trackers Share of Global Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.58: mHealth Devices Shipments Forecast 2014-2020 ( M, AGR %) Chart 5.59: mHealth Share of Global Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 ( %) Table 5.60: mHealth Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ( $B, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative Revenues) Chart 5.61: mHealth Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($B, AGR %) Chart 5.62: mHealth Share of Global Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 ( %) Chart 5.64: e-Textiles Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 ( M, AGR %) Chart 5.65: e-Textiles Share of Global Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 ( %) Chart 5.67: e-Textiles Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($M, AGR%) Chart 5.68: e-Textiles Revenue Forecast by Industry 2015-2018-2020 (%) Chart 5.69: e-Textiles Share of Global Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 ( %) Chart 5.71: AR Glasses Shipment Forecast 2015 -2020 (000's, AGR %) Chart 5.73: AR Glasses Share of Global Wearable Shipments Forecast 2015-2018-2020 ( %) Chart 5.75: AR Glasses Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($B, AGR %) Chart 5.76: AR Glasses Share of Global Wearable Revenues Forecast 2015-2018-2020 ( %) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Companies Mentioned in this report 3rd Space Adidas Advanet Group AiQ Alta Devices Amigo Apple Inc. Bayer Bayer Material Science Best Buy Bioserve Technologies AB BlackBerry Boston Scientific Breitling Coca-Cola CommBadge Context ual Computing Group Continue CrossFit DAQRI DFK I Embrace+ Engadget Ericcson Ethlab Eurotech Finland Eurotech France Eurotech Ltd Eurotechnic Eurotech S.p.A. EyeTanya FedEx First Warning Systems Inc. Fitbit Inc. Fitbug Flextronics Fujitsu Garmin Asia Corporation Garmin International Inc. Garmin Ltd. GoPro Heapsylon Hewlett-Packard HP Labs HTC Huawei I'm Watch Imec Intel ION Jabra Jawbone Jins Johnson & Johnson KeyGlove Kickstarter Kiwi Wearables Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) Knoica Minolta Kopin LaForge Laster Technologies Lenovo LG Limmex Lok8u Looxie Maxvirtual Medtronic Memoo MetalPro MetaWatch Microsoft Misfit Shine Misfit Wearables Mobisante Motorola Mobility Motorola Solutions Muse New York Times Nike Oakley Oculus ODG Optinvent ParvusPebble Plantronics Pocketfinder Polar Electro Preventice Proteus Digital Health Recon Instruments Reebok Samsung Scott Sharp Sleep Cycle Smith I/O Sonitus Medical Sony Sony Mobile Communications Spartan Race ST MicroElectronics Tag-Heuer Taser Tech Radar Technical Illusions Telit Wireless Texas Instruments Thimble Bioelectronics Toshiba Vantron Varta Vievu Vuzix Wal;-Mart Wearable Experiments Xiaomi YouTube Zeal Zephyr Technology ZTE Government Agencies & Other Organisations Mentioned in This Report Camera & Imaging Products Association New Orleans Police Department US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) US DARPA ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for EUR1373/ USD1649/ GBP1099 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for EUR3599/ USD4499/ GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for EUR5999/ USD7499/ GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for EUR8399/ USD9999/ GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Dorottya Szalai on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9964 or email: And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT N umber (only for E.U.): Please contact me should you have any questions or wish to receive an executive summary of this report. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Dorottya Szalai Telecoms Industry Consultant |
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To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
Message-Id: <20151123150052.-72648103@vgtelecomreports.com>
Subject: Industrial Internet Market Report 2015-2025
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 15:00:52 +0000
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Mon, 23 Nov 2015 15:00:52 +0000
From: Dorottya Szalai<dorottya.szalai@vgtelecomreports.com>
To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
Message-Id: <20151123150052.-72648103@vgtelecomreports.com>
Subject: Industrial Internet Market Report 2015-2025
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From: Dorottya Szalai<dorottya.szalai@vgtelecomreports.com>
To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
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Subject: Industrial Internet Market Report 2015-2025
