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пятница, 7 сентября 2018 г.
Re: Autonomous Vehicle Suppliers Market 2018: Trends, Developments and Competitive Landscape
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Autonomous Vehicle Suppliers Market 2018: Trends, Developments and Competitive Landscape
Report Information: Release Date: August 2018 Report Overview: The autonomous vehicle technology has been progressing with full speed. A huge sum has already been spent and much more in the pipeline to introduce driverless cars on roads. Currently, autonomous technology developers are racing to be the first to introduce the driverless technology. The first-move advantage is driving the speed towards L5 autonomy, which would open doors for new revenue streams. However, the key to the quick adoption of the technology lies beneath the safer technology. The legislation can make it harder for AVs to run without drivers and prolong the testing period further if the AVs is vulnerable to threats and jeopardising human lives. In recent surveys, half of Americans think they would never buy a fully autonomous car. A number of accidents including a self-driving Uber vehicle that killed a pedestrian, which was the first ever death involved a fully autonomous vehicle, also impacted people views towards self-driving vehicles. We expect that initially fully autonomous vehicles would be used for ride-hailing purposes. However, ride-hailing companies are also facing some hurdles in key markets such as London, and recently in New York. The global autonomous vehicle ecosystem has expanded significantly in recent years whereas both startup and leading technology corporations entered the market. We have seen some major M&As and partnerships recently across all the building blocks of the autonomous technology including data processing, sensors, connectivity, cybersecurity, mapping and algorithm. Technology companies, such as Apple, Samsung, Google and Baidu have seen the same potential as car manufacturers and decided to invest in autonomous technology. Most of these companies partnered with automakers to speed up the development, but some are working stand alone. Why this report is unique, and a must read for the autonomous vehicle market and automotive industry? 'Autonomous Vehicle Suppliers Market 2018: Trends, Developments and Competitive Landscape' report from Commodity Inside is a valuable resource necessary for examining the major suppliers for the autonomous vehicle market. The report scope encompasses mainly the major suppliers/distributors and their recent developments in the field of autonomous technology, SWOT analysis, opportunities, drivers and restraints, regulations and sizing the autonomous market. The report covers the following key aspects:
Suppliers coverage::
Why our analyses are robust and authoritative?
Table of Contents Chapter 1- Executive summary Chapter 2- Introduction and Methodology Chapter 3- Suppliers Landscape Chapter 4- SWOT Analysis of the Autonomous Vehicle Suppliers Market Chapter 5- Trends, Developments and Challenges Chapter 6- Conclusions
List of Tables: Table 1.1: Autonomous vehicles forecasts by region 2019-2028 (millions units) List of Figures: Figure 1.1: Autonomous vehicle technology timeline
Report Pricing Single User License: £2399 Departmental License (up to 5 Users): £4399 Global License: £5699
Ordering process Please contact David Smith on david.smith@cioutlookreports.com And provide the following information: Please contact me if you have any questions, or wish to purchase a copy I look forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards David Smith Business Intelligence Executive To Unsubscribe send an email with Unsubscribe in the subject line to info@cs-reports.com |
понедельник, 3 сентября 2018 г.
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