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To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
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Subject: Industrial Internet Market Report 2015-2025
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To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
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Subject: Industrial Internet Market Report 2015-2025
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To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
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Subject: Industrial Internet Market Report 2015-2025
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To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
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Subject: Industrial Internet Market Report 2015-2025
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To: ali.ali-an@yandex.by
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Subject: Industrial Internet Market Report 2015-2025
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end of DATA command)
Industrial Internet Market Report 2015-2025
Industrial Internet Market Report 2015-2025 The Future for Machine to Machine (M2M), Smart Connected Devices, Big Data Analytics & Internet of Things (IoT) Publication date: 11 June 2015 Number of Pages: 179 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
The Industrial Internet market is set for accelerated growth in 2015 as more businesses realize its potential uses and the positive impact it can have upon various industry verticals. The Industrial Internet market has already gained momentum with increasing adoption, offering a wide variety of uses and portfolio of applications, which is expanding sizeably. The main attraction offered by the Industrial Internet is its potential to change strategy and a plethora of a new products and service possibilities benefitting the whole industrial ecosystem. visiongain expects global industrial internet revenue to reach $244.3billion in 2015. Visiong ain expects global industrial internet revenues to reach $244.3bn in 2015. Why is this significant? Visiongain believes that 2015 will be a pivotal year for the industrial internet as companies address increasing demands from a number of industries and public sector for full-time connectivity and the government initiatives that support greater mobile connectivity. Not only will the industrial internet and M2M market flourish many IT and Telecom based industries will see huge growth with the widespread application of the industrial internet, especially wireless infrastructure, big data and cloud computing, consequently enabling the industrial sector to generate great value in a number of industries in the form of increases in production, efficiency and substantial OpEx and CapEx savings. Why is this important to you? If you are involved in the industrial internet market or intend to be, then you need to read this report. It's essential you keep your knowledge up to dat e. Market scope: Visiongain provides forecasts from 2015-2025 in terms of value (US$) for the global industrial internet market, as well as for vertical submarket forecasts from Aerospace/Defence, Healthcare, Automotive/Transportation, Energy/Utilities, Agriculture, Retail, Manufacturing, and Others. In addition, five regional markets and 10 leading national markets are forecast and analysed over the period 2015-2025. The report also provides profiles of 24 leading vendors operating within the industrial internet ecosystem and analyses key developments in the vendor landscape. |
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Industrial Internet Market Gaining Increased Traction Globally 1.2 Market Definition 1.3 Market Segmentation 1.4 Benefits of This Report 1.5 Report Scope 1.6 Methodology 1.7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1.8 About Visiongain 1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports 2. Introduction to the Industrial Internet Market 2.1 What is the Industrial Internet? 2.2 Defining Internet of Things (IoT) 2.2 M2M Technology is the Backbone behind the Massive Potential in the Industrial Internet Market 2.2.1 M2M History and Recent Developments 2.3 A Range of Benefits Derived From Industrial Internet 2.4 IoT Applications by Industry 2.5 Cloud to Play Pivotal Role in the Industrial Internet Industry Boom 2.6 Big-Data to Explode With the Rise in Industrial Internet Market 2.7 Growth in the Wireless Sector 2.8 Industrial Internet Growth Drivers 2.9 The Internet of Things Value Chain 2.10 Big Opportunit y for Companies to Thrive in Booming Industrial Internet Market 3. Global Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 3.1 Market Definition 3.2 Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015-2025 3.3 Global Industrial Internet Connections Forecast 2015-2025 3.4 Global Industrial RFID Market Forecast 2015-2025 3.5 Global Industrial RFID Tag Connections Forecast 2015-2025 4. Global Industrial Internet Submarket Forecasts 2015-2025 4.1 What are the Leading Submarkets in Industrial Internet Revenue Forecast 2015-2025? 4.1.1 Global Industrial Internet Revenue Submarket Forecast AGR & CAGR 4.1.2 Automotive/Transportation Sector Leading the Industrial Internet with a Market Share of 28.0% In 2015 4.2 Industrial Internet Aerospace/Defence Submarket Forecast Summary 2015-2025 4.3 Industrial Internet Healthcare Submarket Forecast Summary 2015-2025 4.4 Industrial Internet Automotive/Transportation Submarket Forecast Summary 2 015-2025 4.5 Industrial Internet Energy/Utilities Submarket Forecast Summary 2015-2025 4.6 Industrial Internet Agriculture Submarket Forecast Summary 2015-2025 4.7 Industrial Internet Retail Submarket Forecast Summary 2015-2025 4.8 Industrial Internet Manufacturing Submarket Forecast Summary 2015-2025 4.9 Industrial Internet Others Submarket Forecast Summary 2015-2025 5. Regional Industrial Internet Forecasts 2015-2025 5.1 Regional Market Analysis 5.2 Europe Leading Region in Terms of Revenue in 2015 5.2.1 Regional Industrial Internet Revenue Forecast AGR & CAGR 5.2.2 Europe Leading Regional Industrial Internet Market Share in 2015 with 34.0% 5.3 Top 10 National Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 5.3.1 United States Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 5.3.2 Chinese Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 5.3.3 German Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 5.3.4 United Kingdom Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 5.3.5 Japanese Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 5.3.6 Brazilian Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 5.3.7 South Korean Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 5.3.8 Italy Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 5.3.9 Russian Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 5.3.10 Indian Industrial Internet Market Forecasts 2015-2025 6. SWOT Analysis of the Industrial Internet Market 6.1 Strengths 6.1.1 Cost savings 6.1.2 Creating New Revenue Streams 6.1.3 Connected Devices Growing Rapidly 6.1.4 LTE and Industrial Internet Uptake 6.2 Weaknesses 6.2.1 IoT Solutions Can Be Expensive 6.2.2 Technical Problems 6.2.3 Limited 3G Infrastructure 6.2.4 Limited Awareness 6.3 Opportunities 6.3.1 Ubiquitous Access to Wireless Broadband will Promote Growth 6.3.2 IoT Gaining Popularity 6.3.3 Enhanced Market Segmentation 6.3.4 IoT can be Expanded to A ny Vertical 6.4 Threats 6.4.1 Security Concerns 6.4.2 Highly Fragmented Market Place 6.4.3 Unclear Business Models 7. Industrial Internet Ecosystem Analysis 7.1 Network Concerns in Industrial Internet Application 7.2 Requirements for Widespread Deployment of Industrial Internet 7.2.1 Data Security a Big Concern for Industrial Internet Adoption 7.2.2 GPRS / SMS / CDMA / LTE 7.2.3 Two-Way Communication 7.2.4 Support for More than One Communication Type 7.2.5 Ensuring Minimum Downtime 7.2.6 Cost Effective 7.2.7 Utilising the Right Toolsets 7.2.8 Optimised Billing 7.3 Business Case for Industrial Internet Adoption 7.3.1 Smart Services for Industrial Internet Applications Smart Service Business Plan for OEMs 7.4 The Future Potential of Industrial Internet 7.4.1 System Awareness 7.4.2 Business Case for System Awareness 7.4.3 M2M Platform Requirements and Opportunities 7.4.4 Industrial Internet in the L TE Era Switching from GSM to LTE Impact of Switch from GSM to LTE on M2M 7.5 Internet Protocol Version 6 – IPv6 7.5.1 IoT Migration to IPv6 8. Leading Companies in the Industrial Internet Ecosystem 8.1 Introduction 8.2 ARM 8.3 AT&T 8.4 Blackberry 8.5 Bosch 8.6 Cisco 8.7 Emerson Electric 8.8 General Electric (GE) 8.9 Google 8.10 Hewlett-Packard (HP) 8.11 IBM 8.12 Intel 8.13 Freescale 8.14 Microsoft 8.15 Omron 8.16 Oracle 8.17 PTC 8.18 Qualcomm 8.19 Rockwell Automation 8.20 RTI 8.21 Samsung 8.22 SAP 8.23 Texas Instruments 8.24 Verizon 8.25 Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) 9. Conclusions 9.1 Industrial Internet Market Drivers 9.1.1 Network Coverage 9.1.2 Telematics and Telemetry Increasing Efficiency 9.1.3 Service Providers Need to Expand Offerings 9.1.4 IPv6 Will Increase IoT Opportunities 9.1.5 IoT Creating Scope for Development of New Applications 9.2 Industrial Internet of Things Market Challenges 9.2.1 Fragmented Value Chain 9.2.2 Lack of Universal Standards 9.2.3 Migration from 2G to 3G/4G and Seamless Connectivity 9.2.4 Marketing Challenges 9.2.5 Security Concerns 9.2.6 Financing Problems a Hurdle in Industrial Internet Growth 9.3 Opportunities with the Industrial Internet 9.4 Way Forward 9.4.1 Increase in Partnerships 9.4.2 Standardisation in Technical Framework 9.4.3 Measuring Big Data via Meaningful Analytics 9.4.4 Generate New Business Models 9.5 Key Areas for Successful Adoption of Industrial Internet 9.6 Industrial Internet Gaining Increased Support from Major Players 10. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Tables Table 2.1 IoT Applications by Industry Table 3.1 Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.2 Global Industrial Internet Connections Forecast 2015-2025 (billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.3 Global Industrial RFID Market Forecast 2015-2025 ($ million, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.4 Global Industrial RFID Tag Connections Forecast 2015-2025 (billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.1 Global Industrial Internet Revenue Submarket Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion) Table 4.2 Global Industrial Internet Revenue Submarket AGR Forecast 2015-2025 (AGR %) Table 4.3 Global Industrial Internet Revenue Submarket CAGR Forecast (%) 2015-2020, 2020-2025, and 2015-2025 Table 4.4 Global Industrial Internet Mark et Share Forecast by Type 2015-2025 (%) Table 4.5 Industrial Internet Aerospace/Defence Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.6 Industrial Internet Healthcare Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.7 Industrial Internet Automotive/Transportation Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.8 Industrial Internet Energy/Utilities Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.9 Industrial Internet Agriculture Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.10 Industrial Internet Retail Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.11 Addressable Plants, Assets and Machinery within the Manufacturing Industry 2015 Table 4.12 Industrial Internet Manufacturing Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)< br>Table 4.13 Industrial Internet Others Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.1 Regional Industrial Internet Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion) Table 5.2 Regional Industrial Internet Revenue AGR Forecast 2015-2025 (AGR %) Table 5.3 Regional Industrial Internet Revenue CAGR Forecast (%) 2015-2020, 2020-2025, and 2015-2025 Table 5.4 Regional Industrial Internet Market Share Forecast 2015-2025 (%) Table 5.5 Top 10 National Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015-2025 ($ Billions, AGR%, % Share) Table 5.6 US Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.7 China Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.8 Germany Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.9 UK Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumula tive) Table 5.10 Japan Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.11 Japan Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.12 South Korea Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.12 Italy Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.13 Russia Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.14 India Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 6.1 SWOT Analysis of the Industrial Internet Market Table 8.1 AT&T's M2M Solution Advantages Table 8.2 Benefits of Intel's Hardware based M2M Solution Table 8.3 Benefits of Intel's Software based M2M Solution Table 8.4 M2M for Increased ARPU Table 8.5: Verizon's Industrial M2M Soluti ons Table 8.6 List of Companies Part of the Industrial Internet Consortium Table 9.1 Industrial Internet Application Opportunities ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 2.1: IoT Value Chain Figure 3.1 Industrial Internet Market Venn Diagram Representation Figure 3.2 Industrial Internet Sub-Market Segmentation Figure 3.3 Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 3.4 Global Industrial Internet Connections Forecast 2015-2025 (billion, AGR%) Figure 3.5 Global Industrial RFID Market Forecast 2015-2025 ($ million, AGR%) Figure 3.6 Global Industrial RFID Tag Connections Forecast 2015-2025 (billion, AGR%) Figure 4.1 Global Industrial Internet Revenue Submarket Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion) Figure 4.2 Global Industrial Internet Revenue Submarket AGR Forecast 2015-2025 (AGR %) Figure 4.3 Global Industrial Internet Market Share Forecast by Type 2015 (%) Figure 4.4 Global Industrial Internet Market Share Forecast by Type 2020 (%) Figure 4.5 Global Industrial Internet Market Share Forecast by Type 2025 (%) Figure 4.6 Total Number of Active Aircrafts By Type 2015 (000's, %) Figure 4.7 Industrial Internet Aerospace/Defence Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.8 Industrial Internet Aerospace/Defence Submarket Share Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 4.9 Industrial Internet Healthcare Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.10 Industrial Internet Healthcare Submarket Share Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 4.11 Industrial Internet Automotive/Transportation Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.12 Industrial Internet Automotive/Transportation Submarket Share Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 4.13 Industrial Internet Energy/Utilities Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.14 Industrial Internet Energy/Utilities Submarket Share Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 4.15 Industrial Internet Agriculture Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.16 Industrial Internet Agriculture Submarket Share Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 4.17 Industrial Internet Retail Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.18 Industrial Internet Retail Submarket Share Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 4.19 Industrial Internet Manufacturing Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.20 Industrial Internet Manufacturing Submarket Share Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 4.21 Industrial Internet Others Submarket Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 4.22 Industrial Internet Others Submarket Share Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 5.1 Regional Industrial Internet Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billion) Figure 5.2 Regional Industrial Internet Revenue AGR Forecast 2015-2025 (AGR%) Figure 5.3 Regional Industrial Internet Market Share Forecast 2015 (%) Figure 5.4 Regional Industrial Internet Market Share Forecast 2020 (%) Figure 5.5 Regional Industrial Internet Market Share Forecast 2025 (%) Figure 5.6 Top 10 National Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015-2025 ($ Billions, AGR%, % Share) Figure 5.7 US Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billions, AGR%) Figure 5.8 US Share of Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 5.9 China Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billions, AGR%) Figure 5.10 China Share of Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 5.11 Germany Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billions, AGR%) Figure 5.12 Germany Share of Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 5.13 UK Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billions, AGR%) Figure 5.14 UK Share of Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 5.15 Japan Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billions, AGR%) Figure 5.16 Japanese Share of Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 5.17 Brazil Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billions, AGR%) Figure 5.18 Brazilian Share of Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 5.19 South Korea Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billions, AGR%) Figure 5.20 South Korean Share of Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 5.21 Italy Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billions, AGR%) Figure 5.22 Italy Share of Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 5.23 Russia Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billions, AGR%) Figure 5.24 Russian Share of Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 5.25 India Industrial Internet Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($ billions, AGR%) Figure 5.26 Indian Share of Global Industrial Internet Market Forecast 2015, 2020 and 2025 (% Share) Figure 7.1 Smart Service Business Plan for OEMs Figure 8.1 IBM MessageSight System Figure 8.2 Framework of Intel's Internet of Things Solution Figure 8.3 Microsoft Azure Intelligent Systems ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Companies mentioned in this report 2lemetry ABB Accenture adaptiv.io, Inc. Aeris aicas Alcatel Lucent Altera Corporation America Movil Analog Devices, Inc Apple Apprion ARM Holdings Plc. Arrayent AT&T Inc. Atomic Database Corporation Axeda Corporation Baosight Bayshore Networks, Inc. Bedrock Automation Blackberry Bosch Boston Dynamics C3 Energy Cambium Networks, Ltd. Canonical Group Limited Care Innovations Certified Security Solutions Charles Stark Draper Laboratory China Mobile China Telecom Cinterion Cisco Systems Inc CODELCO Chile Coldlight Conduce Inc. CSI Technologies CSIRO Cubicon Corporation CyberLightning Ltd. CyberX Dan Hussain Datawatch Decisyon DeepMind Dell Deloitte LLP Detecon, Inc. Deutche Telekom DGLogik, Inc. DigiCert, Inc Eclipse Foundation Ei3 Corporation Elecsys Corporation EMC Corporation Emerson Electric EnerTech Inc. ENT Foundation EnterpriseWeb Ericsson Etisalat Exosite First Line Software, Inc FogHorn France Telecom Fraunhofer IOSB Fraunhofer USA Center for Manufacturing and Innovation Freescale Semiconductor Inc. Frost Data Capital Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. Fujifilm Corporation Fujitsu Limited General Electric General Electric (GE) GM Haier Group Hewlett-Packard (HP) Hilscher North America, Inc. Hitachi, Ltd. Honeywell Huawei technologies Co. Ltd IBM ICT Austria IGear Online Industr ial internet Consortium (IIC) Infineon Technologies Infosys Limited Intel Corporation ITW Jabil Jasper Technologies, Inc. Jasper Wireless Inc. Kaiser Permanente Kepware Technologies Kore Telematics Korea Electronics Technology Institute KPN Kyland Technology Co., Ltd. Lido Stone Works LocalGrid Technologies LogMeIn Machina Research Limited MachineShop, Inc. Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Manitowic FoodService MD PnP Micron Technology Microsoft Corporation MITRE Corporation Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Modius, Inc. Moxa Inc Mtell National Instruments NEC Corporation Nest Labs NeuStar, Inc. NGRAIN (Canada) Corporation No Magic nPhase NSN NTT Docomo Numerex NXP Semiconductors Omron Corporation Omron Ventures Corporation Onstar Open Group. Oracle Corporation Orange Business Services Pacific Controls Parker Hannifin Parstream People Power Pitney Bowes PrismTech Productivity Apex, Inc. ProSyst Software GmbH PTC Inc PTC Inc. Purdue University Purfresh Inc. Putman Media QNX Software Systems Qualcomm CDMA Technologies Qualcomm Inc. Qualcomm Technologies Inc. Qualcomm Technology Licensing Division Inc. QualiCal Qylur Intelligent Systems Real-Time Innovations Rexroth RhoData Corporation Robert Bosch GmbH Rockwell Automation Rogers Room 5 Roxar RTI SafeLogic Saffron Technology, Inc. Samsung Samsung C&T Samsung Electronics Samsung Engineering Samsung Heavy Industries Sansa Security SAP SE SB Microsystems Schneider Electric Sentient Science SevOne, Inc. Shanghai Symtech IT Co. ltd Siemens Sierra Wireless Singlewire Singtel SINTEF Spark Sprint Stream Technologies Symantec Synapse Wireless System Insights Tata Consultancy Services TE Connectivity Tech Mahindra Limited Tego Inc Telcel Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) Telefonica Telefonica UK Telekom Austria Telenor Connexxions Telenor Objects Telit Telstra Telstra Software Group Tennant Company Texas Instruments The Weather Company ThetaRay LTD. Thingsquare ThingWorx ThyssenKrupp Elevator T-Mobile Toshiba Toyota Motor Sales T-Systems TTTech Tyco Tyntec UI LABS UL UNISYS Corporation Uptake V2COM Verisign, Inc. Verizon Communications Inc. Verizon Wireless Vimplecom Vodafone VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Wapice Ltd Water & Process Group (WPG) Wave Systems Corp WiPro Wireless Glue Networks WITTENSTEIN Inc. Works Systems, Inc. wot.io Wyconn Xcaliber Technologies, LLC ZTE Organisations Mentioned in This Report Auburn University Carnegie Mellon University China Academy of Information and Communications TechnologyCork Institute of Technology EU CASAGRAS FAA Industrial Technology Research Institute Institute for Information Industry John Hopkins University MIT National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED) Shenyang Institute of Automation Technische Universität Darmstadt The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) of the U.S The Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) and the Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC) of Japan The China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) The Internet Society The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) of the U.S. The Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) of Korea UK DEEC University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh Vanderbilt University ---------------------------------------- -------------------- |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for EUR2249/ USD2699/ GBP1799 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for EUR3599/ USD4499/ GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for EUR5999/ USD7499/ GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for EUR8399/ USD9999/ GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
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